Start Choosing a self-guided tour platform? Read this first Our process The ingredients of a perfect audio tour Starting a new VoiceMap tour Creating a quick VoiceMap test tour Tour and transport types Publisher case studies
Map Choosing where your tour starts Deciding on a route Drawing a route line for outdoor tours Adding outdoor tour locations Mapping indoor tours Non-sequential tours
Write Writing for location-aware audio The first location Word counts Giving directions Your perspective Writing for voice Optimise your tour for search engines
Record The recording process Choose the right environment What you need to record your tour Quiet! Mic! Action! Export the recording and send it to us to edit
Add Extras Adding photos to tour locations The lost alert Manual locations Music locations Reducing the points of a route line for longer tours Using bearing in locations
Distribute Your tour’s distribution tab Choose a featured location for your tour Using QR codes for tours and individual locations Adding your tour to Google Things to Do Selling your tour through our reseller networks How listeners access your tour Using voucher codes Using download credits for free tours and voucher codes Sell in bulk Optimise for app store searches
Get Paid How and when do I get paid? How are my earnings from tour sales calculated? Dashboard details Adding a Paypal address for royalty payments