My Story, my blogging experience, my purpose…
Why yes, I think this is the longest blog post I’ve ever written. It’s more along the lines of a book but if you’re interested in knowing a bit about the girl behind the blog, then I believe reading every word will accomplish just that! lol Warning: it’s not a suspense-type read, likely borderline zzzz if you’re a thrill seeker! I rarely have this much to say (I’m usually the quiet one in the crowd) so bear with me while I get longwinded and share my story.
Ever have one of those times when you’re feeling super blessed? When you’re so happy you could just burst? Nothing specific has happened. No awesome event. Not a special announcement or exciting news. I write for my DIY blog (DIY Show Off and you’re here! “HI! Welcome! or Welcome back!”) and I almost always have a DIY project in progress. I looooove DIY. I love being crafty, decorating, improving my home, shopping, planning, organizing and even cleaning. I love learning. I love hands on. I love transforming ugly into pretty. And I’m so thankful that what I love to do has become my career via my blog. It’s a dream come true and I’m thankful for each and every visit every single day, every link up, every comment, every share and every feature. And the encouragement and support I receive, that makes it all worth while. Thank you!
Hello! My e-friends call me Roeshel. My family calls me Shelly. Mr. DIY calls me Mittens. My girls call me Mim. What new baby grandson will call me is still up in the air.
Mom to Rosie, our Italian Greyhound, too!
Since I’ve been blogging for so long, sometimes I assume I’ve known my readers/blog friends all along. But my analytics shows differently most of the time. So, if you’re new to DIY Show Off {“Welcome! Hi! SO glad you’ve stopped by!”}…you may not know our story.
Here it is:
Growing up, my parents owned an old fixer upper farmhouse. We’re talking serious fixer upper. No bathroom. Chickens running through the kitchen. But, they used their small budget and turned that old farmhouse into a home filled with love and fun memories…the place I see in my head when I think about my childhood. I loved that old house. And I guess I turned out just like my mom in that way. She was always painting, the queen of wallpaper and super creative when it came to re-doing a house on a budget. She is my inspiration.
When I was a little girl, one of my favorite things to play with was my paper dolls. My sisters and I would create our own. We’d have dolls and clothes and I’d take the creativity a step further and make a paper house with furniture and accessories, a yard and barn with animals. Not much has changed. I still love creating a pretty home (minus the farm animals).
Gratitude: I’m so thankful for my family. I’m so blessed. I mentioned my mom above. I’m very close to my girls {Bri & Ali} who share my love of DIY and thrifty treasures. They’re both artistic and creative souls. They’re my best friends. They celebrate my small milestones.
My sister is always a great listener and has the best advice. She is always optimistic and supportive. She makes the best of every situation and always sees the silver lining or accepts things that cannot be changed. I could write 100,000 words on the people that mean the most to me. My long time friend always offers her help. My blog friends and readers…too many to list, but I can’t tell you how often my e-friends have left a kind comment just when I needed it or shared my excitement. These people make me want to give 100% and do my best when it comes to my blogging.
I haven’t forgotten my husband…
My partner: I refer to him as my Mr. DIY.
Mr. DIY is the one who encourages me daily to live my dream, to do what I love. He is amazing and if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be a DIY blog author. He reassures me during those difficult times. We rarely argue. Our biggest argument: When something is lost. Nothing gets Mr. DIY’s blood boiling hotter than when he can’t find something. And 99.9% of the time it’s because of me. I’ve either
- put it away where it belongs and he’s staring straight at it but not seeing it,
- moved it somewhere without thinking as I was clearing clutter to stage photos for blogging and even I can’t find it for 20 years,
- or he’s left it where he last used it and doesn’t remember where that was.
I started a blog to journal our home improvements at the time when we purchased this old fixer upper farmhouse. Those who started blogging around the same time might remember me from Evangeline’s Vine. I blogged about our life as well. Then two years later, I decided to create a blog dedicated to DIY / home related topics because I found that others enjoyed DIY home improvement and decorating just as much as I did. I wanted to create a place where others could show off their work and be encouraged. That’s when DIY Show Off was created. {I finally had the opportunity to give up my full time medical/administrative position for a part time medical transcription job from home for the same company in 2009. My medical transcription position officially ended in 2011 and I became officially self employed! Hurray!} I LOVE my job now and look forward to ‘work’ every day.
DIY farmhouse kitchen makeover…
I haven’t always used the best judgement or made the best decisions, but I’m learning and believe that my life happened the way it did because it needed to. I think I’m a better person because of the choices, and yes, sometimes mistakes that I’ve made too. Things I dislike most about myself: lack of confidence, indecisiveness and not being witty or talkative. I always think of things I should have said after the fact. Drives me crazy! Things I do like about myself: My faith, my determination, my creative drive, my life.
I chose the name DIY Show Off because after my first blog, I wanted a name that shared my specific interest. DIY and sharing – and I never meant for that to be ‘me’ as the “show off”, but a place for readers and other bloggers to “show off” their hard work. We put so much time, thought, energy, creativity and hard work into do-it-yourself and getting a little recognition for a job well done is an awesome feeling! Now that there are so many feature blogs, I’d love to come up with something prettier but I’m torn because after so long, changing a name feels like starting over. So DIY Show Off it is.
I’m always working on something and taking pictures along the way. Sometimes I’m working on five things. All at once. I love being creative and productive. I’m so blessed {and SO thankful} to be doing what I love to do. I wanted to explain what my days are like for those who don’t own a blog. This is my average day:
Nearly everyday:
- After waking up and having breakfast, I check/answer emails.
- Comments.
- Social media.
- Most times I visit a few blog friends, see what they’re up to, leave a comment, pin some inspiring ideas.
- The most common windows open on my desktop are: other blogs, Gmail, analytics (real time), my blog (both home page and dashboard), Pinterest, Facebook, my daily devotions.
- I have to tear myself away from the computer to get showered and dressed (somedays not until later in the afternoon).
- Back to the computer. lol!
- Then on to a do-it-yourself project or running errands.
- Gathering supplies.
- Grabbing camera (making sure the battery is charged and there’s enough memory/storage). Sometimes I forget this step and use my iphone if it’s more convenient for me.
- Starting the project.
- Taking pictures along the way and thinking how to word things, what steps and tips are helpful (and checking to make sure pictures aren’t blurry and lighting is good, etc.).
- Back to the computer in between steps which require drying time/etc.
- Back to the project.
- Finishing the project.
- Staging project for “after” photos. Most times, this requires cleaning or at least clearing clutter (Wouldn’t it be fun to see behind the photographer or to the side of a project? In my house, you’ll most likely see a mess!)
- Uploading photos to computer.
- Organizing/sorting pictures.
- Editing, labeling and re-sizing pictures.
- Writing a tutorial.
- Uploading pictures into post, making sure to label them correctly for SEO and give descriptions.
- Proofreading. Rewriting tutorial (oh, about 3 times). And I don’t know about you, but by that time I have the post memorized and I’m not seeing mistakes. OR – who else does this: proofreading means adding to the post and all of a sudden, it’s a book. So more editing to narrow it back down to a reasonable length.
- Scheduling to publish or if I’m too excited, just hitting “publish”.
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Target
- TJMaxx
- GoodWill/Salvation Army
- HomeGoods, Ikea, Hobby Lobby – but they’re at least an hour drive that I only make a few times a year.
The Good/The Bad: Blogging is a roller coaster experience. When visits are up, I’m on cloud 9. I feel loved. Bloggers can’t help but smile or have that happy feeling – “Hey, someone took the time to visit, to comment, to encourage me, to understand me! YAY! I helped/taught someone something today. I inspired someone!” It’s an awesome on top of the world feeling! Being featured, being recognized. Hard work appreciated. Helping someone. Teaching. Making friends. That all makes blogging worthwhile. And at the same time, a day with no comments or low stats, well, it feels down right discouraging. And while all bloggers try NOT to let pageviews control our mood, the reality is, sometimes it does. I’m learning the trick is “don’t look” so often.
And those discouraging days? Those are the days when I turn off the computer, step away from blogging and spend time on other interests. For me it’s family, friends or reading a book. Sometimes bloggers need to re-energize and put blogging on the back burner. But again, it’s an addiction and more than likely, that blogger (me) is back online within the hour. 😉
Blogging for money: When blogging starts to cost money, making some is helpful. DIY Show Off earns money from ad networks and sponsored posts when the product, company or service is a good fit. Money goes back into the blog. I’d guess a big % goes to doing projects which provide free content and makeover our home at the same time. I’m so thankful for the opportunities blogging has given me. Blogging has given me some dream come true moments and I’m still dreaming. 🙂
Blogging is time consuming!
As I mentioned above, in between all of the work it takes to create a blog post with original content, time for blog maintenance is required. Sometimes a blog will let you know when maintenance is needed (not a good day). And if you’re a little technically challenged like me, it takes a lot of research on Google to figure things out. I also have an awesome web developer who I email or call on for technical emergencies (or what feels like emergencies to me). I’m also in a few online groups and seek help there when all else fails.
Blogging highlights/things that have made me squeal for joy/accomplisments:
- Making friends and meeting others who share my love for DIY, home improvement and decorating is by far my favorite thing ever about blogging. Online friends are every bit as wonderful as real life ones. 🙂
- Being featured by other bloggers. When hard work is recognized and an e-friend feels it’s worthy to share with their readers…it’s the best news of the week!
- Being featured in magazines. When This Old House contacted me a couple of years ago, I felt like I won the lottery! What? Me? My budget bathroom makeover?! Yes!!!!!!! And the ones since then have left me with that same elation. Definitely a dream come true!
- FrogTape Blog Squad and spokesperson. Promoting a product I use all.the.time is an awesome experience! And those FrogTape ads in Country Living and House Beautiful made me realize that being a blogger is awesome and serious and I’m exactly where I want to be.
- Shaw Floors/HGTV Home design challenge – the all expense paid trip to design a room around a floor with Cassity (Remodelaholic) and several other teams of bloggers was an unbelievable and amazing experience that I will never ever forget.
My dreams include continuing help others realize they can create a home they love on a small budget and a lot of DIY, to grow the DIY Show Off business and amazing opportunities to work with the brands I believe in. I’d love to create my own brand one day. My dreams include a full featured magazine article about something I’ve done with a real professional photography session. My dreams include being able to continue doing what I love, to inspire others. My dreams do not include being famous…unless someone invents a dork filter. 😉
But probably the biggest dream I have is making a difference. More than anything, I’d love to be in a position to give back BIG – in a way that changes lives.
Embracing imperfection: While blogging means showing off our best, the truth is…we have a messy house sometimes. Maybe even most of the time. Sometimes I’m behind on cleaning, laundry, projects or blogging because life comes first. And for every staged photograph, if you could turn the camera around or just a little to the left or right and see what I see…it’s “real life”. The same with our DIY. Real life contains “oops” and boo-boos and imperfections. Creating a comfortable, beautiful environment for your family doesn’t have to be perfect. Just do what you love. I spend more time in my home than anyone else on earth and all that matters when it comes down to it, is that we’re happy with our surroundings. {see my “keeping it real” post}
Essential Oils: I know. There is info all over social media. In 2014, despite the trend I’d read about everywhere, I was a skeptic. Until a friend handed me an essential oil for an issue I was having. Instant relief. What? No way! Essential oils? It got me curious. If it worked that quick for that one thing, how else could it help my family? I have four close family members diagnosed with breast cancer in four years. You guys, with no family history/no hereditary gene, it became evident that our environment and what we consume is a contributing factor to what is feeling like an epidemic in our family. We were taking our health for granted. Young Living essential oils have inspired healthier choices. They have been life changing for us.
Creating a beautiful home begins with providing a safe environment for those we love. I adore Young Living’s products and I’m SUPER passionate about sharing wellness, purpose and abundance with others. You can read more about our story and experience with essential oils here. Yes, I’m on a mission to inspire others to make healthier choices and invite you to reach out with questions on how Young Living can help you and your family. Roll your eyes, doubt but keep an open mind and don’t hesitate to at least look into essential oils, to ask, listen, consider if it’s something for you. I REALLY wish I had known about the power of essential oils sooner and it breaks my heart to see others suffer, struggle, just accept not feeling well. In fact, I feel guilty not sharing. Seriously…
let’s talk without obligation or pressure…it’s not even important that you sign up under me, just that you give these amazing products a fair shot. Remember the biggest dream I mentioned above? This is it. Purpose: educating others to embrace wellness, make healthy choices, to create a beautiful safe home, to encourage others, to changes lives in a big way.
BLOGGING COMMUNITY: The do-it-yourself blogging community is filled with so many talented, amazing friends who share the same passion! Isn’t that the best? When others in real life mostly have other interests, sharing within our DIY, decorating, crafting community is so cool because those friends understand! Those friends are excited to see how a tool works or how an ugly piece of furniture gets transformed or how $100 can transform a room. We all share the same addictions and the same obsessions. In my real life, friends can sometimes appreciate it but don’t always understand it.
I just wanted to tell you a little bit more about the girl behind DIY Show Off. And to tell you this: YOU are a HUGE source of inspiration and encouragement. If it wasn’t for YOU being here, there wouldn’t be a blog. Without your support, it’s just a diary but because of you, because of blog friends and readers, my diary became a blog and I am thankful every single day. Thank you for making this girl’s dreams come true.
And if you’ve read through this entire post…thank you x 100! I’ve always wanted to share a little bit more about myself. Maybe that was a lot. lol! But thank you for following along. It means so much more to me than you can imagine
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Thanks for sharing your INCREDIBLE story with such honesty. More good things are surely coming your way. You’re a rock star, girlfriend. xo
Kimberly, you are such a sweetheart. Thank you so much! I was so nervous hitting “publish” on that post, but your comment made me feel so much more at ease. Hard to talk (type?) about myself. lol!
All this time I thought that Mr DIY was fictional 🙂
Thank you for sharing your diary with all of us and continuing to inspire.
haha, Mel! I was getting worried that readers might think those hairy arms in the tutorials were mine! lol!
I’m so thankful for your long-time friendship. 🙂
It takes a lot of courage to share so much of yourself with honesty and humor. Thanks for sharing, and here’s to many more happy years of DIY!
Thanks, Korrie. I was really nervous about this post. I’m quiet/shy usually until I get to know people…maybe that’s why it took 5 years to write. haha! Many more happy years of DIY for sure and same to you! 🙂
Thank you for sharing! What an awesome experience. I’m new to blogging – started mainly because I wanted to share/journal about our process of making our farm ours. I love sharing the projects and what’s happening. Love how you share yours! It’s been an inspiration to me. Keep up the good work!
I so enjoyed reading more about “you”, your story and your blogging journey. Wishing all your dreams for the future come true. You really are one of the sweetest bloggers out there!
Awe, thanks, Shannon! I feel the exact same way about you. You’re always so thoughtful and genuine. 🙂
I LOVED reading that Roeshel. I’ve known you for a few years now… but learned a bunch of new info. Thanks for sharing with us!
Thanks, Maryann. I love reading about blog friends too. I find that it’s always so different than the impression I get when I don’t know…it’s more comforting knowing a little more detail. 🙂
It’s always nice to learn more about the bloggers that I have been reading for awhile. Thanks for chatting away about your life and feelings!
Thanks, Maureen! I loved your post today!
Great post Roeshel! I love reading about other bloggers and their lives. It’s always interesting to learn more about the person behind the blog. What I love about you most is your amazing relationship with your daughters! It is very inspiring. You are one awesome mama! With a 14 year old stepdaughter and 6 year old daughter, I can only hope to have that closeness with them. And of course all your DIY projects are gorgeous. I haven’t been commenting much, if at all, on any blog lately. Not enough time in the day. But now that school has started I plan on getting back to blogging and commenting a lot more! Thanks again for sharing your story! =)
~ Catie
If you’re interested, here’s my story so far.
Very nice to find out more about you. I laughed about the Mr. DIY not seeing something right in front of him. I think it is totally a husband thing. Thanks for the bio – very cool!
Stacey of Embracing Change
Stacey – doesn’t that drive you insane?! Actually though, I think I’m inheriting it through marriage. It’s rubbing off! I’ve lost a couple of things lately and they were right under my nose. Of course I didn’t blame anyone or freak out like someone-we-won’t-mention. 😉 lol
Thank you so much for sharing your story! You truly are and inspiration to not just me but to many others as well! You are definitely ONE OF A KIND person whom I’m blessed to know not just through this post but in real life! Once again thank you for sharing of yourself in this post!
Thanks, Celeste! You’re that ‘long time friend’ who’s always willing to help. Might take you up on that tomorrow. Will give you a call here in a little. 😛
Oh thank you so much for giving us a real look inside you and your blog! Your projects are always such a DIY inspiration and learning more about your story is a life inspiration! Thanks again!
Awe, Jenny. Your comment brought tears to my eyes. Thank you. You are always so sweet and always take the time to visit and comment and that means so much to me! {hugs}
Thanks for your story! And wow! Blogging full time must be awesome/hard to stay fresh and inspired and I’m not surprised it takes a lot of time!
I think it is incredibly sweet that you shared so much of yourself with us…thanks Roeshel! Your precious story made my day! XO, Aimee
I was seriously so happy to read this about you. Sometimes when I read blogs that have so many followers and just feel like they are on a whole other professional level–I don’t always comment… you forget that behind it all is a mom, a daughter, a friend…just like the rest of us.
You are inspirational. You left gentle reminders in here and showed us the reality of how things can be—not just how they are perceived to be. I think it’s refreshing and makes you feel easy to relate to…in turn super encouraging.
I appreciate you taking the time to write this–and let us get to know you more. So well done! 🙂
Thanks for sharing your story with us Roeshel! You’ve come a long way, and have a lot to be proud of and thankful for. I couldn’t be happier for you!
Gail, I love that you always understand and share my excitement. You always get it. I’m so happy we got to meet this year and can’t wait to meet again! One of the things that I loved about you was your close relationship to your daughter too. I love that we have that (and DIY) in common. 🙂
Don’t know why I wrote that in past tense. ? lol
I loved reading this!! It was great getting to know you better and also to read the details about your blog. As someone who still feels like a newbie at blogging, I’m always so curious about the blogging process for more experienced and successful bloggers. I love that you shared this stuff with us. It’s inspiring to read how your dreams are coming true through your blog, and best of all, all the features you do are helping to propel the dreams of other bloggers!
Thanks, Brooke. I feel like a newbie blogger most of the time myself…things are always changing! And I don’t think you’re going to have any problems propelling your blogging dreams with your creativity!
My favorite photos are of the real life variety. They make me laugh, and nod my head. My mini adult offspring are Bri and Allie…pretty close in names to your kiddos. I am always dressed in thrift store finds, unless I am still in a nightgown, which I am hoping the neighbors don’t spy when I am in my garden. So much in common. Hehehe!
Thanks for the glimpse into your life.
haha, Lisa! We do have so much in common! What a coincidence about our girls’ names! Oh…trust me. I’m in my pajamas some days up until the hour before Mr. DIY comes home when I think I better get dressed. Not that I didn’t do anything all day but when no one sees you “at work”, getting dressed isn’t always first on the agenda! 🙂
I probably get just as giddy when I see one of your pics in a magazine, I might squeal and say I know her!! Ok, not in person but through your blog and talking back and forth a little bit! You are without a doubt my favorite blogger. First off a talent that I could only dream about and the most down to earth person I’ve come in contact with since I started my blog. You always have a kind word, you are always a source of encouragement. I loved this post. it shows how real and down to earth you are.
Jeri! It sounded to me like you were describing how I feel about you. Always, always a kind word. You’re always so supportive and encouraging to me. You take the time to visit and comment and it means so much to me. You definitely just made my day {fanning the happy tears in my eyes! lol} You’re one of those blog friends that I feel I have a lot in common with and it’s so cool! 🙂 Thank you!!!
You are very welcome xoxo
I loved reading this and learning more about you! It was so great to see you in person at Haven. You are such a beautiful person inside and out Roeshel, I am so glad you posted this after 5 years. 🙂 I love how you keep it real, want to show off others and it’s not about you. I know you’ll do great things with your blog, look how much you’ve already accomplished! Hugs friend!
Ange, I’m so super happy that we got to meet at Haven too. Ever since working with you on your Roomspiration series, I’ve felt like I gained an amazing good friend. And OMGosh – laughing so hard I was crying at Haven. You are hilarious! I love your sense of humor, love your home and love your beautiful inside and out self too. 🙂
i’ve been following you from the beginning (had a wreath tutorial from evangeline’s vine saved as a favorite for ever!). YOU are the inspiration and i wish you continued success and the fulfillment of the rest of your dreams not yet realized!
I loved reading about the woman behind the blog I enjoy reading so much! As a relatively new blogger, I love reading about what motivates you and how you got where you are now. Thank you for sharing.
Love your story. Mine is so similar, but different too. It’s amazing the way the tough things in life shape you into who you are now. Your Mr. seems super sweet and a lot like my Matt. I’m so glad you shared this, and so glad I found you a few months ago…love ya girl!
Oh, so fun to read Roshel! I just love your personality….even though I really only know it through a blog, you seem so nice.
I just switched to WP, and still haven’t plugged-in Google Annalytics and somehow I got kicked to be a no-reply blogger again….ah, one of those down in the dumps blogger weeks, so it’s nice to hear that you have them too.
So fun to read more about your “real life” lol or whatever we call it when we’re not blogging 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing your story in such an honest, well written and entertaining manner. Being fairly new to this blogging world (less that a year) it was very interesting to read about your thoughts, knowledge and experiences. I really enjoyed it! Take Care, Thea
Seriously LOVED reading this Roeshel! Although it still comes in second to having dinner with you at Haven and how much fun that was! 🙂 I loved hearing more about you and your story and it just makes me remember why I was drawn to your blog in the first place…not just because there were pretty (and cool!) projects but because there was a truly genuine person behind them!
Love, Vanessa
I love this post! I really like how honest you are. I feel like I know you so much better now. I wish we had spent more time chatting at Haven. I am super insecure also so when people are shy around me I just automatically assume it’s because they don’t want to talk to me because they don’t like me. I’m relieved to know you are just shy. lol. Okay, that whole sentence sounded weird, I hope you aren’t offended.
Thanks for keeping it real and being such a genuine down to earth nice honest person. You are awesome!
What a cool and honest glimpse into the world of blogging – from someone I repect and admire EVEN MORE after reading your story. I don’t blog and probably never will – but reading blogs is something I love to do. It’s like taking a nice long visit to far away places – without all the packing and traveling and unhealthy snacks that I always consume when I travel, lol. I don’t have any DIY skills whatsoever – but you make me believe that even I can do it!!!
Thanks for all you do, Roeshel – xxxooo
Roeschel, I had no idea we had so much in common! I too raised 2 daughters from a previous marriage for 8 years on my own until I found Mr. Right. I too am a work-from-home medical transcriptionist and would LOVE to one day get away from it and do what I LOVE…DIY-ing.!! Thank you SO much for your inspiration! You may have just jump started my dreams into reality, and maybe the next time we meet at Haven, I can call myself a blogger rather than a stalker!! Thank you!!!
I’m so impressed and amazed!! You’re so talented and courageous. It’s one thing to share your abilities and your DIY history. To share your personal history is so courageous to boot. You’ve inspired me to have more confidence in myself in so many ways. I can’t thank you enough!!
You wrote a wonderful heartfelt post. You are and have been an inspiration to me for a few years now. I love to DIY. I don’t have any friends who like to DIY and so reading your blog and some others makes me feel I do have friends out there somewhere!! Thanks putting together a wonderful blog!
I loved reading this (every word, lol). You have accomplished so much, and having been a single mom, I know how hard that was, and how close it has brought you and your girls together. Great job!
I was so glad to see your ‘staged’ and ‘real life’ pictures, and your confession that you can’t keep your home perfect. I have seriously considered starting a blog myself, but I always think “but I can’t do it, all those bloggers have spotless houses, everything is so perfect, I can’t live up to that!” I live in a huge old house, with three big dogs and two cats, and my house is never picture perfect.
I so love and admire what you have done with your home, just amazing!!
this was really cool to read. thanks for taking the time to put it all out there for us!
marissa @ rae gun ramblings
So great to hear your story Roeshel! My list of what I don’t like and do like about myself are quite similar to yours. I have a feeling we would get along quite well! 🙂 You are a very talented lady and I loved getting this little peek at the behind the scenes of you life.
This is so great, Roeshel!! I love reading all of the behind the scenes and getting to know you and your life a little bit more. I think Mr. DIY’s recipes would be a great addition to the blog. So glad to really hear how genuinely happy you are in life. 🙂
Oh My…first you are so LOVED! Your blog…and I have been to many…make such a difference in my world every day…you have put me in touch with the learning experiences of others…given me confidence to explore different projects…inspired me to finish the projects I have…featured me on your blog…been kind enough to write me back..even with the myriad of other things you have to do in a day…you are beautiful…REAL…and devoted to your home…you have faith in Jesus…have beautiful children…a beautiful home and an energy that is indescribable….I could write a book just on you Roeschel! I am grateful and thankful for you and all the effort you put into edifying others…
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It was very nice to read and get to “know” you better. 🙂
I really do appreciate everything you just shared especially about the ups and downs of blogging. I especially enjoyed the “staged” and “real life” photos. I’m so glad someone else has a bedroom that looks like that! 🙂
I LOVE this post! I just started my own blog 3 weeks ago and you are an inspiration. I love that you don’t claim to be perfect even though your house and blog are amazing. I feel pulled in different directions all of the time. If I am on top of filling my furniture orders for people than I am behind on laundry, cleaning and making dinners. If I’m on top of the household, I’m behind on my projects. Do you have any tips on growing your blog? How long I should wait to try to get ads on my blog? I’m just beginning and feel like I don’t know anything. Any tips would be appreciated.
Thanks so much!
Hi Shanna! Welcome to blogging! I feel like I’m a beginner most of the time too, there’s always something new to learn and hard to keep up with it all! lol I recommend getting Google Adsense on your blog now. After that, you can apply to ad networks, but I believe most prefer that you’ve been blogging 90 days/etc. Please feel free to email me anytime! I don’t always have all the answers, but I’m happy to help if I can!
So glad to find your site and thanks for sharing about your life. Very inspiring.
Of course I read this entire post! But the thing that really got me is your fabulous, close relationship with your girls. That’s really all that matters and I hope to have that when my girls are grown.
You are a rockstar and I know you’ll accomplish all your dreams. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself – messy bedroom and all!!
Roeshel…thank you so much for sharing your story. As I read through I began to notice a few things which happened in your life that seemed so familiar to me. My parents didn’t own a farmhouse but did own a Cape Cod and split level which together over the course of 32 years totally remodeled every room in both houses on some very thin dimes. I grew up around this so for me it was just a way of life. Didn’t every kid’s parents do this to their homes? I too had one failed marraige and was lucky enough to meet my Mr. Rosemary Lane, yes on-line! He and I will celebrate 10 years of marraige this November and we have two beautiful adopted children together. Also I have been employed in the healthcare profession for many years. I don’t know why, maybe the fighter in me always managed to intervene whenever advirsity was in my path, but each time life thew lemons at me I didn’t just make lemonade, I made candided lemon peels and planted the seeds to grow new lemon trees.This DIY community is filled with so many woderfully strong women who are not only talaneted but are so willing to support and help one another. It is a sisterhood, one of which I am very proud to be a part of. So again thank you for sharing your story and bearing your soul. I feel like I know you now on a much more personal level, and that is a beautiful thing. Have a wonderful week Roeshel and God bless.
It’s nice to know a little more about you too, Barbara! It seems we have some things in common and that we’ve both gotten through those tough times. Focusing on blessings was a huge help to me and realizing I had so much to be thankful for, even when a temporary situation left me struggling. 🙂
I loved your post and getting to know you a bit more Roeshel!
Noticed your new-to-me profile picture, then clicked on the icon leading here! Was nice to read your blogging story, thanks for sharing. I’ve yet to find the time to write a decent one for myself! I also met my husband on match — being a busy med student with all my closest friends dating each other wasn’t a great way to meet new people. Hope you’re doing well! xo
Roe- this is so cool to get to know you better! And I don’t care what you think, you are very witty and almost always make me laugh when I read a post or get an email from you! And besides, even if you didn’t, you amazing shazam like DIY skills make me inspired!
I enjoyed reading about your blogging experiences and yes, I read the whole thing!! I love your makeovers and parties.
My blog took a dive when I inadvertently let my domain name expire and a “domain squatter” got it and continued blogging with my hard earned audience! I am pretty sure his content is not his own, but what am I supposed to do? This is how they operate and just in it for money??? who knows! I just hate that so many of my followers are still linked to him 2 years later.
Having our first grandchild move in with his mommy when he was 2 days old slowed things down too. But, Mason has been a blessing and he just started 2 yr. old preschool allowing me to spend a little more time blogging. I have enjoyed getting back into some makeovers and I have been linking up to your parties.
I hope you keep growing and I hope you get a chance to be on tv and just be sassy and brave!
Wow, you are so generous to take the time to write this post! It must of taken a long time and yes, i read it all:)
As a new blogger, you’ve inspired me more than you will ever know to continue this new journey I just started.
Roeshel, I so enjoyed reading this post & getting to know you better. Had no idea you met your Mr. Right on Match. Love that! I’ve so enjoyed your friendship this past year & can’t wait for more fun times in the future. You’re the real deal! xoxo
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Well, the little “about sign” caught my eye today and I had to click, I am so glad I did! You really are such an inspiration to so many people out there and I am so fortunate to have run across you a few years ago and was so honored when you featured me. You are an amazing woman and I love getting to know a little more about you. The people that know you in “real life” are blessed to have you. XO
Wow. This was just what I needed today, at this moment. I was laughing so hard when I saw your little description of the days that make you happy. I too am learning that watching my stats sometimes isn’t very healthy, and I feel better when I just immerse myself in projects. I have been blogging for 5 years, but did it more as a portfolio of work for my clients for whom I painted.
I hired my sister in law to help me re-do my site, re-vamp the whole look, and I upped my photography skills a ton. Now here I am, just 10 weeks into my new blog, a little scared and intimidated by all the amazing talent out there. I am inspired, and reading this story about your blog really gives me energy. It actually sounded a lot like me! My days are pretty much what you are describing, except a little caboose entered our lives, so throw breastfeeding in there, and it’s pretty much the same schedule.
I am trying to get over my fears, and allowing my talents (and I know I’ve got them) to be shown in hopes of inspiring others. I too want to make money from my blog, but in the meantime, I’m continuing to work for clients in my area and I’m feeding my addiction of making my home beautiful. For this I am the most grateful woman in the world.
Thankyou thank you thank you for being the exact words I needed tonight.
Wendy Jones
Thank YOU, Wendy, for stopping by, for taking the time to comment and let me know what I’m not alone. 🙂
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Hi Roeshel, I just found your blog through Joss&Mains newsletter. I really enjoyed reading about your life and it inspires me!
I wish you success and I am sure you will have more and more readers! I am based in Paris, France so as we say here “bonne chance!”.
Hello Roeshel,
I found you as well via Joss & Main. I love your house and your story. You have inspired me in many ways to make some changes to our home. Thank you for the pictures of your kitchen. I saw your granite counter top and decided right away that I wanted the same for our kitchen. My husband is amazed I finally made a decision!! Now time to hire the fabricator and find the perfect stone. Question for you -is your stone honed, polished or leathered? (amazing what you learn after a few conversations with stone yards! Thank you! I look forward to reading more of your blogs. Lauren
Hi Lauren! Sorry for the delay. We just returned from vacation. I’m so excited that you found me from Joss & Main! Hi!!!! Our granite (Virginia Jet Mist) has a ‘honed’ finish. Hope that helps! Good luck! I’d love to see pictures of your kitchen! Hope you’ll ‘show off’ and share!
Thank you, Roeshel, for sharing your blogging story! So inspiring! I read through it, nodding my head thinking “OMG, I do the same thing!” , and “I feel like I need a dork filter, too!”. Lol! You are a girl after my heart! I look forward to following along on your continued blog journey!
Hi, Roeshel,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. It inspires me to keep working hard. My wife and myself have been running our website now for just about 1 year. We have had good luck with how we have worked so far. We have been able to increase our traffic up to around 12,000 visitors per month. We need lots more. I really need ways to generate more income. I see you mentioned that you use ad networks. Could you explain in more detail about this. We have been working hard to connect with other bloggers in the home improvement and DIY markets but many do not seem interested in helping out. As of the beginning of the year we will be adding a new area to our website, all about our lives, DIY projects we complete and more personal item to try and pull in more people that want this type of information. We would love any help, feedback, contact, or any other information that you would be wiling to help us with.
Thank you for your time,
we can be reached at
[email protected]
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays,
Tom Corliss-webmaster
Home Information Guru.comx
Hi Roeshel!
Your intro has been one of the most genuine I’ve read. You are an inspiration to many and I’m glad I stumbled upon your site (new subscriber!). I love that you are very grounded and share a lot of things in common with many of your readers (like myself). I just started my site on really beginner DIY’s and I love subscribing to bloggers like you. It’s so motivating to be part of a niche who enjoys the transformation process as much as I do!
Thanks for sharing your story!
Thanks, Judy! Welcome to blogging! Looking forward to checking things out and getting to know you better! 🙂
HI Roeshel: I saw your Frogtape ad in BHG and thought I’d take a look at your blog. You sound like a really lovely person and i appreciate your transparency about your self and your work. You seem like the kind of gal with whom I could be very good friends. It’s obvious you’ve put a lot of work into this website and even more so your home! It’s really darling and certainly reflects who you are. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with those of us who have such a passion for design.
Many Blessings,
Beth! You are so sweet! Thank you so much for stopping by, taking a look around, introducing yourself and leaving a note. It’s so nice to “e-meet” you! I really enjoy transforming this old house and making it our home, blogging about it and making new friends. Have a great weekend! Hope to “see” you again! 🙂 xo
HI Roeshel! I saw the ad for FrogTape in Country Living and got your blog from that! I LOVE IT!! I am trying to start my on up right now and like you I prefer to shop in thrift stores. You are truly an inspiration and yes I agree Blogs are a lot of work. I started in November with 2 posts and haven’t been able to get back to it since. So much to learn but life happens and it gets pushed back. I have a chair from Goodwill that I am going to try to reupholster and blog about. Wish me luck!! You can look at my first 2 blogs at Comments appreciated!! I have signed up for your updates! You are SOOOO talented!!
Hi Sally! So cool that ad brought you to my home on the web. It’s nice to “e-meet” you! I’m so glad that you found your way here AND introduced yourself! The best part about blogging is making new friends who share similar interests (not always the case with friends in real life, is it?) And Welcome to blogging! I’ve definitely made a note to check out your blog this week! I can’t wait to see your chair! I have one sitting here to re-upholster too. I’ve never tried it with a chair before so I’m a little nervous. But I spent so little on the chair…it’s worth a try! And Blogging is time consuming but after 6 years, it’s addicting and so much fun. I love what I do and that it’s turned into a full time career. Thanks so much for the note. I look forward to getting to know you better! xo
Hi Roeshel,
I stumbled upon your blog today because Thrifty Decor Chic recently featured your beautiful painted chairs. I have recently become addicted to both organizing and DIY blogs. Your blog is one that I will definitely follow! My favorite bloggers are those who share the honesty of their “less than staged” reality of the home that is not visible in the picture. Homes that appear picture perfect make me feel inadequate and discouraged as a novice DIYer.
On another note, fear of public speaking is the number one fear that people have, (more than the fear of death!)-I too suffer from it but in my (former) role as president of a board of education in a large school district where our twice monthly meetings were televised on our local cable network, I can tell you it does get easier!
It was lovely to get to know you a little bit.~Kathy
So glad you stopped by, Kathy! It’s so nice to “e-meet” you!
Thanks for the encouragement! I’m slowly working on it. 🙂
Not sure how I ended up here today or how it is the first time – but thanks so much for sharing so much about all sides of you and the blog. I loved reading it and getting to know you a little better! Your home and projects are always an inspiration. Take care, Laura
Good Morning. Wow what a journey you have had! And very inspiring to a gal who wishes for a better life sharing and doing what we both seem to love and creating it our own way! I am such a novice at the whole internet and blogging . It is intimidating and there is sooo much info out there, one can get lost and discouraged. Where do I begin? What are the rules, etc.
Thanks so much for your insight, and I hope to keep in touch. I have completed projects all lined up just waiting to debut so any advice would be wonderful!
Thank s to you and Mr DIY for the great things you do.
ps my pals call me Gypzgyrl , my grandughters say Gigi 🙂
Thank you for being so honest about the ups and downs and the hard work involved. If we really think about how much work goes into each post
we may never blog again, right?
Roeshel, I really enjoyed reading about you, I love your idea of a dork filter for a video lol! I just wanted to let you know how inspiring your blog is for me, I too have multiple DIY windows opened daily on my pc and your site is one that I frequent weekly but realized this morning I never read your about page yikes!! Keep up the awesome work!!
Awe, thanks so much for stopping by and your kind words, Dria! I’d be rich if I could invent that dork filter! lol!
Hope you have a great week! xoxo
I am absolutely blown away by your blog and your amazing talent. I remember when your Mom and Dad bought that old farmhouse and I walked in and said” I,d just burn it down” but your Mom made it beautiful and you certainly inherited that talent. BEST TO YOU and yours
Hi Kathy! Awe, thank you! I’m so glad you “stopped by” today! I love that decorating and improving our home has turned into an amazing career. It’s awesome to be doing what I love to do and to get paid to do it. I love that you took the time to visit and take a look around and leave a sweet comment – made my day! Hope all is well! Hi to Denny & Chrissy & the girls! xoxo
hi. i’m not sure how I stumbled into/onto your blog, but so glad i did. love it. i’ve added you to my favorite blog list.
Thanks, Marcia! Welcome! xoxo
It’s great to see people succeed when the follow their passion but it’s equally impressive to see when they instil that same passion in others. And that’s why your blog stands out amongst a sea of ‘nearly’ blogs as your passion comes for the subject matter comes across so well that even if I never had ideas of DIY I now feel I could tackle some projects with help from your blog. Great work.
Thank you, George!
I found your blog through the summer home tour. I love this about you post. It makes it so much more inviting to know the person behind the blog. Love your home. I love decorating as well. I have neglected my blog for over a year. I have a 3 week old newborn and a toddler and have completely overhauled our house, I would love to blog about it, but finding time is hard. It’s refreshing to hear the keeping it real side and to know that you shove things aside just outside the camera frame. I do that all the time! 🙂 It’s nice to get a few minutes to read blogs again. And honestly, I rarely comment because it takes time- but you do this for a living and I just wanted to take a minute to say that I enjoyed checking out your blog. Take care.
Thanks, Becca! So glad you stopped by and thank you so much for taking the time to comment. I can’t imagine trying to maintain a blog with little ones (and a super new little one at that). Enjoy every minute. They grow so fast! Popped over to your blog and have it bookmarked to catch up on your posts. Even now, I adopt a no stress schedule. If I’m too busy to blog, life comes first. It just so happens that with an empty nest and it developing into a career, I do have the time to invest. Wish you the best and looking forward to getting to ‘know’ you! 🙂 Have a great summer! And Congratulations on your precious new sweetie!
good day stopped by to read, loved your post/and or blog. I’m very new to this blog stuff and do not know anything about it. but do know about real life and messes 🙂 also dreams. down sizing from 2 homes (my moms and mine throw divorce)to a small temp apartment, is my first stage of the new life also to share that with my daughter is a experience. I cant wait for the next part of my new life
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and comment, Mary Sue! Wishing you and your daughter the best! xoxo
I am a newbie blogger and I just found your blog! So happy I stumbled up on it! I love your about me post, it’s great to hear other’s people’s stories! I am not sure where my blog is going just yet, but it is very encouraging to read that someone else has been able to make a career out of their passion! I also love your story about your husband and lost items! We have the say guy living here…when we can’t find something I always ask the girls, are you really looking or are you “daddy looking”! 😉
Hi, Kim! I love the name of your blog! Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment! Hilarious about “daddy looking”! Drives me crazy! lol! Looking forward to getting to “e-know” you! xoxo
I just read your ABOUT page and feel as though we are friends. WOW you are amazing first of all and I am glad to meet you. As I was reading I felt as though we have a lot in common and I am happy to follow along with you. I am creating my blog now and look forward to sharing it with you. My inspiration to blog is just as yours…a new space, MANY dreams to create them differently, and the LOVE of DIY and just being creative.
Nice to meet you!!!! Robin
Nice to meet you too, Robin! Welcome to blogging! If you have any questions/etc. just let me know! Looking forward to getting to know you better! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to introduce yourself!
Reading the story behind things inspires me because I am reminded of how delightfully different all of our stories are. Your blog is lovely and makes me see potential where I wouldn’t necessarily regarding my own surroundings. Thank you for all the work!
Thank you, Jackie! That’s one of my favorite things about reading blogs – real life inspiration! Thanks so much for stopping by! xoxo
I am very excited to have found your site! I love DIY projects and am always looking for inspiration. Hopefully, I will be brave enough one day to share a few of my projects.
Welcome, Staci! I’d love to see a few of your projects! It’s so fun meeting others who love DIY! Do share! 🙂
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. It’s nice to “e-meet” you!
Shelly read your blog today…love your decorating style. Enjoyed talking & visiting with you & your whole family on Saturday.
What a great blog, Shelly! I stubble on your blog searching for DIY farmhouses because we bought out own fixer- upper farmhouse and 4 acres last summer. We need all the help we can get! I especially love your kitchen remodel and bathroom floor (kitchen update it top of our list!). Our house looks similar to yours- not too much farm character left so we are in the same boat trying to go back to the houses’ roots (though you are MUCH further along than us!). We are also blogging our adventures: Thanks for the inspiration! I look forward to following.
Hi Roeshel,
Have been meaning to visit you for a while. Took this time this morning to read all the way through and truly enjoyed it. I am fairly new ( 7 months ) to blogging and trying to figure out what the next step is for me. I was interested, comforted & inspired by your post. Thank you!
Welcome to blogging, Kelly! Thanks so much for stopping by! xoxo
Hey dolly,
I’ve tried to subscribe to your blog but it keeps bouncing back saying your feed burner through email subscription isn’t enabled. I’d love to subscribe & show my support. Just letting ya know sweetie.
Hey, Instagram friend! I’m so glad you stopped by! Hoping that Feedburner is working correctly…I just gave it a try and it’s fine. I think it has hiccups every now and then. 🙂
Hope you had a great weekend! xoxo
Dear woman of many names 😉
Mim, Mittens, Shelly, Roeshel, wife, daughter, sister…
You are such a beautiful person inside and out, and I’m truly grateful for your gift of blogging about amazing projects and for your gift of honesty and showing us an actual person behind the scenes.
All too often we feel intimidated by perfect wife’s and their perfect houses – but you are a real flash and blood, even though in the virtual reality. It seems however that you may exist somewhere in three dimensional reality and I will cherish your shared experience and such a lovely and positive energy you are sending to all of your readers.
Warmest regards
Wow, just found your blog. I just love your creativity, style and commitment! You’ve inspired me to get started on some DIY projects around my house. Thank you!
Welcome, Corey! I’m so glad you found your way here! Thank you so much for the sweet comment and good luck with those projects! xo
I have been following your blog for some time now, but have just now clicked over here to read this post. I am so glad that you shared this with us. It is really nice to see a little of the person behind the blog. My blog is essentially a diary after some major issues and I would love to be creative enough and have enough time some day to actually be able to call myself a blogger. Congrats to you for your success. I will continue to be a loyal follower of your blog. It’s nice to “get to know you” a little better.
Hi Jessica! Welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by! Wishing you the best with your blog!
Hi Roeshel,
I absolutely loved your story! What a natural gift that you have, I too like to decorate, but I am not much of a DIY girl. I dream of doing many things, have countless magazines, many of which you talked about or were featured in, I still love to pore over my magazines (new and old) my mother and I will even swap out, and let each other borrow them for awhile. I love my family as you do, my mother and I have similar taste and decorating styles as well. We both love and adore older homes with lots of character, and simply adore the cottage style. I live in a 1936 English Style Cottage, which my husband and I bought in October of 2005. My parents live in a 1928 Stucco Cottage with European influences as well, with a famous and fabulous view of the Ohio River. I have two beautiful children ages 17 and 13, three cats, and a dappled dachshund named “Doc” We bought our home from a dear old Doctor who was near 90, and needless to say it was fate and love at first sight when I walked in with my children and parents, my husband was working afternoon turn. The beautiful cottage has great bones, but needed some TLC, as he was a widower for about 12 years prior to our buying his home. There are still some things to be done, as you said, it could take a lifetime to do everything that you dream of. I simply won’t touch many things in my home, because of the character and style and era of many of the fixtures and cabinetry (Hoosier) in my kitchen and old linoleum flooring in there, hardwood and tons of tile in the rest of the house. The original owner owned a brick and tile yard in Steubenville, Ohio called Keagler Brick, the neighborhood is called Keagler Estates, as he built many of the homes back here, some of them cottages for his workers back in the day. I would love to paint and get a new floor and counter tops in the kitchen but, I watch what we do in our home, I don’t want to ruin the character. I happen to love older things and sometimes just leave them that way. I could talk forever the love I have for my home, and I must say that I love what I have seen from you blog, I have been on the computer for hours and have only seen your kitchen redo, stunning I might add! I loved the two old desk as your temp island and table, I am pursing my Bachelors Degree in Education, and I thought that was awesome as well as clever! Have you since changed that, I thought I saw a newer picture in one of your press articles? I have bookmarked your blog and I can’t wait to return! Just by reading your story and hearing your comments and seeing some of your pictures, it feels as if I already know you. You are my kind of girl. We do have big dreams for our home and property but it always seems that money and time sidetrack my husband and I. My husband is very capable of doing many things and I love to decorate and visualize, so I will come here and explore often for inspiration, ideas, and guidance. Thank you so much for your fabulous blog, keep up the hard work and keep on rockin your DIY projects!
Hi Cheryl! SO glad you stopped by and took the time to tell me a little about you! Sounds as if we have a lot in common! And like we’re not even that far from each other (I’m just over the Ohio border in PA…we’re practically neighbors!) Your home (and your parents) sound like something I’d loooooove! Good luck with the projects! xoxo ~~~Roeshel
i am hooked. i will visit the site again and try to keep up with your blog. AND may share some of my quirky ideas from my diy projects. (20 years ago i took the roof off our modular home and added a second floor)
Accidentally came across your blog and could relate to the things you enjoy, but had no clue of how much of your time and effort it takes until I read through what your day entails. Thanks for sharing not only your talents, but also your feelings about your mom, growing up, and your family. I moved into my parents’ older modest wood frame house this summer after having owned newly constructed ones, which my husband built. But, there’s something about this “old house” that money or things can’t take the place of; it’s all the memories – good and challenging that we went through. My brother, mom, and dad passed in 13 months and I have no other siblings. This is all I have left of them. But, I do have my husband, son and daughter in law and two beautiful granddaughters. Like you I love planning (dreaming), staying on my iPad for hours searching for beautiful home images, and trying to replicate on a budget. I am so thankful I came across your blog, Thanks for sharing!
Came upon your site today really love it. I am a DIY LOVER!!!! We have lived in our home for 9 years and still haven’t gotten my kitchen or bathrooms done yet.(except paint and little things).This was never going to be our forever home but life has throw us a curve ball (right in the eye) I tend to be very loyal so I will be checking your site everyday! (loyal or excessive maybe crazy, addictive…LOL)I’m looking threw your site at work (shhhhh) can’t wait to go home and show my sometimes reluctant Hubby all the new projects I want to do! Love Your Home!
Your blog and ‘My Story’ page are very inspiring. Your writing feels very ‘real’ and you come across as a wonderfully caring, upbeat, talented woman. Thank you for sharing ‘you’ with ‘us.’ Lotta ‘ ‘ in there I know, but it just felt right. 😉
Awe, thanks so much, Melissa! I’m so glad you stopped by!
This is one of the best about me pages that I’ve read in a very long time. This is my first visit and certainly not my last. Your writing comes across as authentic and very relaxed. When I checked out your feature in House Beautiful (one of my fav magazines) I had to get out my copy and read your feature (yes I do keep some of my fav magazines for inspiration) Love the photos of you with your family but the portrait of you with the gorgeous coral necklace is stunning. Keep doing what you love! Blogging is a lot of hard work and takes commitment and determination (whether your numbers are up or down) Those who stick with it will eventually succeed. Your blog is a standout! I hope my comments makes your day because it comes from the heart. We all need some cheerleaders in the crowd.
This is one of the best about me pages that I’ve read in a very long time. This is my first visit and certainly not my last. Your writing comes across as authentic and very relaxed. When you included the photo of your House Beautiful feature, I thought I bet I have that issue and sure enough I did. I save my favorite issues of magazines for inspiration and still had this copy because it was filled with color. You must have been jumping for joy to have a half page in this “top notch” magazine! What an honor. Staying on course with your dreams and creative passion should never be dictated by your stats (I know it does when blogging is your career)
Love the photos of you with your family but the portrait of you with the gorgeous coral necklace is stunning. Keep doing what you love! Blogging is a lot of hard work and takes commitment and determination (whether your numbers are up or down) Your blog is a standout! I hope my comments makes your day because it comes from the heart. We all need cheerleaders in the crowd…..and stop checking your analytics so often 🙂
You can be sure that I’ll be sharing your site with my friends.
Dear Shelly, I read through and am truly inspired! I’m recently retired and deciding what’s next. Your sincerity in person and in your ” work” gives pause for thought. Keep it up.
Retired in 2014,
Thanks, Deb! So glad you stopped by! Enjoy your retirement! xo
Loved this post. Your life and your family sound amazing.
Awe, thanks Rhonda! I’m so glad you stopped by! xo
Thank you for showing the staged and real-life photo. I get discouraged when I think that the staged photos are the way it is in real life! =]
It’s so easy to get discouraged but always keep in mind blogs and magazines are only showing you what will inspire you to create a beautiful home, not the real life behind the scenes! So glad you stopped by, Becki! Have a great week!
Your story is amazing! You are an incredibly talented woman and your humbleness is refreshing. I can’t wait to try some of your ideas for myself. I am working on the chandelier and painted chair this weekend!
Stephanie – you are so sweet! I’m so glad you stopped by (in person and at my online home too)! Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy that you’re inspired to paint a chair and make a chandelier planter! Anytime you want to talk DIY, home improvement or decorating, I’m your girl. I can’t get enough. It seems we have a lot in common with a passion for thrifting, all things eclectic and old houses, not to mention healthier living. 😉 We’ll have to get together again. Have an awesome weekend! Good luck with your projects!
Just love everything about your blog. I almost never comment (and I intend to change that this year) but your projects are always at the top of mind when I think about projects around my own house. Your style is impeccable, and I followed very few blogs when I started my own two years ago. But yours, and “Pretty Handy Girl” were eye catching and right up my alley. Forever follower here!
Hey, pretty lady! Thank you so much! You made my day! I love your blog too! I’m the same way with comments…not intentional, just so much creativity and awesome blogs, so little time. I’m so glad you stopped by AND took the time to comment. Thank you! xoxo
First of all, let me start by saying what a beautiful person you are inside and out! I love this post! You are most definitely an inspiration… in so many parts of this post I felt like you were writing MY story! (minus the success in blogging part) My days look like that as well. I was surprised to see how much we have in common.. I have been working in the medical administrative field for years. You give me hope to eventually leave that and pursue my “meant to be” career of DIY and design. Thank you for sharing and inspiring others with your story … I am one of those people :0)
Thank you so much for the fabulously informative, encouraging and inspiring “About” page on your blog! I really appreciated your transparency — your “real life” disclosures! 🙂 — very cool! thank you and lots of luck – looking forward to following you!
Hi Roeshel! Just found your blog. Love all your projects and I really enjoyed reading your story! I am a DIYer myself as well as a designer/decorator. I have been wanting to start a blog but being tech challenged, I found the whole process intimidating. After reading your comments, I feel a little more confident to do it. Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring me to pursue my goal!
Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to share, Tara! Best of luck to you! xo
Hello Roeshel!
My name is Lawana McCloud. I’m an Interior Design Student and new blogger. I came across your blog while searching for a DIY class with Michael’s Arts and Crafts. They had you featured as one of their top DIY bloggers of the month. I’ve really enjoyed reading your story, especially when you talked about how you and your sister made your own paper dolls, (smiling) my sister and I did that also with JC Penny magazines! Also when you mentioned the things that you disliked about yourself I said OMG that is so me! One day I hope to have my blog put together as well as yours, but also encourage and inspire someone, as you did myself. Thanks you sharing DIY tips and your story.
Lawana McCloud
It’s so nice to ‘e-meet’ you, Lawana! It’s so fun connecting with others who share the same passion and interests. I’m so glad you stopped by. Thank you so much for your kind comments. xoxo – I feel ‘hugged’. 🙂 Good luck with your blog! xoxo
I love your blog and just wanted to thank you for sharing your blogging story and your honesty. Love the staged vs reality pics. That’s our house, too. And losing things because I was staging something is my reality as well. “Where are momma’s keys???” is the song of my people. Yours is one of the first blogs I ever read and it inspired me to get off the couch (not literally lol) and start sharing and blogging our own journey. 🙂
Hi 🙂 I just discovered your blog and after reading your About Me page, I can’t wait to look around your site!
What a sweet story! You are an encourager! We just built a new house and my whole family, the ladies at the bank that financed it and lots of others are encouraging me to start a blog so they and others can learn how we did “it”! Our realtor who sold our little farmhouse and found our temporary home, (aka “the yellow house near Walmart”), wanted us to move into homes she couldn’t get sold so they’d be beautiful and people would want them! Hahaha! In my courage quest, I found your blog. Thank you. Thank you very much. 🙂 Lauralee
Hi Lauralee! It’s nice to e-meet you! How exciting! Wishing you the best of luck and looking forwardd to following your journey! xo
Before I got to meet you, I followed your blog for some time. I loved your heart and that you were a what you see is what you get kind of gal , full of creative ideas and inspiration for others. Meeting you in person just confirmed it all. Loved your story.
The best part about blogging is the friends I’ve made, Laura and what an honor to call you my friend, Laura! I’m so glad we met! xo
I have only been “officially” blogging for 2 weeks! I have wanted to for years and never made the leap. I work full time with 2 young kids, and while so many people out in the world do not understand blogging and what it even is, I feel like I have truly discovered my passion. Over time I would love to be able to dedicate so much more to it. Thank you for sharing your story. I enjoyed reading it! I can already tell the blogging community can really feel like “family”.
It’s so nice to e-meet you, Brooke! Welcome to blogging! xo
Yes, I read all of it. And Thank you for writing it. You answered a lot of the questions that I have been having ‘pop-up’in my head over the viewing I have been doing over the last couple of weeks. You see I am way behind the rest of the world, I had seen a few blogs, & heard about blogging, but never knew the facts concerning blogging. Very interesting, I must say. Too bad I didn’t know about this a long time ago, however that long ago the internet was still a figment of someone’s imagination. I have been a DIY since childhood, learning as you did from my parents. Their philosophy was “if it was made by somebody – then you, can make it”. And so I have. From poverty, comes great creativity. I’ll not take up anymore of your time, as I could ramble on. My congratulations to you & your ‘sisters’ you have created beautiful homes & lives for yourselves & your families. And your creativity is truly boundless. So Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful homes, techniques, ideas & great hints with the rest of us. I will be putting many of them to use around my little old house as I finish up the projects that I created for my self when I bought it. I would like to believe that someday I will finish them all, but as this isn’t my first, or second or . . . .I will never be done. (Thank goodness, as long as I can dream, there will always be something new & fun to do.) Enjoy yourself!
Thanks so much for stopping by, your kind words and for sharing a little about yourself too! xo
Hey Roeshel,
Thanks so much for sharing your journey to where you are today. I have 2 grown children and 1 teenager still at home, and the sweetest husband anyone could ever ask for. I really don’t deserve him. Also thrilled to be a first time Nana to a precious little granddaughter. My passion is DIY, decorating and finding hidden treasures in the most unlikely places. Our home is a late 50s ranch and we are having so much fun discovering how to work with the architecture to bring out her best. I have considered starting a blog but have held back for fear of my inexperience and not being able to devote the proper time to it. I will keep praying and look to others like you for encouragement & inspiration. Totally LOVING your craft room!!It is very unique and looks like a FUN place to be. Mine is still in the works so looking for tons of creative ideas from all over. Thanks again for taking time to share pics and your story. Peace & Blessings to you & your family.
Your are too funny! LOVE your blog! We share alot of similar ideas, interests, backgrounds, beliefs. I’m glad I stumbled across your blog!
Hi Shelly,
I hope all is well with you and your crew! Your grandson is adorable.
I think I’m getting ready to start my own DIY project – an island for my kitchen.
I told a co-worker about your website earlier today and thought I’d check out new content.
Take care,
Good to hear from you, Christine! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope all is well! xoxo Take care!
Your story is very inspiring! It also makes me feel good to know that I’m not the only person who has a multiple projects going on at once. I’d love to feature one of your projects on my blog! Please let me know if that would be okay. 🙂
Love your story! I read every word! I found your blog on Patti’s Old Things New link party list. I’ve been blogging since 2012 and have loved almost every minute of it. I’m almost an empty nester (after raising 5 children) and I really want to connect with other like-minded bloggers—those who love home, faith, and family. Glad I found you! Can’t wait to follow along. I’ve already gotten lots of inspiration to share more of my thrifty finds and DIY projects. I often feel silly sharing but I really want to inspire others to enjoy their life where they are with what they have! Thanks for sharing!
It’s so nice to e-meet you, Stacy! I’m so happy you stopped by! xo