George Clinton / Erotic City (US 12`Extended Sweat Mix) 94
本日は「P-Funkの総帥・George Clinton」”Prince”が84年にリリ-スした、最高にクールでファンキーな名曲をカバ-激レアで貴重な”US盤 12inch”の「Extended Sweat Mix」でお聴き下さいノ-スカロライナで41年に生まれ、ニュ-ジャ-ジで育った「ファンクミュージックの開拓者」「Pファンクの創始者。総帥」である偉大なミュ-ジシャン”George Clinton”、55年、わずか14歳の”George Clinton”が結成したDoo-Wopグループが母体となり...
Author:DJ AKI
Professional DJ. Vinyl Collector over 10,000 vinyls
My DJ MIX is being broadcast on some Major FM & AM Radio Stations in Los Angeles, New York, and Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Won The 1st In The Global Chart.over 15 DJ Mixes,You can check out my mixes on my Mixcloud page.
And also a serious Hard to find & Rare Vinyl collector with a collection of over 20,000 records.
My music blog since 2014 on which you can find over 1400 articles added on a daily basis.
DJ AKI is a former Japanese DJ of the 80 ’s, I was performing in Osaka most famous discotheques from 1979 to 1985.