
1 Introduction

In light of the rapid advancement of the field of heuristic black-box optimisation [1], a remarkable array of algorithms is now available to practitioners. The behaviour of most of these algorithms strongly depends on the settings of numerous hyperparameters, exploding the number of options further and making the choice of a well-performing algorithm configuration for a specific (real-world) problem even harder.

And yet, we still do not understand these algorithms well enough. One thing we can do is screen (a family of) algorithms or algorithm configurations against some unwanted characteristics. Although it is unrealistic to examine all settings across all characteristics, initial efforts are essential. Such screening is expensive but it not only helps eliminate ineffective configurations but also aids in elucidating the internal dynamics that impedes performance. Modular algorithm designs [2, 3], where each operator option can be selected independently of the choice for other operators, are particularly well-suited for such analyses.

While in many cases, the unwanted characteristics only manifest within specific function landscapes (and the correspondence between these landscapes and characteristics can be unknown), it is hypothesised that at least some characteristics can be assessed in general. One such aspect that has not been investigated sufficiently is structural bias (SB)  [4] and especially its precise causes and influence on the algorithm’s performance. SB is the algorithm’s inherent limitation in locating optima in certain regions of the domain independently of the objective function’s landscape. It stems from the iterative application of a limited set of algorithm operators and their interplay [4]. While some families of algorithms have been screened to some extent [2, 5], no clear performance implications have been established so far. Unfortunately, even though such screening is done for very large algorithm configuration spaces, it necessarily remains limited due to the need to discretise numerous continuous hyperparameters, thus potentially overlooking some interactions. This paper is no exception (as we set the continuous parameters to a fixed value), however, its experimental design is structured to be as comprehensive as computationally feasible.

This paper aims to explore the impact of SB on algorithm performance by addressing the following questions: 1. How does the performance of structurally biased versus unbiased configurations change on sequences of functions where the landscape progressively shifts from rugged to smooth? 2. How does the location of the optima within the domainFootnote 1 of these functions affect the performance depending on the class of structural bias? The complete methodology of our investigation is summarised in Fig. 1.

Table 1. Considered modules of modCMA and their configurations.

2 Background

2.1 Modular CMA-ES

Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) [6] is a robust, state-of-the-art evolutionary algorithm used for solving non-linear, non-convex optimisation problems [1]. Central to its approach is the adaptation of a covariance matrix which determines the shape and scale of the search distribution, effectively learning the landscape of the problem space. This self-adaptive mechanism allows the algorithm to balance exploration of the search space with exploitation of known good regions, making it particularly effective in a wide range of practical applications, from machine learning parameter tuning to engineering design optimisation. The Modular CMA-ES (modCMA) [3] is a Python and C++ modular implementation of the CMA-ES algorithm and many of its variants, with module options and hyper-parameters that can be switched on and off independently of each other. In this work we investigate the full scale of these module options, given in Table 1, leading to a total of \(435\,456\) different CMA-ES configurations.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

The summary of the overall methodology used. Full details of all steps are provided in the corresponding sections. Green blocks highlight the contributions of this paper. (Color figure online)

2.2 Structural Bias

Structural bias in iterative optimisation heuristics [4, 7] refers to the tendency of certain algorithms or configurations of algorithms to favour specific regions of the search space over others, despite the absence of initial information indicating where high-quality solutions might reside. Ideally, an optimisation algorithm should explore the defined domain boundaries without preconceived preferences, allowing the data collected from sampled points to guide its progression towards areas with optimal objective function values. However, in practice, some algorithms inherently exhibit a preference, such as a bias towards the centre of the domain, which can limit their effectiveness in universally discovering the best solutions across the entire feasible domain. This phenomenon, known as structural bias, can compromise the algorithm’s ability to perform well in general situations. Detecting structural bias is hard, as the objective function and behaviour of the algorithm are always entangled. Using a special objective function (\(f_0\)), defined as a completely random fitness landscape, allows one to detect structural bias using statistical tests as introduced in [8]. There are a few related works on structural bias that either introduced a different detection method, like the generalised signature test [9], or analysed different groups of algorithms regarding SB [10,11,12].

2.3 SHAP

Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP), as introduced by Lundberg et al. [13], is a popular explainable AI (XAI) method for attributing features in model predictions. SHAP quantifies the impact of a specific feature, f, by comparing model outputs with and without f. The difference in outputs, averaged across models, defines the SHAP value, which can be positive, negative, or zero, representing the feature’s marginal contribution.

However, SHAP’s application to large datasets is computationally intensive. To address this, the TreeSHAP method [14] employs tree-based model structures to streamline computations, using approximation techniques to enhance efficiency in scenarios with extensive feature sets. In this work, we use this XAI method to compute the contributions of different module settings towards specific structural bias classes. This is done by training XGboost regression models on the one-hot-encoded algorithm configurations as input and the predicted SB class label from Deep-BIAS as output. Using these models we can approximate the SHAP values of each module option per configuration. Note that SHAP is one way of approximating these contributions, there are other methods such as f-ANOVA that can also be deployed. However, SHAP has the advantage of providing also local explanations.

3 Structural Bias Classification

To assess the structural bias (SB) and in the end the interplay of structural bias with performance depending on landscape features and the location of the optima, the first step is to detect and classify structural bias per algorithm configuration. We conduct a configuration sweep for modCMA [3] using the modcma package in Python. In this extensive analysis, we use a full grid of all of the categorical module options in modCMA, as specified in Table 1. This resulted in a total of \(435\,456\) configurations. For each of these configurations the population sizes are fixed to \(\mu = 5, \lambda = 20\). The analysis in this paper is broader and more in-depth than previous analysis of structural bias for modCMA [12] in the sense that it contains not just a subset of modCMA module options but the complete set of all categorical options (and a limited set of continues parameters). In addition, in this work we propose an explainable AI approach, similar to the approach used in [5], to analyze the different contributions of different module options to structural bias and to specific types of structural bias, leading to new insights. In [5], the XAI approaches was used to analyse the contributions of modules and hyper-parameters on the performance on different function landscapes, here we use it to assess the influence of modules on structural bias, and differently from the approach in [5] we one-hot-encode all categorical module options to see how each option affects the structural bias individually. We also used the approach to look at second order interactions in relation with structural bias, however, these second order interactions were marginal and we therefore do not include these results in this work.

3.1 Methodology

For the assessment and classification of SB, we used the BIAS toolbox [8], available on [15]. The toolbox provides an SB detection mechanism based on the aggregation of the results of 39 statistical tests but also a Deep-learning approach [16] to detect and classify SB based on distributions of final points (found minima) of many independent runs on \(f_0\). The three bias types we are looking at in this work are: SB towards the centre of the search space, towards the bounds, and uniform (no SB detected). SB is detected by first running an optimisation algorithm several times on the random objective function \(f_0\). Here we used 100 independent runs with 10.000 function evaluations as budget per run to make the first classification of SB using the Deep-BIAS toolbox. Due to its speed and classification accuracy, we leveraged the Deep-BIAS model instead of the statistical methods in the BIAS toolbox. The Deep-BIAS method classifies the distribution of (in this case 100) final best points found by the algorithm. We do have to note that the Deep-learning model is not a perfect predictor. We therefore also verify the top 20 configurations per SB class, used later in our experiments, by visual inspection of the final point distributions.

Once we have classified each of the configurations automatically, we can use the confidence of each SB class to calculate approximate Shapley values using the TreeSHAP algorithm [14]. The calculated SHAP values for each module option per structural bias class are shown in Fig. 2. We can use these SHAP values to gain insights into which module options contribute to what kind of structural bias.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

SHAP values showing module contributions to (from left to right) no structural bias, centre bias and bounds bias classes, respectively. The baseline prediction of these classes are 0.094, 0.559, 0.054 respectively, meaning that a SHAP value of 0 would result in the given baseline class probability.

3.2 Module Contributions to SB

Based on the output of the Deep-BIAS package, most of the considered configurations of modCMA (\(82\%\)) are classified as Centre biased, \(9\%\) as unbiased (uniform) and \(5\%\) as biased towards the bounds. The remaining fraction (\(3\%\)) was classified as discretization bias, however after visual inspection, those configurations were mostly misclassified and should be either centre or unbiased and therefore we did not take them into account.

Given the SHAP values from Fig. 2 and taking into account the base value (mean classification confidence of each class), we see a few interesting patterns. Overall, the covariance, elitism, threshold, bound correction and step size adaptation modules mostly influence the structural bias classification. We can also observe that in general, option contributions are negatively correlated between centre SB and bounds SB, in other words, when a module option causes centre SB it lowers the probability of bounds SB and vice versa. Bounds SB and uniform (no SB) seem roughly aligned except for the bound correction methods. Let us discuss the major modules involved in centre, bounds and unbiased below.

Elitism when turned on, reduces centre SB according to the SHAP data. Since centre SB is the majority class, Elitism seems to reduce SB in general. When looking at the inner workings of modCMA and also the objective function \(f_0\), this could be explained due to the fact that with elitism the algorithm is more likely to get stuck in a (local) minimum on \(f_0\) early in the optimisation run, effectively dampening the structural bias effects. Elitism by itself is however very likely not to be responsible for any structural biased behaviour. It is important to note that the SHAP values represent a correlation and not a causation.

Threshold convergence when turned on has a similar effect as elitism (though less profound). Again, threshold convergence is likely not causing any biased algorithm behaviour but amplifies (when turned off) or dampens (when turned on) the SB effects.

Bound correction saturate shows to have a large effect on bounds SB, which makes perfect sense and is in line with other research on structural bias [12]. Upon close inspection, all configurations that were classified with high confidence as bounds SB (confidence \(> 0.45\)), all used Saturate as the bound correction method.

Covariance matrix adaptation seems to play a large role in centre SB. In the context of a standard CMA-ES (so with the covariance module on), the search distribution is represented by a multivariate normal distribution. This distribution is characterized by its covariance matrix, which determines the shape and orientation of the points (solutions) that are sampled. Geometrically, the shape of this distribution resembles a hyper-ellipse. The search space, on the other hand, is typically a hyper-cube. This causes a mismatch in shapes being explored, likely leading to a structural bias towards the centre of the search space. The hyper-ellipse will naturally avoid sampling close to the edges and especially the corners of the hyper-cube because these areas are outside the maximum reach of the distribution whose radius is limited to the smaller distance from the center to an edge, rather than to a corner. This effect is amplified as the dimensionality of the space increases. In higher dimensions, the corners of the hyper-cube are exponentially further away from the centre compared to the edges. Thus, a spherical sampling distribution centred in the hyper-cube will leave vast regions in the corners significantly undersampled. This results in a higher concentration of sample points towards the centre of the search space, and relatively fewer near the boundaries and corners. It could potentially lead to suboptimal exploration of the search space, especially if the global optimum lies near the boundaries or corners of the domain.

Other module options seem to have a limited or mixed effect on structural bias in modCMA.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Examples of the final best point distributions from CMA-ES configurations run on the SB test function \(f_0\) in 2D from 500 independent runs (using different random seed) of configurations (re)classified as , , and SB.

3.3 Limitations of Deep-BIAS and Mixed SB

While the deep-learning approach of the Deep-BIAS toolbox is very fast, and therefore allows the evaluation of \(400\,000+\) configurations, it is not perfect. First of all, it is known [16] that the SB type ‘Clusters’ is often a misclassified ‘Centre’ SB. As a result of this, after visual inspection of (a large fraction) of the configurations that were initially classified here as Cluster SB, we found out that all of those actually belonged to the Centre class. We therefore discarded the ‘Clusters’ class in our analysis. In addition, after visual inspection of the configurations with highest confidence scores for each of the SB classes, we discovered a mixed class between centre and bounds bias. This mix of two bias directions was not discovered in earlier structural bias research and was also not taken into account when developing the (Deep)-BIAS Toolbox. For modCMA, this mixed SB behaviour seems to occur when there is a configuration that is normally centre biased and it also uses the Saturate bound correction method (inducing additional bounds SB). For further analysis of the effects of these different SB classes on performance, we decided to re-classify the top 20 configurations (sorted by confidence) for each SB class as identified by Deep-BIAS by visual inspection of the 2D final distributions into four SB classes: Uniform (no SB), Centre, Bounds and Mixed SB. See Fig. 3 for examples of each class of SB we took into consideration. The complete set of configurations and distributions of their final best points across runs can be found in the supplemental material [17].

4 Effects of Structural Bias on Performance

To analyse the effect of SB on algorithm performance, four distinct SB groups of algorithm configurations are evaluated on a range of affine function combinations. By gradually changing the function landscape properties, it is evaluated how the performance of these different groups changes under different conditions.

4.1 Affine Function Pairs

We include as original problems the sphere function (f1 from BBOB, uni-modal) and four other BBOB functions: f3 (separable Rastrign, multi-modal), f15 (non-seperable Rastrign, multi-modal), f16 (Weierstrass, multi-modal, adequate global structure), and f21 (Gallagher’s Gaussian 101-me Peaks Function, multi-modal, weak global structure). All of these are visualised in 2D in Fig. 1 of the supplemental material. The sphere function was chosen because we would like to tune flatness into the affine combinations, and the other four were chosen after visual inspection of their ruggedness (we would like to track structural bias along affine trajectories which begin at the flatness of the sphere function and gradually become more rugged).

The notion of affine combinations was first introduced in Dietrich and Mersmann [18]. We consider affine combinations between BBOB functions and use the generator later proposed by Vermetten et al. [19] which facilitates combinations of more than two functions—although we consider only pairs here. Their generator takes three objects as input in order to construct a function: 1. the desired location for the optimum, \(\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{X}_{opt}\); 2. a vector of length 24—for each of the 24 BBOB functions—indicating proportions, \(\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{W}\); and 3. a vector of length 24 indicating which instances of the BBOB functions should be used, \(\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{I}\). Of course, to obtain pairwise combinations then the proportions of 22 functions can be set to zero and the remaining two have non-zero weight. An affine combination \(\varXi \) is constructed by the generator according to the fitness scaling functions:

$$\begin{aligned} R_i(x) = \frac{max(\log _{10}(x),-8) + 8}{S_i} \end{aligned}$$

and its inverse (to reverse back to the original fitness scale):

$$\begin{aligned} R_i^{-1}(x) = 10^{\left( S_i \cdot x - 8\right) } \end{aligned}$$

\(S_i\) is a scale factor and is set at literature-recommended values [19] depending on the base function: 11.0 for f1, 12.3 for f3 and f15, 10.3 for f16, and 10.7 for f21.

With these defined, we can formally state that \(\varXi \) can be obtained by the generator as such:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \varXi (\overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{W}, \overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{I}, \overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{X}_{opt}) = R^{-1}(\sum _{i=1}^{24}W_i.R_i(f_i,I_i(x - \overset{\scriptscriptstyle \rightarrow }{X}_{opt} + O_i,I_i) - f_i,I_i(O_i,I_i))) \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(f_i,I_i\) is instance i of original function \(f_i\) and \(O_i,I_i\) is the location of the optimum for instance i of function \(f_i\).

4.2 Experimental Setup

We access the 24 noiseless BBOB functions in 2D through IOHexperimenter [20].

Affine Combinations. The original BBOB functions involved in the affine pairs are all 2D, to facilitate visualisation. We consider the region of interest \([-4, 4]\) per dimension only since the optimum of these BBOB functions can only be located in this region. For each function pair, a sequence of 51 values \(\alpha \in [0,1]\) is defined equally spaced with a step of 0.02. We define \(\alpha \) as the proportion of the Sphere function, which is BBOB f1. For each combination of two functions with a given alpha, we generate four affine combinations which differ only in the location of the global optimum—we use the same instances of the BBOB constituent parts for each of them. We also keep the instance number and optimum location consistent across increasing \(\alpha \) within each combination of base function pair and optimum placement strategy. Function instances—which are the same BBOB function but rotated or translated in different ways—are randomly selected between the numbers 1 and 100. The four placement strategies for the optimum are:

  1. 1.

    near to the boundary (within 0.01) in both coordinates,

  2. 2.

    near the centre (between \([-0.01, 0.01]\) in both coordinates),

  3. 3.

    near to the boundary in one coordinate and central in the other,

  4. 4.

    located randomly for both coordinates between \([-2, 2]\).

In total, we generate 816 affine recombination functions (4 original function pairs \(\times \) 51 affine weights \(\times \) 4 locations for the optimum). The process of affine combination and placement of the optimum is conducted using functions from the IOHExperimenter package in Python.

Algorithm Performance. For assessing algorithm performance on the 816 functions we consider the top-scoring modCMA configurations for each bias type after careful visual inspection of the SB distributions (See Sect. 3.3) (bounds (20 configurations), centre (19), mixed (7), and none (10)). In total, this amounts to 56 CMAES variants and 45 696 algorithm and function-pairs. The algorithm configurations for these are available in Tables 1–4 of the supplemental material [17]. Each CMA-ES configuration is instantiated in modCMA, provided a budget of 5000 evaluations, and is executed 30 times on each of the 816 affine functions. As the performance metric, we use a normalised area under the curve (AUC) with respect to the empirical cumulative distribution function, implemented by Vermetten et al.Footnote 2. The distribution function considers the default COCO settings with 51 targets spaced logarithmically beginning at \(10^{-8}\) and terminating at \(10^2\).

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Example 2D landscapes for affine combinations of functions f3, f15, f16, f21 (top to bottom) with f1 for 5 affine weights \(\alpha \) shown as labels below individual plots, where increasing \(\alpha \) corresponds to increasing the proportion of f1. On the instances shown here, the location of the global optimum is fixed near the centre of the domain and marked in red. (Color figure online)

Fig. 5.
figure 5

Performance median and variance over 30 runs for CMA-ES variants; split into bias classes, with one line per bias class, across increasing \(\alpha \) on the x-axis. Results are shown for optimum placements (left to right): bounds, centre, centre of bounds, and random—and for base BBOB function pairs (rows, top to bottom): f3-f1; f15-f1; f16-f1; and f21-f1.

5 Results

Figure 4 presents, for different base BBOB function pairings, states of affine combination for increasing \(\alpha \) (left to right), which is the proportion of the Sphere function f1. Colour represents fitness and the global optimum is placed here near the centre.

Notice from the left-most plots that with \(\alpha =0\), the function contains no aspect of f1. For Fig. 4 rows 1 and 2, their intermediate stages (\(0.25 \le \alpha \le 0.75\)) show the influence of the ‘roundness’ from f1 being added into the function. In the case of Fig. 4 rows 3 and 4, the effect of increasing \(\alpha \) manifests differently, with the bowl shape and concentric structure of f1 beginning to appear. We can see that when \(\alpha =1\), the function is entirely f1.

Figure 5 presents algorithm performance (AUC median and variance) over 30 runs for the top-scoring CMA-ES variants in each bias class across increasing \(\alpha \) (shown on the horizontal axis), split by location of the optimum (left to right: bounds, centre, centre of bounds, and random) and for base function pairs (top to bottom): f3-f1, f15-f1, f16-f1, and f21-f1.

The first three rows (that is, the first three function pairs) show similar patterns and trends. Generally, increasing \(\alpha \) (proportion of f1) is associated with increasing performance. Notice by comparing the median lines of, for example, the second plot of the first row with the other three plots in the same row that placing the optimum at the centre leads to the best performances by the algorithms, regardless of bias class. Algorithms perform at their worst when the optimum is placed at the bounds in at least one of the two co-ordinates (see the first and third columns of plots). We also notice from comparing the plots in the final column that when \(\alpha \) is 1.00 (that is, when the function being optimised is entirely f1) there is a difference in performance—despite the fact that the algorithms are being applied to the same function. This may be because this particular column of plots relates to random optimum placement.

We now consider how algorithms from the different bias classes compare. Observe from the first and third plot in the first three rows that the centre and none classes of algorithms perform best (in that order) when the optimum is located near the bounds of the function. This is a curious result: intuitively, the bounds algorithms would do the best. We checked some of the algorithm runs and noticed that centre algorithms appear to have more freedom of movement—making several small improvements in fitness. On the other hand, bounds algorithms seem to sometimes get stuck in these cases when the optimum is on the bounds—struggling to find a fitness improvement and advance towards the optimum location. We leave a statistical analysis of this phenomenon for future study. In the cases where the optimum is placed either centrally or randomly, the best-performing classes of algorithms are bounds and centre (notice the second and fourth plots in the first three rows). While it makes sense that centre algorithms would perform best on these, the high performance of bounds is less intuitive. From examination of a sample of performance runs, it seems that although bounds algorithms may begin the search as biased towards the bounds, in the specific case where the optimum is centrally located they seem to be able to navigate towards the centre over the course of the search. It seems that the performance of bounds-biased algorithms depends on the location of the optimum, but not in the way which might be expected: if the optimum is at the bounds, they may struggle; if it is at the centre, they do better. Note from the Figures that overall, the mixed class of algorithms is the worst performing.

The last function pairing, shown in the last row, differs from the other pairings substantially when the optimum is placed centrally (second column). We notice that performance is excellent (with AUC near to 1 in some cases) and that the trend with respect to \(\alpha \) has reversed: increasing \(\alpha \) is here associated with a decrease in performance. The explanation for this finding can probably be found in the nature of the original base BBOB function f21, where the global optimum can be found near the bounds at the bottom of a half-funnel shape. Observe from the lowest-left plot in Fig. 4 that when the optimum is placed in the centre, this appears to stretch and mirror the half-funnel structure which leads to the optimum. We therefore speculate that this stretched funnel surrounding the optimum (in the case when it is centrally placed) is the reason for high algorithmic performance.

6 Conclusions

This study has systematically explored the interplay between the performance of configurations of the modular Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (modCMA) and structural bias within different optimisation landscapes. Through the extensive configuration testing of modCMA, encompassing \(435\,456\) configurations, we have shown that specific modules notably influence the algorithm’s structural bias. Key insights include the significant impact of modules like covariance adaptation and elitism in modulating structural bias towards the centre of the search space and bound correction method Saturate towards the boundaries of the search space.

To investigate the effects of different forms of SB on algorithm performance, we generated pairwise affine recombinations of BBOB functions with varying proportions of each composite function. For each function we considered four strategies for placing the optimum. The configurations with highest confidence per SB class (predicted by the Deep-BIAS tool) of modCMA, were run 30 times on the affine-combined functions. The results showed that when the optimum is placed at the centre, bounds-biased and centre-biased algorithms perform best. The reason for this is likely that when the optimum is near the centre, bounds-biased algorithms can navigate in the right direction even if they have an inherent bias towards the bounds—the bounds structural bias is mainly caused by the bounds correction method saturate, which does not often become active when the search leads away from the bounds. When the optimum is near the bounds, centre-biased and unbiased algorithms are performing better. We believe that centre-biased algorithms have more freedom of movement, and that bounds-biased algorithms with saturate bound correction method become early stuck when the optimum is at the bounds.

Future research should focus on extending the analysis of structural bias effects into higher dimensional spaces. As dimensionality increases, the complex interplay between geometry of high-dimensional spaces, structural bias and landscape features may exhibit different characteristics that could bring additional insights. This future work will not only deepen our understanding of structural bias in iterative algorithms but also guide the development of more robust strategies for tackling complex optimisation problems.