Cisco is seeking 15 schools to form part of its Digital Schools Network. These schools will form part of an international group of schools connected through Webex technology.
The network – which includes members from India, Singapre and Japan – will provide student cultural experiences. Member schools will also be able to access free virtual classes run by universities, where students can learn about cyber security, entrepreneurial skills and STEM.
Teachers from member schools will be provided with professional learning and access to a bank of virtual excursions aligned to the DET curriculum. Teachers can also participate in professional Digital Badging program, with credentials provided by the Centre for Interactive Learning and Collaboration.
Cisco will run Education Through Leadership programs thoughout the year for network members.
A mixture of regional and metro schools will be selected. The 15 selected schools will be will be provided with additional Webex training to help them navigate the team space.
Expressions of Interest close Friday 17 May 2019.
Contact [email protected] for more information.