Women in Tech SEO - Join Slack Form
Fill this form if you'd like to join the Women in Tech SEO slack channel.
Invites are sent out once a week.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
This community is open for women and people of marginalised genders. *
Full Name *
Email *
This is the email that will be added to the Slack group. We recommend that you add your personal email to not lose access if you update jobs.
Country *
Role & Company *
LinkedIn URL *
How did you hear about Women in Tech SEO? *
Do you agree to abide by WTS Terms & Conditions and the WTS Way: our rules, values and code of conduct? *
Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with our initiatives?
Would your company be interested in learning more about becoming a WTSPartner or sponsoring one of our WTSFests?
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