The day before Peter's birthday he came home from school with a loose tooth! I was a little surprised, but I guess we are at that stage now! Imagine my surprise when he come home from school two days later without his tooth! What? How did that happen? I guess I better get the tooth fairy on the phone!
Ever since we left Texas we have thankfully managed to meet up with some of the best people in the world at least once a year to play, laugh till our cheeks hurt and stay up way too late visiting. Oh, and the kids have a blast too! This year we headed down to Texas since they had a new baby and we thought it would make life easier! We had so much fun visiting with old friends! We headed to the aquarium one afternoon which is always fun.
The manatee and the sharks were a big favorite!
Naomi was in heaven with three other girls to play with and all of their girl "stuff" as well! She would not let us take off this blue tutu for anything! Guess I know what Santa is bringing this year!
They do a balloon festival every year and we just happened to be there the same weekend. We had breakfast at our old Bishop's house and Peter got transformed into a tiger! Which by the way was some serious paint because he was tinged orange for at least a day afterwards!
Post breakfast vegging!
I didn't get pictures, but they have an awesome pool in their neighborhood which we enjoyed a couple times!! Here are a few of Naomi in girl heaven!
One evening we went to Medieval Times which I am pretty sure was the highlight of the trip!! Who wouldn't love eating with your hands, wearing a crown and watching knights fight?? The reactions on the boys' faces were priceless!
So grateful for wonderful friends that no matter how far away are always so close to our heart!