In Developer console google
CreateCredentials -> Select Application Type -> Web Application -> Add redirect Uri( and create the clients
In Postman
Token name : Google OAuth token
Grant Type : Authorization Code
Callback Url :
Authorize Using browser
Auth Url :
Access Token URL :
Client ID : (Obtained from Creating Projects in developer console)
Client Secret : ***
Scope :
Client Authentication: Send as Basic Auth header
Request Token will generate a new token with Mail send Access
Make Post Request to the following url{mailaddress}{APIKEY}
{APIKEY} -> Generated in the Developer console
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Test Email
Convert the following text into base64 format
Embed the {base64String} to raw format
"raw": {base64String}
Press the send button in the Postman .Mail sent from gmail account.
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