D.A.F. (Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft) / Der Mussolini (UK 12`Specila Version) 81
本日は「Electronic Body Music (EBM)」黎明期、世界中の高感度人間を、狂乱に巻き込んだエネルギ-溢れた実験的ダンス音楽、テクノパンクですUK盤 12inchの「Specila Long Version」でお聴き下さいドイツ、デュッセルドルフで78年に結成された、前衛的エレクトロ音楽ユニット「Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft (独米友好協会)」メンバ-は”Robert Gorl (ロベルト・ゲアル) :Per Electro Drm”と”Gabi Delgado-Lopez (ガビ・...
Author:DJ AKI
Professional DJ. Vinyl Collector over 10,000 vinyls
My DJ MIX is being broadcast on some Major FM & AM Radio Stations in Los Angeles, New York, and Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Won The 1st In The Global Chart.over 15 DJ Mixes,You can check out my mixes on my Mixcloud page.
And also a serious Hard to find & Rare Vinyl collector with a collection of over 20,000 records.
My music blog since 2014 on which you can find over 1400 articles added on a daily basis.
DJ AKI is a former Japanese DJ of the 80 ’s, I was performing in Osaka most famous discotheques from 1979 to 1985.