On the Quasi-Left-Handed Transmission Line with Gyrator Loading

Kensuke OKUBO

IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics   Vol.E89-C    No.9    pp.1312-1317
Publication Date: 2006/09/01
Online ISSN: 1745-1353
DOI: 10.1093/ietele/e89-c.9.1312
Print ISSN: 0916-8516
Type of Manuscript: Special Section PAPER (Special Section on Metamaterials for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Applications)
gyrator,  left-handed line,  ferrite,  periodic structure,  nonreciprocity,  

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This paper treats transmission characteristics of periodic structure of ferrite gyrator circuit with both theory and experiment, which is loaded into usual distributed constant line with and without lumped capacitor. Following three types of periodic structure of gyrator circuit are proposed: basic structure of periodic gyrator circuit, quasi-LH gyrator circuit with series capacitance loading, and quasi-LH gyrator circuit with parallel capacitance loading. Moreover, replacing the parallel capacitance with a resistance, a periodic structure of isolator circuit is proposed. Scattering parameters of gyrator circuit are derived with help of equivalent circuit model. Left handed transmission behavior of backward wave is discussed from dispersion curves. Experiments were undertaken using periodic structure of dielectric microstrip line and gyrator circuit fabricated on the ferrite substrate. Experimental results having wide band nonreciprocal characteristics are discussed with theory.