
Atom Printer



Atom Printer is a DIY thermal printer kit, featuring the Atom-Lite IoT core controller paired with a 58mm thermal printer. It supports printing characters, graphics, barcodes, 1D codes, QR codes, and more. The body is covered with a full cardboard shell, giving it a distinctive maker style. The built-in firmware supports two modes: AP connection printing and MQTT message push printing. Based on the ATOM IoT control core, you can further develop more cool printing applications.

Note: This kit does not come with a power adapter. Users need to prepare their own DC-12V (5.5mm specification) power adapter. For optimal print quality, the adapter should have a power supply capacity of 2.5A or higher, as the power supply capability will directly affect the print display quality.


  • Atom-Lite: ESP32-PICO-D4 4MB Flash IoT controller
  • Geek-style cardboard shell
  • Supports printing characters, graphics, barcodes, QR codes
  • Communication interface: UART
  • Fast printing speed, high resolution
  • Usage methods:
    • AP hotspot connection, web control printing
    • MQTT content push printing (Topic is the device's Mac address)
    • Serial command control (UART 9600bps 8N1)
    • Development platforms: UIFlow, Arduino


  • 1 x Atom Printer
  • 1 x Thermal paper roll
  • 1 x Sticker thermal paper roll


  • Various ticket printing scenarios


Specification Parameter
Printing method Thermal printing
Supported text and graphics Text, graphics, characters, barcodes (Codebar, code93, code39, code128, ENA13, ITF25, UPC-A, UPC-E), QR codes
Power supply voltage DC 12V
Operating current 2.5A
Printing color Black and white
Printing speed/resolution 60mm/s 203dpi 8 dots/mm, up to 384 dots per line
Printing width 58mm
Lifespan 50km printing distance
Paper cutting method Manual tear-off
Thermal paper roll specs 58mm±0.05mm (width) 0.05 ~ 0.1mm (thickness), maximum diameter ≤40mm
Printing speed 60mm/s
Communication interface USB/RS232/TTL (ATOM defaults to TTL interface UART 9600bps 8N1)
Product dimensions 151 x 79 x 66mm
Product weight 285g
Package dimensions 158 x 82 x 70mm
Gross weight 321g


After powering the ATOM Printer, the indicator light on the ATOM controller will show the current status and mode of the device. Click the middle button on the ATOM to switch between different modes (AP/MQTT).

Firmware Flashing

Click here to go to the download page and download M5Burner , and flash the printer program to the M5Atom. Before flashing, click Erase to clear, then click Burn to start flashing.

AP Mode

Indicator light:

    1. When no device is connected, the indicator light will blink green rapidly.
    1. When a device is connected, the indicator light will stay green.

Operation instructions:

    1. When switching to AP mode, the device will start an AP hotspot ATOM_PRINTER_, which users can connect to directly using a phone or computer (no password required).
    1. After successful connection, the connected device will automatically pop up a configuration page. On this page, you can directly input content for printing text, QR codes, and 1D codes.
    1. At the bottom of the page is the WiFi configuration option, which allows you to configure the device to connect to a specified WiFi and switch to MQTT mode.


Indicator light:

    1. When WiFi connection fails, the indicator light will blink red rapidly.
    1. When WiFi & MQTT server are not yet connected, the indicator light will blink blue rapidly.
    1. When WiFi & MQTT server are successfully connected, the indicator light will stay blue.

Operation instructions:

    1. Before switching to MQTT mode, you need to configure the WiFi information through the AP mode configuration page. After completing the configuration, the device will automatically restart and enter MQTT mode.
    1. If WiFi connection fails multiple times, you can press the middle button on the ATOM to switch back to AP mode and reconfigure the WiFi information.
    1. After successfully connecting to the MQTT server, the ATOM Printer will automatically print the subscribed Topic information (Topic is the device's Mac address).
    1. Users can connect to mqtt.m5stack.com (port 1883) via UIFlow or other tools (such as EMQ MQTT Tools ) and send content to the corresponding ATOM Printer device's Topic to achieve remote printing.


  • Atom PRINTER
Atom G23 G33 G19





NO Function Command
1 Init 0x1B,0x40
2 Set Print Position X mm 0x1B,0x24,(X * 8)&0x00ff,((X * 8)>>8)&0x00ff
3 Set Left Margin X mm 0x1D,0X4C,(X * 8)&0xff,((X * 8)>>8)&0x00ff
4 Set Line Space X mm 0x1B,0x33,(X *8)
5 Set Baud Rate: X 0x1B,0x23,0x23,0x53,0x42,0x44,0x52,X
6 Set Character Size:X,Y 0x1D,0x21,((X&0x0f)<<4)
7 Set Bold:on/off 0x1B,0X47,0x01/0x00
8 Set Underline:on/off 0x1B,0x2D,0x01/0x00


NO Function Command
1 Print X at Y mm 0x1B,0x24,(Y * 8)&0x00ff,((Y * 8)>>8)&0x00ff,X
2 Set Print Position X mm 0x1D,0x28,0x6B,0x03,0x00,0x31,0x45,X (L:0x48/M:0x49/Q:0x50/H:0x51)


NO Function Command
1 Set QRCode Adjust Level X 0x1D,0x28,0x6B,0x03,0x00,0x31,0x45,X (L:0x48/M:0x49/Q:0x50/H:0x51)
2 Set QRCode Buffer Length:L Buffer:X 0x1D,0x28,0x6B,(L+3)&0x00ff,((L+3)>>8)&0x00ff,0x31,0x50,0x30,X,0x00
3 Print QRCode 0x1D,0x28,0x6B,0x03,0x00,0x31,0x51,0x30,0x00


NO Function Command
1 Barcode Sw:on/off 0x1D,0x45,0x43,0x01/0x00
2 Set HRI Position 0x1D,0x48,hide:0x00/above:0x01/below:0x02/both:0x03
3 Print BarCode
Type:T Lenth:L Buffer:X
Type: UPC-A=0x41/UPC-E=0x42/JAN13(EAN13)=0x43/JAN8(EAN8)=0x44/CODE39=0x45/ITF=0x46/CODABAR=0x47/CODE93=0x48/CODE128=0x49


NO Function Command
1 Print BMP Width:W Hight:H Data:X 0x1D,0X76,0X30,(W/8)&0x00ff,((W/8)>>8)&0x00ff,H&0x00ff,(H>>8)&0x00ff,X


Easyloader Download Link Notes
Atom Printer Test Easyloader download /
