IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
GridFTP-APT: Automatic Parallelism Tuning Mechanism for GridFTP in Long-Fat Networks
Takeshi ITOHiroyuki OHSAKIMakoto IMASE
Author information

2008 Volume E91.B Issue 12 Pages 3925-3936


In this paper, we propose an extension to GridFTP that optimizes its performance by dynamically adjusting the number of parallel TCP connections. GridFTP has been used as a data transfer protocol to effectively transfer a large volume of data in Grid computing. GridFTP supports a feature called parallel data transfer that improves throughput by establishing multiple TCP connections in parallel. However, for achieving high GridFTP throughput, the number of TCP connections should be optimized based on the network status. In this paper, we propose an automatic parallelism tuning mechanism called GridFTP-APT (GridFTP with Automatic Parallelism Tuning) that adjusts the number of parallel TCP connections according to information available to the Grid middleware. Through simulations, we demonstrate that GridFTP-APT significantly improves the performance of GridFTP in various network environments.

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© 2008 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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