Toys "R" Us founder Charles Lazarus opens Children's Bargain Town, a baby furniture store, in Washington, D.C.
First Toys "R" Us store is opened.
Geoffrey the giraffe becomes the company's mascot. He appears in his first TV ad in 1973. The company sells stuffed animals, Lego sets and figurines in Geoffrey's likeness.
Toys "R" Us becomes a public company.
Kids "R" Us opens, selling children's clothing. It had a 20-year run before all 146 stores were closed in 2003.
Babies "R" Us is born, selling diapers, cribs and car seats. There were more than 200 Babies "R" Us stores as of 2017.
The website is launched.
The company is bought by three private equity firms and taken private.
Toys "R" Us buys well-known New York toy store FAO Schwarz. It closes the store in 2015 and sells the brand a year later.
Toys "R" Us closes its flagship store in New York's Times Square, which had a 60-foot Ferris wheel, after 14 years.
Toys "R" Us announced a plan to liquidate its inventory and shutter all 735 stores in the U.S. It's already shuttering its business in the United Kingdom.