A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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It seems that the delete method presented in this book doesn’t handle one case. This function does nothing if we try to remo...

Author Spotlight:
Jay Wengrow
Jay Wengrow founded Actualize, a Chicago-based coding boot camp. We recently sat down with ...

“What is the maximum number of steps it would take to perform a binary search on an array of size 100,000?”
“To solve this,...

While reading Chapter 6, I might have spotted a little error in the Insertion Sort Explanation part on page 85, where it say...

In the second paragraph under the heading “Wrapping Up”, this sentence:
Speaking of which, in the next chapter, we’ll discover a new dat...

Chapter 19 contains:
Finally, we reach the -9. This would make the current sum -4,
Since the current sum is 6 before encountering -9,...

In the graphs chapter (p. 414 in the ePub edition), the weight for the connection LA-Miami is missing:

Chapter 18 contains this sentence:
Gina has two neighbors: Derek and Gina.
This should be “Gina has two neighbors: Derek and Irena.” ...

The chapter “Average celsius reading” (p. 143 in the ePub edition) contains this fragment:
readings from across many thermometers acros...

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms - insertion at wrong index (page 140)
I tested the example of a link...
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“What is the maximum number of steps it would take to perform a binary search on an array of size 100,000?”
“To solve this,...
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Author Spotlight:
Jay Wengrow
Jay Wengrow founded Actualize, a Chicago-based coding boot camp. We recently sat down with ...

Hello! Thanks for the great book.
I was attempting the Trie (chap 17) exercises and for number 4 the solution provided for the autocorre...

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition by @jaywengrow:
page 326 - missing param
on the def autocomplete...

At the bottom of page 96, “execute three more steps" should be “TWO more steps.” Even numbers have three steps, odd numbers have one step...

On page 379, this part of the Dijkstra shortest path code is supposed to determine the next unvisited city to visit based on it being the...

Hi, I am trying to convert the ruby code of Quickselect into python and I noticed that I have to add return statements in the if else con...

Hi, in page 54, there is a line that begins with “To put it this in a way that would hold true…”. I believe it should read “To put this i...

Book: A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition
Page 320
Function: collectAllWords
Python Version: CPytho...

There are two provided implementations for the number_of_paths function. The ‘hardcoded’ version is correct, but the simplified version i...

The first complete paragraph on page 428 contains this phrase: “But if we make it to end of the loop…”
The word “the” is missing. The se...

The attached image shows the first paragraph on page 433. Toward the end of the first line, the toggling between serif and sans serif fon...

Maybe you were just trying to keep the sum_swap code clean and streamlined for ease of reading, but this method didn’t seem as air-tight ...

Hi, in page 42, before the line with the result of log of 64 in base 2, there is a line that reads as:
“Because we had to multiply 2 by ...

Maybe best case of improved Intersection Algorithm perform N2/2 comparisons: A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Seco...

Hi, I believe the word “remain” in the last line of the second paragraph in page 39 should be replaced by “remains”.
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Algorithms and data structures are much more than abstract concepts. Mastering them enables you to write code that runs faster and more e...

A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition by Jay Wengrow @jaywengrow
I have the paperback version of t...

In the answers for the Chapter 13 exercises, there are several uses of JavaScript’s array.sort() to sort an array of numbers. However, th...

Hello! It’s Jay Wengrow, author of A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms. My book now has a supplemental website, where ...

Hi @jaywengrow,
I think the table of Selection Sort shows wrong Max number of steps.
For example, for N = 5 we sould have:

In the graph on page 41, the arrow leading from O(log n) points to the O(1) function instead of to the O(log n) function.

On page 331, the subtitle says “Code Implementation: Trie Search,” but the section is about insertion, so it should be “Code Implementati...

Title: A Common-Sense Guide to Data Structures and Algorithms, Second Edition
Example: Incorrect time complexity (page 55)
Notice the ...

The word “make” is omitted in the phrase “make this magic come alive” in Chapter 20. (more details in the screenshot)

In chapter 6,
Page 93/438.
"But now, in the best-case scenario, where the two arrays are identical, we only have to perform N compar...

At the bottom of page 85, “position that is greater or equal” should be “smaller”. That is, the loop should stop running once it encounte...

On page 91, there’s an example of an array intersection function that uses a double equals in its comparison line:
if (firstArray[i] == ...

Can you please check the time complexity of “Count the Ones” on page 102? I got confused. It has 2 loops (outer and inner). Let’s...

In the middle of the page is this sentence:
“Once we find the 4, we can delete it one step:”
This should instead read, “Once we find th...
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