Agile Web Development with Rails 8 (Pragmatic Bookshelf)
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class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
“This Order class is defined to be a subclass of the ApplicationRecord class.”
Should the class ...

The B4 version still has a paragraph about the Ruby 3.3.4 work-around and using sed in the Dockerfile. It’s no longer needed because it’s...
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When you generate a new Rails, app, there is no version constraint on tailwindcss-rails in the Gemfile. The gem released version 4.0.x on...

Hello, I was struggling a bit with completing chapter 11, iteration F4.
While the changes done in the “admin” (maintenance?) panel to st...

Title: Agile Web Development with Rails 8: page 128 (epub)
On a fresh install, the foreman gem needs to be installed before running bin/...

Title: Agile Web Development with Rails 8 B3.0:: Typo when creating array (51)
Edition B3.0
On page 51 there is a typo in an example fo...

It looks like the Atom feed section of the book was intended to be removed for this edition, but there are still references to it, as wel...

The footnoted link is giving me a 404
It’s listed as

The creation of the products scaffold in Task A requires ActiveStorage and newly created Rails 8 apps provide the configuration needed by...

Agile Web Development with Rails 8 Beta 3: Rails 8 uses params.expect instead of params.require(...).permit(...) by default in the genera...

“demo> bin/rails about” works on Windows 11 Git Bash shell, no need for “ruby bin/rails about”. Although on Powershell, “ruby bin/rail...

In a test "image url" there are a couple of product creations and assertions of validity. However text afterwards states that:
Rather t...

Paragraph on p 265, you no longer navigate to http://localhost:3000/admin to login. It’s now http://localhost:3000/session/new (or just t...

For Iteration J1 Selecting the locale, there is some discontinuity between the code and the text.
The products resource has a get :who_...

The section that instructs users to change the using: :chrome to using: :headless_chrome at the top of page 189 is no longer needed. rail...

This is just an update that needs to be made to the text. In previous versions of the book, you start off with no endpoints of the app re...

In “ A perenniel theme of Rails is compressing complexity,” I think perenniel should be perennial.
Most Active Last Three Years

% rbenv install 3.3.5
==> Installing ruby-3.3.5...
-> ./configure "--prefix=$HOME/.rbenv/versions/3.3.5" --enable-...

“created include title, description, image_url, and price, as well as a few timestamps”
There is no image_url defined in the migration o...

The form_with helper for orders/_form.html.erb needs to have a url: parameter with the current locale or else the form will be submitted ...

Title: Agile Web Development with Raiis 8 : Typo in Linux install rails gem. Chapter 1 Installing Rails (page number 12 )
The command t...

The last code sample says it’s
I believe this must be depot_f not depot_...

Title: Agile Web Development with Rails 8 (page xiv)
The link for the Rails Doctrine is incorrect (404). Ruby on Rails — The Rails Doctr...

The current third playtime bullet for Task J I18n is no longer relevant:
Translate the Order::PAYMENT_TYPES shown in the drop-down. You...

Iteration I2: Administrative Pages. The h1 tag for the admin#index view has contradictory text size classes text-lg and text-4xl. The ima...

The final screenshot in Iteration J2 after adding the number formatting for the es locale still has the en number formatting.
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