Page-level Metrics
These are the metrics and measurements captured at a page-level and exposed in the JSON data.
Technical Page Metrics
- TTFB - Time to First Byte from when the navigation started until the first byte of page content is returned (after redirects)
- loadTime - (also fullyLoaded) Time to fully load the page
- docTime - Time until the document is complete (onLoad event)
- bytesIn - Number of bytes received
- bytesInDoc - Number of bytes received before the document complete time (onLoad event)
- bytesOut - Number of bytes transmitted
- bytesOutDoc - Number of bytes transmitted before the document complete time (onLoad event)
- loadEventStart - (also chromeUserTiming.loadEventStart) Start time of the last main-frame load event (before the event handlers run)
- loadEventEnd - (also chromeUserTiming.loadEventEnd) End time of the last main-frame load event (after the event has been handled)
- domContentLoadedEventStart - (also chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart) Start time of the last main-frame domContentLoaded event (before the event handlers run)
- domContentLoadedEventEnd - (also chromeUserTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd) End time of the last main-frame domContentLoaded event (after the event has been handled)
- chromeUserTiming.navigationStart - Chrome-reported time of the navigation start (RAIL)
- chromeUserTiming.fetchStart - Chrome-reported time of the fetch start (RAIL)
- chromeUserTiming.responseEnd - Chrome-reported time of the end of the initial response (RAIL)
- domLoading - (also chromeUserTiming.domLoading) - Browser-reported time of the time when the DOM state changed to loading (RAIL)
- domInteractive - (also chromeUserTiming.domInteractive) Browser-reported time of the time when the DOM state changed to interactive - not to be confused with TimeToInteractive (RAIL)
- domComplete - (also chromeUserTiming.domComplete) Browser-reported time of the time when the DOM state changed to complete (RAIL)
- basePageSSLTime - Time spent negotiating TLS for the base page
- connections - Number of connections used to load the page content
- requests - (also requestsFull) Number of individual requests to load the page
- requestsDoc - Number of requests before the document complete time (onLoad event)
- responses_200 - Number of requests that resulted in a 200 response code
- responses_404 - Number of requests that resulted in a 404 result code
- responses_other - Number of requests that resulted in a response code other than 200 or 404
- effectiveBps - The effective bandwidth for the test (bytes over the test time)
- effectiveBpsDoc - The effective bandwidth for the test until the document complete time (onLoad event)
- server_rtt - Estimated Round Trip Time to the server for the base page
- domTime - (deprecated) Time to the point where a specified DOM element appeared on the page
Visual Metrics
- render - Start render time. When the first onscreen content change happened based on the video capture data
- SpeedIndex - Histogram-based SpeedIndex calculated from video capture
- chromeUserTiming.LargestContentfulPaint - (Chrome Web Vitals Measurement) Time to the largest contentful paint
- chromeUserTiming.CumulativeLayoutShift - (Chrome Web Vitals Measurement) amount of content shift during the page load
- firstPaint - (also PerformancePaintTiming.first-paint) Browser-reported first paint time (from performance timing)
- firstContentfulPaint - (also PerformancePaintTiming.first-contentful-paint) Browser-reported first contentful paint time (from performance timing)
- firstImagePaint - Browser-reported first image paint time (from performance timing)
- lastVisualChange - Time of the last visual change of any kind based on the video capture
- visualComplete - When the page was 100% visually complete for the first time based on the video capture and comparing page histograms (SpeedIndex completeness)
- visualComplete85 - When the page was 85% visually complete for the first time based on the video capture and comparing page histograms (SpeedIndex completeness)
- visualComplete90 - When the page was 90% visually complete for the first time based on the video capture and comparing page histograms (SpeedIndex completeness)
- visualComplete95 - When the page was 95% visually complete for the first time based on the video capture and comparing page histograms (SpeedIndex completeness)
- visualComplete99 - When the page was 99% visually complete for the first time based on the video capture and comparing page histograms (SpeedIndex completeness)
- chromeUserTiming - A list of the raw chrome-reported blink and rail timing events
- chromeUserTiming.LargestImagePaint - Chrome-reported largest image paint (subset of largest contentful paint)
- chromeUserTiming.LargestTextPaint - Chrome-reported largest text paint (subset of largest contentful paint)
- chromeUserTiming.firstContentfulPaint - Chrome-reported first contentful paint
- chromeUserTiming.firstImagePaint - Chrome-reported first image paint (subset of first contentful paint)
- chromeUserTiming.firstTextPaint - Chrome-reported first text paint (subset of first contentful paint)
- chromeUserTiming.firstPaint - Chrome-reported first paint time
- LayoutShifts - Array of each time the page layout shifted. Includes the time of the shift, "score" (amount) of the shift and the cumulative layout shift score at that time
- firstMeaningfulPaint - (also chromeUserTiming.firstMeaningfulPaint, deprecated - use firstContentfulPaint) Chrome-reported calculation of when the browser first painted the "meaningful" content
- titleTime - (deprecated) Time until the page title became available
- aft - (deprecated) Above-The-Fold Time
Interactivity Metrics
- TotalBlockingTime - (Chrome Web Vitals Metric) Total amount of time where the main thread was blocked by long tasts after the initial content was rendered
- maxFID - The largest long-task after the initial content was rendered (longest time the user's input can be blocked)
- TimeToInteractive - The latest point where the page became Interactive and remained interactive for over 5 seconds
- LastInteractive - The latest point where the page became Interactive (may not have been interactive for the required 5 seconds)
- TTIMeasurementEnd - The end time of the measurements for interactive periods
- longTasks - List of the start and end times of all main-thread tasks that tool longer than 50ms
- interactivePeriods - (deprecated - use longTasks instead) List of all of the start and end times where the main thread was considered "interactive"
Javascript and CPU timings
- cpu.* - Main thread time spent by each category of timeline activity
- cpuTimes - Array of main-thread CPU timings by each category of timeline activity
- cpuTimesDoc - Array of main-thread CPU timings by each category of timeline activity that occurred before the document complete time (load event)
- fullyLoadedCPUms - CPU time used to load the page (reported by the OS)
- fullyLoadedCPUpct - Average CPU utilization percent to load the page
- v8Stats - V* runtime call stats (if enabled)
Page Information
- URL - URL that was used to start the test
- document_URL - Browser-reported URL of the final document
- document_hostname - Browser-reported hostname of the final document
- document_origin - Browser-reported origin of the final document
- final_url - Final URL navigated to by the browser
- base_page_cdn - Detected CDN used for serving the base page
- base_page_cname - CNAME for the hostname used for serving the base page (if there is one)
- base_page_dns_server - Authoratative DNS server used by the domain for the base page
- base_page_ip_ptr - Reverse IP lookup of the IP address that served the content for the base page
- detected - Raw output from Wappalyzer with the categories of content detected and the list of detected content (and their versions)
- detected_apps - Flattened list of Wappalyzer detected application versions by application name
- domElements - Number of DOM elements on the page
- bigImageCount - Number of "large" images on the page
- smallImageCount - Number of "small" images on the page
- maybeCaptcha - A possible Captcha challenge page was detected
- Images - List of the images on the page DOM including the image URL, dimensions and display dimensions
- breakdown - Array of the bytes and request counts by content type
- domains - List of domains used to load content, the number of requests, bytes and connections used as well as the CDN if one was detected.
Browser State
- browser_name - Name of the browser being used in the test (i.e. Chrome)
- browser_version - (also browserVersion) Version string for the browser (i.e. 85.0.4183.102)
- Colordepth - Screen color depth as reported by the browser
- Dpi - Screen DPI as reported by the browser
- Resolution - Screen resolution of the test machine as reported by the browser
- cached - 1 for repeat view tests, 0 for first view
Lighthouse Summary Metrics
- lighthouse.Accessibility - Lighthouse Accessibility score (0-1)
- lighthouse.BestPractices - Lighthouse Best Practices score (0-1)
- lighthouse.ProgressiveWebApp - Lighthouse PWA score (0-1)
- lighthouse.SEO - Lighthouse SEO score (0-1)
- lighthouse.Performance - Lighthouse Performance score (0-1)
- lighthouse.Performance.cumulative-layout-shift - Cumulative Layout Shift as reported by Lighthouse
- lighthouse.Performance.first-contentful-paint - First Contentful Paint as reported by Lighthouse
- lighthouse.Performance.interactive - Time to Interactive as reported by Lighthouse
- lighthouse.Performance.largest-contentful-paint - Largest Contentful Paint as reported by Lighthouse
- lighthouse.Performance.speed-index - Speed Index as reported by Lighthouse
- - Total Blocking Time as reported by Lighthouse
Optimization Checks/Grades
- optimization_checked - 1 if the optimization checks were run as part of the test (0 otherwise)
- score_cache - Score for caching static content (0-100)
- score_cdn - Score for using a CDN for static content (0-100)
- score_compress - Score for properly compressing lossy images (JPEG 85 reference point)
- image_savings - Byte savings for properly compressing images
- image_total - Total image bytes
- score_gzip - Score for properly compressing text content
- gzip_savings - Byte savings for properly compressing text content
- gzip_total - Total text content size
- score_keep-alive - Score for properly using keep-alive when more than one request is made to a given origin
- score_progressive_jpeg - Score for using progressive JPEGs
- score_etags - (deprecated)
- score_cookies - (deprecated) Score for not setting cookies on domains for static resources
- score_combine - (deprecated) Score for combining separate JS files
- score_minify - (deprecated) Score for the minification check for Javascript and HTML
- minify_savings - (deprecated) Byte savings possible (pre-compression) by minifing script and HTML
- minify_total - (deprecated) Total size of content that is subject to minifying
Instrumented Metrics
- userTime - Time of the last user timing mark event
- userTime.* - Latest timestamp for each user timing mark
- userTimes - Array of user timing marks and their timestamps
- userTimingMeasure.* - Duration for each user timing measure
- userTimingMeasures - Array of user timing measures (includes start times and durations)
Test Information
- result - Test result (0 and 99999 are success, anything else is a failure)
- eventName - Name of the test event step (for multi-step tests)
- tester - ID of the test machine that ran the test
- date - Epoch time (in ms) when the test was started
- numSteps - Number of steps in the test (for scripted tests)
- run - Run number in the case of a multi-run test
- step - Step number of the current step
- test_run_time_ms - Amount of time it took to run the test and process the data
- start_epoch (deprecated) - Epoch time when the test was started
- blinkFeatureFirstUsed - Array of all of the blink features that were detected and when that feature was first used. Includes the freture name and number
- consoleLog - Array of console log messages including the message text, level and message source
- custom - List of the names of the custom metrics (individual metrics will be recorded at the top-level)
- main_frame - ID of the main frame
- videoFrames - Information about each unique video frame for the video of the page load. Includes URL to the video frame image, timestamp and the calculated visual completeness
- final_base_page_request - Index number of the request that was the request for the base page (after redirects)
- final_base_page_request_id - Request ID of the request that was the request for the base page (after redirects)