How to Pass Call Tracking Data from to CRM

Our Zapier integration helps business owners save time by automating processes that are typically done manually.

This guide will walk you through how to pass call tracking data from to your CRM via Zapier.

In doing so, your CRM lead data can include call tracking so you can better measure the performance of your marketing efforts, and the impact it is having on qualified calls.


To use a Zapier integration to connect your CRM and, you will need:

Pass Call Tracking Data from to CRM

  1. Sign up for a Zapier account for free. If you already have one, log in.
  2. Click "Create Zap" in the upper left corner.
  3. Name your Zap. For example: "Send Call Tracking from to Hubspot."
  4. In the App event search bar, type in "" and select the option with the orange logo.
  5. Connect your account to Zapier.
    1. You'll need to add your API key when prompted. You can get your API key in your Call Dashboard under Integrations. Further instructions on how to connect to Zapier can be found here.
    2. After inserting your API key, select "Yes, Continue."
    3. Select your account from the dropdown and press Continue again.
  6. Select "Test trigger."
    1. Test data will be brought in from a recent call. Specifically, you'll want to locate the Call Tracking ID to ensure it is brought into Zapier successfully. It will be labeled "tracking_id_number." Once done, press Continue.
  7. Tab down to the "Action" sequence.
  8. In the App event search bar, type in the name of your CRM. For example, "Hubspot." Once the option you want appears, click on it.
  9. For the trigger event, choose one that will allow you to add or update a custom field. The exact name may vary depending on your CRM. For Hubspot, it is called "Create or Update Contact."
  10. Select continue.
  11. Under Set up action, map your fields by pairing data in your CRM from what is being sent from Besides mandatory contact fields, you'll want to make sure that you map the Call Tracking number from, labled tracking_id_number, to the custom field that you created in your CRM for Call Tracking.
  12. Test the action.
  13. Once you have confirmed all of the Zap details, turn it on.
If you had already previously created a Zap to pass data from to your CRM and/or trigger a specific action, you can instead edit that Zap and include Call Tracking as an additional mapped field to include in the integration.

Additional Resources:

Questions? Contact us!

If you're already a client and need help, please email us at [email protected] or call us at (650) 727-6484 for assistance.

If you're not yet a client, please schedule a free consultation to get started with our virtual receptionist services or email us at [email protected]. We'll help you select the best plan to match your business’s growth goals and budget.

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