
Got a new intern today. He is a way better coder than me! πŸ˜‚

  • 5
    You can interchange knowledge :)

    Him the code and you (i think) project management skills
  • 7
    Hahah gotta love that! πŸ˜‚ Learn as much as you can from them tho. It's important to note that everybody had to learn what they know, this is your opportunity just as much as it is theirs. knowledge is to be shared not tallied up!
  • 37
    Quick, defeat him in battle and steal his powers!
  • 36
    Seriously though, it's very cool of you to recognize it and not be a dick about it.
    As other people have already said, take the chance to learn from him too.
  • 7
    Kudos to you for acknowledging something like that. I'm sure you'll be a great mentor.
  • 1
    ++ for agreeing. Play as tag team. 😊
  • 3
    @DoctorWhatIf there was a game I used to play as a kid, battle realms where two warlocks enter a tower they fight and a master warlock leaves lol, you just reminded me of that :D

    Also that's awesome, good job on getting someone to learn from/teach things and bounce ideas off
  • 0
    @phiter Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
  • 0
    Confessing this already had make you the best!
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