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Google Ad Grants Survey
Thank you for helping us understand your experience with Ad Grants! We hope this will only take ten minutes of your time and we are excited to learn more about your organization and how you use Ad Grants. With your responses, we'll aim to improve your experience and effectiveness to support your organization.
The Ad Grants Team
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* Indicates required question
Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience with Ad Grants?
1.Very dissatisfied 5.Very satisfied
What is the name of your organization?
Your answer
Within my Ad Grants account, I know how to: (Select all that apply)
Access the reports I need
Understand my account's performance
Make changes in my account to improve performance
Create new campaigns
Create effective ads
Select effective keywords
Use bid strategies
Target my ads to the right audience
Set up conversion tracking
Understand my website's visitors using Google Analytics
Create ad extensions
None of the above
How do you get help with your Ad Grants account? (Select all that apply)
Someone within the organization (myself and/or others) manages the account
Someone outside of the organization manages the account
A volunteer manages the account
Ad Grants Help Center
AdWords Customer Support team (email, phone, or chat)
Google's online community discussion forums
Non-Google resources I find online (articles, blogs, etc)
In which ways would you prefer to learn more / engage with Ad Grants? (Select all that apply)
Industry conferences
Ad Grants hosting events
Ad Grants partnering with nonprofit associations and memberships
Emails suggestions to improve performance
Notifications inside your Ad Grants account
Blog articles
Online Help Center
AdWords Customer Support (email, phone, or chat)
Volunteers from Google
Agency or marketing consultant recommendations
I don't have interest at this time
Which best describes how you are tracking AdGrants' impact on achieving results?
Using AdWords to track a single conversion goal (such as email sign ups or view of a key webpage)
Using AdWords to track advanced conversion goals (such as tracking multiple conversion goals or tracking donation values)
Google Analytics
Non-Google tool to track
Not aware of how to use AdWords to track results
Don't have access to install what's needed on our website
Tried to set up AdWords or Analytics to track results, but it doesn't work properly
Tracking is too complicated to set up
Tracking is set up, but no longer have access to our site in order to adjust it
Not interested in tracking
Would you like to invest more effort into improving your Ad Grants performance?
Yes, I plan to
Yes, but I don't have the time in the foreseeable future
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