Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2017; 77(02): 158-168
DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101237
GebFra Science
Original Article/Originalarbeit
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Psychological Stress and Coping Resources during Primary Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer. Results of a Prospective Study

Article in several languages: English | deutsch
Volker Tschuschke
1   Sigmund Freud-Privatuniversität Berlin, Schwerpunkt Psychotherapiewissenschaft, Berlin, Germany
Georgios Karadaglis
2   Brustzentrum St. Martinus-Hospital Olpe, Olpe, Germany
Kalliopi Evangelou
2   Brustzentrum St. Martinus-Hospital Olpe, Olpe, Germany
Clara Gräfin von Schweinitz
3   Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie, Universitätsklinikum zu Köln, Köln, Germany
Jürgen Schwickerath
2   Brustzentrum St. Martinus-Hospital Olpe, Olpe, Germany
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

received 17 March 2015
revised 13 January 2017

accepted 13 January 2017

Publication Date:
17 March 2017 (online)


Introduction This prospective study reports on the impact of psychological factors on women with primary breast cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy. These women are in a special situation, where they not only have to deal with the shock of the cancer diagnosis but also with the fact that the malignant tumor will not be removed immediately but only after completing chemotherapy. A situation like this is stressful and requires a personal strength which not every woman may have.

Methods In a prospective study 53 patients were assessed using various psychological and psycho-oncological questionnaires which aimed to evaluate their psychological stress and their coping resources. The women were evaluated before starting systemic treatment (t-1) and again immediately after completing chemotherapy but prior to surgery (t-2). The patients were also asked about their coping strategies at t-1 and t-2. Using the Ulm Coping Manual (UCM) the interviews were rated by independent assessors blinded to the respective patientʼs medical data. Patients were followed up for 3.7–5.5 years after completing chemotherapy.

Results Patients with poor psychosocial adjustment to the situation were identified prior to starting treatment (at t-1). The social coping strategies of these women were found to be inadequate. Their coping behavior was characterized by resignation and they did not attempt to seek social support. This was found to increase their overall risk of recurrence or of developing another type of malignancy during the follow-up period. The study also identified patients who coped significantly better with primary systemic treatment by strengthening their coping strategies.

Conclusion Careful psychological screening of womenʼs vulnerabilities or strengths immediately after the diagnosis and prior to any oncological treatment is strongly recommended. This would help to identify those patients early on who will require additional psycho-oncological support due to their psychological vulnerability.

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