A second season premiered in January 2023. A Netflix original net animation (ONA) anime series produced by J.C.Staff was released from April to October 2021. The series was adapted into a live-action television drama by Nippon TV in 2020. Published in the online manga magazine Kurage Bunch since 2018, The Way of the Househusband follows an ex- yakuza member who retires from crime to become a househusband. You can watch this series with a subscription to Netflix.The Way of the Househusband ( Japanese: 極主夫道, Hepburn: Gokushufudō) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kousuke Oono. What did you think of The Way of the Househusband Season 2? Comment below. With the new epoch officially upon us, The Way of the Househusband Season 2 is a proudly bizarre and surprisingly entertaining way to kick it off. It shouldn’t frankly be as funny as it is, but here we are. Each episode is a clutch of smaller arcs that are mostly unrelated, but the same characters do crop up, and some recurring gags – like frequent references to “Policure”, a riff on the mid-2000s magical girl anime Pretty Cure, or PreCure – help with the sense of cohesion. Is The Way of the Househusband Season 2 good? Some highlights include Tatsu trying to gain membership of a women’s club group, a battle of haiku poetry – “Well, at least it’s moonlit,” is how Tatsu’s poem about a raid is described – and Tatsu trying to teach Miku how to play golf in a way that won’t get her killed by a Yakuza boss who must win but can’t know he’s being allowed to. Each vignette revolves around a very simple premise: Miku has a whole bunch of pastries to eat, Tatsu and Tora battle over the efficacy of camping cooking equipment, and so on, and so forth. You’d think that basically one joke repeated across many – the fifth episode reaches the ninetieth vignette – segments would wear thin, and yet somehow, The Way of the Househusband is as funny when it ends as it was when it began.Īs with the first season, the stories are pretty contained, revolving almost entirely around the same clutch of characters – Tatsu, his wife Miku, and his apprentice Masa, though there are some recurring figures, like Tatsu’s rival Tora, who functions as a (very) light villain, to give the whole thing some more continuity. Tatsu is a notorious former gangster nicknamed “The Immortal Dragon” who has given up a life of crime for house husbandry, but he treats everything from cooking and cleaning to haiku and camping with the same no-nonsense, uber-masculine intensity. READ: Best Anime Shows on Netflix in 2023 And the humor is still much the same, based around juxtaposing the seriousness of a Yakuza hitman with the mundanity of various household tasks and everyday situations. The episodes – there are five so far, but if the release cadence of the first season is anything to go by, there could be another five on the way – are still broken up into several smaller mini-arcs, each lasting a few minutes. The art and animation still have the same motionless style designed to evoke manga panels it’s less fluid than most anime fans are used to, and I can see why people don’t like it, but it works here. The Way of the Househusband Season 2 review and plot summaryīut, as mentioned, little has changed.
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