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Devon Middle School

We are a grade 6 to 8 school in Fredericton, New Brunswick.
There are no bus or school alerts at ASD-W

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What’s happening


November Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner

This wonderful student was the recipient of our Winner-Winner Chicken Dinner for the month of November. Thanks for making the DMS Gymnasium a fun place to play!

Terry Fox Fundraiser

We will be holding our annual Terry Fox activity here at DMS on September 27th. If you would like to make a donation to the Terry Fox Foundation, please click…

DMS Bell Schedule 2024-2025

Please find below the bell schedule for this school year. Please note the changes to start time, the lunch hour and end of day dismissal.

Lost & Found

We have gathered quite a few items again. Please take a look and if anything belongs in your home, please ask your student(s) to pick it up before end of…


Friday, March 28
K-8 PL Day

Teachers will spend this day preparing report cards.

Friday, April 11
K-12 Parent Teacher & PL Day

Parent Teacher interviews will be held in the morning, Teachers will do PL in the afternoon.