How to style a SelectBox?

Another option is to inject a short js script with st.components.v1.html to do the styling:

import streamlit as st

def color_selectbox(n_element:int, color:str):

    js = f'''
    // Find all the selectboxes
    var selectboxes = window.parent.document.getElementsByClassName("stSelectbox");
    // Select one of them
    var selectbox = selectboxes[{n_element}];
    // Select only the selection div
    var selectregion = selectbox.querySelector('[data-baseweb="select"]');
    // Modify the color = '{color}';
    st.components.v1.html(js, height=0)

chosen1 = st.selectbox("Menu 1", ["Option1.1", "Option1.2", "Option1.3"], key="option1")
color_selectbox(0, 'pink')

chosen2 = st.selectbox("Menu 2", ["Option2.1", "Option2.2", "Option2.3"], key="option2")
color_selectbox(1, 'yellow')