society and makeup companies to women at all times: you have to wear makeup, like you literally have to or else you look like a corpse, so wear it you fucking corpse. aren’t you terrified of getting old? aren’t you insecure about your little blemishes? we have the $80 solution.
someone online: you don’t have to wear makeup
someone else in response, without fail, every single time: yeah but it’s okay if you want to wear makeup :). I mean, it’s a personal choice, which involves no coercion from the constant social pressures that dictate how women should present themselves, so go ahead! Don’t let mean people bully you into thinking it’s okay to have flaws in your skin.
(backseating you at the mortar and pestle) man you aint even squarshing it
Pop Magazine Fall/Wint 2004 - Christina Ricci by Mert & Marcus
i could add a few more stages to grief if they let me
i love when its sunnyyyy yaaaay i want to get married
Ilya Kaminsky, from “A City Like a Guillotine Shivers on Its Way to the Neck”, Deaf Republic
@ryebreadgf / The Truth About Grief, Fortesa Latifi / bone deep, m.v.e / Sidewalk, Richard Silken / unknown / 60 hours, m.v.e / @itsblackleader / Salt, Nayyirah Waheed / @heavensghost
i have decided to stop being depressed and start being hot again
Rainer Maria Rilke, from Rilke’s Book of Hours: Love Poems to God
by Roger Haus
cried a little looking at this