What do faculty and students really think about e‐books?

Ian Rowlands (School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College London, London, UK)
David Nicholas (School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College London, London, UK)
Hamid R. Jamali (School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College London, London, UK)
Paul Huntington (School of Library, Archive and Information Studies, University College London, London, UK)

Aslib Proceedings

ISSN: 0001-253X

Article publication date: 20 November 2007




The purpose of this article is to report on a large‐scale survey that was carried out to assess academic users' awareness, perceptions and existing levels of use of e‐books. The survey also seeks to find out about the purposes to which electronic books were put, and to obtain an understanding of the most effective library marketing and communication channels.


An e‐mail invitation to participate in the survey was distributed to all UCL staff and students (approximately 27,000) in November 2006, and 1,818 completions were received, an effective response rate of at least 6.7 per cent. Statistical analyses were carried out on the data using Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS).


The survey findings point to various ways in which user uptake and acceptance of e‐books may be encouraged. Book discovery behaviour, a key issue for publishers and librarians in both print and electronic environments, emerges as a critical focus for service delivery and enhancement.


The survey is part of an action research project, CIBER's SuperBook, that will further investigate the issues raised in this initial benchmarking survey using deep log analysis and qualitative methods. The paper partly fills the gap in the literature on e‐books which has mainly focused on usage and not the users.



Rowlands, I., Nicholas, D., Jamali, H.R. and Huntington, P. (2007), "What do faculty and students really think about e‐books?", Aslib Proceedings, Vol. 59 No. 6, pp. 489-511. https://doi.org/10.1108/00012530710839588



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Context for the research

Until very recently, research into how digital resources are used within the academy has focused primarily on e‐journals. Considerable steps have been made by CIBER in understanding journal user behaviour, through groundbreaking studies of Emerald, Blackwell Synergy, OhioLINK, and Oxford Open journal platforms. These studies led on the analysis of the digital “fingerprints” left by the users of electronic journal databases. However, the virtual scholar uses a much wider range of digitally delivered content to achieve their research, teaching and learning goals. As a first step towards a more rounded picture of how digital resources are used by the virtual scholar, e‐books are being subjected to the same robust approach that has been previously reserved for journals.

There is much talk about the market potential for e‐books, especially in a higher education context, but few robust user studies. This is worrying because e‐books have, arguably, greater potential to change the information landscape than journals, certainly for students – the majority community. CIBER are addressing this issue through SuperBook, an action research study, funded by Wiley and Emerald, which involves “dropping” about three thousand carefully selected e‐texts from OUP (Oxford Scholarship Online), Wiley (Interscience), and Taylor & Francis into the University College of London (UCL) community and then assessing by means of deep log analysis what happens.

Conventional transactional log analysis of the kind provided by publishers in COUNTER‐compliant form for libraries can only provide broad and shallow indicators of activity, whereas in this project deep log analysis (DLA) will provide a detailed assessment of the information seeking behaviour of users and these data can be used to help determine impacts and outcomes through qualitative means. DLA involves the processing of huge volumes of usage and search data as provided in the raw transactional logs of publishers/aggregators and then relating this to user demographics to provide a whole range of evidence‐based user portraits – hence the word “deep”. In turn this information provides the foundation for follow‐up user surveys and interviews, in that the logs raise the questions that need to be asked and the self‐report and qualitative data provides the answers to these questions.

An essential first step for the project was to conduct a questionnaire survey of staff and students to provide contextual data for the DLA evaluation and the results of this survey are presented in this paper. The objectives of the survey were as follows:

  • To obtain an initial assessment of the academic population in terms of their awareness, perceptions and existing levels of use of e‐books and the purposes for which these resources were used.

  • Profiling general attitudes towards formal library provision, in print or electronic formats, and overall levels of satisfaction with library services.

  • Obtaining an understanding of the most effective library marketing and communication channels: what are the best ways to reach out to students and faculty regarding new e‐service developments?

Past studies

The existing research literature on e‐books includes papers analyzing usage data by subject or title, papers comparing the usage of electronic and print books, and questionnaire survey studies. It has been established that e‐books are more popular in some subjects and less in others. Thus Dillon (2001) at the University of Texas Austin, and Ramirez and Gyeszly (2001) at Texas A&M analysed e‐books usage data at their respective universities and that both studies showed that e‐books in the subject areas of Computer Science, Economics and Business were used more than e‐books in other subject areas. These studies also found that these results were consistent across the various collections. Popularity of e‐books in the Computer Sciences was also confirmed by Fernandez (2003). Littman and Connaway's (2004) study at Duke University showed that the most used subject areas for e‐books at Duke were Computers, Psychology, Medicine, Religion, Arts and General Social Sciences. The least used subject areas were History of USA, Law, Business, Economics and Management, and Literature. Another usage analysis by Gibbs (2001/2002) identified Computer Science, Engineering, Business, Medicine and Literature to be among the most popular subject areas for e‐book collection. Gibbs analyzed netLibrary usage for 2000 and 2001 in order to assess the state of electronic books at North Carolina State University (NCSU) after two years. Generally speaking, as Fernandez (2003) concluded, e‐books seem to be less popular in subjects such as the humanities where users tended to read books more closely and thoroughly and they are more popular in subjects such as Computer Science where users were more likely to look for specific information or references.

The comparison of the usage of e‐books with usage of print books also confirmed subject differences in terms of the popularity of e‐books. Littman and Connaway (2004) used Library of Congress subject headings to create their own subject areas for judging use. They compared print to electronic books usage and reported usage as a percentage of subject area. They found that use of electronic books at Duke University was comparable to that of print books in each subject area considered. Fernandez (2003) compared the use of e‐books and print books at the University of North Carolina. The study found that overall, print titles were used more than their electronic versions. Breakdown by subject area, however, revealed a more complex pattern of usage. Computer Science and Business, Economics and Management showed significantly more electronic usage; Religion had a preference for e‐books as well; Medicine and Psychology showed even usage between electronic and print titles; Social Sciences, History (World and General), and Arts showed a preference for print titles; and, finally, Education and Literature showed a significant preference for print titles.

Williams and Best (2006) analysed circulation data for e‐books in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration and Law at Auburn University to see if favourable Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries reviews could be used to predict usage of electronic books. They also compared the circulation of print and electronic books. Their study showed that the reviews offered no predictive value regarding future circulation of the titles, and that for students print was the preferred mechanism for accessing information housed in books. Bailey (2006) monitored use of e‐books in the Auburn University's library from 2000‐2004. The statistics showed that e‐book usage increased between three‐ and fivefold, while use of the printed collection decreased. He maintained that subject areas most used resembled those reported by larger institutions, supporting the idea that some subjects are amenable to electronic use regardless of institutional size and mission.

Survey studies on e‐books are fewer than usage data studies. A limited number of surveys have studied issues around e‐books including how and why they are being used, user awareness and so on from the perspective of librarians, academics and end‐users. Armstrong et al. (2002) surveyed librarians in the United Kingdom about the academic library provision of electronic books. The survey revealed some factors accounting for non‐provision of e‐books including a lack of perceived demand, ignorance as to the potential qualities of the medium, issues surrounding licensing and economic models, and problems associated with bibliographic access. Chu (2003) reports on a survey conducted in a class she taught at the Palmer School of Library and Information Science. The study showed “around the clock availability” and “searchablity” as the most favourable features of e‐books and “being hard to read and browse” or “need for special equipment” as reasons hindering use of e‐books. Because the survey was distributed to only 27 students as potential users, all of them studying to be librarians, the results could not be generalized. Though useful, none of these two surveys gives us a good knowledge of how real end‐users perceive electronic books.

The California State University E‐book Task Force surveyed users about their satisfaction with netLibrary from March to December 2001 (Langston, 2003). The 118 respondents were self‐selected as they chose to participate in the survey by clicking on an icon on the netLibrary web page. These respondents were generally pleased with netLibrary, though 60 per cent preferred print. More recently, Levine‐Clark (2006) conducted a survey at University of Denver to determine the library users' degree of awareness of electronic books, how and why they use them, and their level of satisfaction with the format. The results of the questionnaire survey (with 2,067 respondents) showed that e‐books were used by about half of the campus community. Most of these users used them only occasionally. Similar to the result of Chu's study (2003), the favourite qualities of e‐book were said to be the convenience of being able to access materials from home and the ability to search within the text. Most respondents read only small portions of e‐books, suggesting perhaps that print volumes are a better alternative for immersion in the text. Most respondents (over 60 per cent) indicate a preference for print books over electronic, but an even larger number (over 80 per cent) indicate a degree of flexibility between the two formats.

Survey methodology

An e‐mail invitation to participate in the survey was distributed to all UCL staff and students (approximately 27,000) on 1st November 2006. The body of the e‐mail included a clickable hyperlink to the survey software (SurveyMonkey), various assurances regarding confidentiality, and an invitation to take part in a prize draw to win an iPod. By the time the survey was terminated (18 November), 1,818 completions had been received, an effective response rate of at least 6.7 per cent (we have no data on how many e‐mail messages actually arrived, there is always a possibility that some were filtered out as spam). The usual caveats apply. The industry norm for web‐based survey responses is around 6‐8 per cent, so we need to bear a very large non‐response in mind. It is more than likely that many who responded self‐selected themselves on the basis of an existing interest in e‐books (or hunger for an iPod). Nonetheless, it is hard to discount the views of nearly two thousand individuals from a single institution. The survey was also designed to collect data that was appropriate to individual circumstances, using a fairly complex routing structure. So, for example, people who had not used e‐books before were not asked for their opinion on the features that distinguished them from conventional hard copy titles.

Encouragingly, the profile of those who completed the survey is not skewed when we consider their gender, academic status, or their faculty (Tables I‐III): in none of these cases are we able to find a statistically significant difference between the composition of the sample and that of the wider UCL population. So, while the sample may be self‐selected, it is at least randomly self‐selected across these fundamental demographics!

In the next phases of the SuperBook project, we hope to gain a better understanding of many of the issues benchmarked in the survey through a powerful combination of deep log analysis, interviews, and focus group discussions. Assuming that the survey is reasonably representative of the whole community (i.e. non‐respondents as well as respondents), we are provisionally claiming that the findings should be interpreted as being significant at the 95 per cent confidence level and reported at a confidence interval of plus or minus 2.2 per cent. As the project develops, we should be better placed to confirm or retract this assumption.

Survey findings

Current use of e‐books

An obvious benchmark question to start with is the extent to which members of the UCL community had, at the time the survey was administered, experience of using e‐books (Figure 1), whether supplied by UCL or indeed through any other channel, such as a bookshop or the Web.

Users form a large minority (44 per cent) of the UCL community, a finding that is closely in line with other surveys (for example, a 2005 study of undergraduates at New Hall Cambridge found a 38 per cent penetration rate).

A number of interesting demographic patterns emerge when we look at the data for existing e‐book users more closely (diversity is a strong leitmotiv in this article, as indeed in most of CIBER's recent work). For example, existing users are:

  • more likely to be dependent upon searching other libraries' catalogues[1];

  • more likely to be dependent upon publishers' catalogues or web sites[2];

  • less reliant on following up references on reading lists[3];

  • less reliant on personal recommendations[4];

  • more likely to be dependent on Google or another popular web search engine[5];

  • more likely to report a worse experience of UCL Library Services[6];

  • likely to exhibit very much higher levels of awareness of UCL e‐book provision[7];

  • much more likely to be male[8]; and

  • more likely to be a graduate student, less likely to be a staff member[9].

In fact, as one considers the above, it seems that existing e‐book users are relatively independent (or at least this seems to be what they claim) of formal library provision. This is an important point that will be re‐visited later in the context of book discovery behaviour.

As might well have been anticipated, age is a good predictor of e‐book use (Figure 2), and the extent of this effect is very striking.

The demographics of e‐book use are complex, since age, gender, and broad subject interest all interact with one another in various ways. As an example, Figure 3 presents the findings of a univariate General Linear Model (GLM) analysis where gender and broad subject were held constant in relation to e‐book use (for the sake of simplicity, not all subjects are shown here). For most disciplines, existing e‐book users are much more likely to be male than female (i.e. to appear lower on the y‐axis). However, in engineering and the social and historical sciences, the gender pattern reverses. Numbers are admittedly too small to make more general claims here, but this GLM analysis does point to the complexity of the demographic interactions and the need to avoid “one‐size‐fits‐all” prescriptions based on a superficial reading of highly aggregated data, as in so much library survey work.

Surprisingly, perhaps, neither status (full‐, part‐time or occasional), nor regularity of use of print library collections are associated with existing e‐book use.

Table IV shows the findings of another more detailed analysis, this time a binomial logistic regression. The intention here is to develop a simple predictive model that speaks to whether or not someone is likely to be an existing user of e‐books based on their responses to the other questions in the survey. The odds ratios in this model (Table IV, final column) show that current users of e‐books are very likely to be already aware of UCL's e‐book offerings (three times as likely), to be male (one and a half times more likely), and to be less than wholly satisfied with UCL's printed book collections (about 13 per cent more likely). These three factors enable a correct prediction to be made in 63.5 per cent of all cases. These findings suggest that many users' interest in e‐books may have been activated by their experience at UCL, a working hypothesis that will be pursued (the effect could of course equally run in the opposite direction: having already used e‐books they then seek out this form of provision more actively in a library context).

Sourcing e‐books

For those currently using e‐books, a key question for both publishers and librarians is how they sourced those materials in the first place? At this point in time, our survey finds that existing UCL e‐book users are relatively independent of library provision; with a majority (61 per cent) sourcing titles under their own steam (Figure 4).

Again, there are pronounced gender differences, with men exhibiting a greater degree of “library independence” than women (Figure 5). Doctoral students show the greatest degree of self‐sufficiency of any of the groups, with nearly two‐thirds, 65 per cent, currently obtaining their e‐books for themselves.

Reading format preferences

A crucial question for the widespread adoption of e‐books is the issue of reading format preference. E‐book users at UCL claim a strong preference for reading from screen rather than paper, and this seems to be relatively independent of their age (Figure 6).

The demographic profile for this question is particularly interesting:

  • men say they are more likely to read from a screen than women[10]; and

  • undergraduates appear to be the most likely group to read from screen[11].

The relationship between format preference and age is more complex than might have been anticipated (see Figure 7).

The youngest group (undergraduates) shows a very marked preference for reading from screen, but the overall pattern appears not to be very age‐dependent, except for a marked fall off (on the basis of a small population) after the age of 65. These findings raise more questions than they answer: Are people really reporting their behaviour accurately? What do they mean when they say “it varies”? Why and under what circumstances?

Purpose of reading

One of the most potent guiding principles in librarianship is “To each book its reader”, a maxim coined by the famous Indian librarian (and UCL alumnus), S.R. Ranganathan. What kinds of needs do e‐books meet for academics at UCL, in their professional or personal capacities? The purpose of reading is shown in Figure 8.

At the time of the survey, users clearly associated e‐books mainly with work and study rather than leisure. The extent to which this finding is constrained by the availability of suitable titles, or whether it reflects deeper undercurrents is something that will be investigated further during the course of SuperBook.

There are no significant age or gender differences with respect to this issue. Part‐timers (staff and students) do tend to use e‐books more to support their leisure activities[12], another finding that deserves closer scrutiny. Perhaps unsurprisingly, there is a strong tendency for users to read leisure materials from a computer screen but print out the contents of work or study‐based materials[13].

The findings in Table V show that libraries are very much the preferred source for e‐book materials relating to work or study and that users generally tend to find other sources for their leisure reading. Finding other ways into this question will be important, again because the answers could be shaped as much by title availability as by any innate preference.

Types of e‐books used

A more detailed breakdown of the particular types of e‐books used is presented as Figure 9. (Note that respondents were invited to tick as many boxes as applied, thus the total responses are greater than the number of respondents).

Textbooks are clearly the most popular form for academic users, followed by reference works.

This question offers some valuable insights into the current academic market for e‐books and these are explored further in Tables VI‐VIII. Highlights include a strong preference for popular non‐fiction by men (Table VI), and for fiction and popular non‐fiction amongst undergraduates (Table VII). The findings in Table VIII suggest that there is strong competition from non‐library sources (i.e. people buy or obtain them on their own account) across all e‐book formats.

Advantages and disadvantages of e‐books

E‐books and conventional print titles offer users a very different kind of experience and this question explores user perceptions of the relative advantages and disadvantages of each format across a range of factors. The precise form of the question was that respondents were invited to tick one of the following three options for each factor:

1 = “e‐books are better”2 = “printed books are better”3 = “I don't know”

Again, only those who had actually used e‐books were surveyed.

The data in Figure 10 reveal users' perceptions of the advantages (positive values) and disadvantages (negative values) of e‐books when compared with conventional hard copy titles (the units are percentage point differences and “don't knows” are excluded for ease of assimilating the essential message).

E‐books clearly compare very unfavourably indeed with print titles for perceived ease of reading. The benefits of e‐books cluster around convenience: ease of making copies, perceived up‐to‐dateness, space‐saving, and around the clock availability. That hard copy is so decisively favoured in terms of ease of reading is a little surprising given the responses reported earlier regarding reading format preferences (Figure 6) and suggests that more work on actual, rather than self‐reported, reading behaviour is urgently needed.

Confidence in the relative up‐to‐dateness advantage of e‐books declines markedly with age[14], similarly, their around‐the‐clock availability[15]. There is a big difference between men and women in respect of features and functionality: men tend to rate these aspects much more highly[16].

Current use of library print collections

All respondents rejoined the survey at this point, where the attention shifts from actual experience of using e‐books to profiling current use and satisfaction with UCL Library Services' print collections and general book discovery behaviour.

The UCL community is segmented in Figure 11 by their current use of library print titles.

The two critical demographics relating to the intensity of print collection use are gender and age:

  1. 1.

    women (42 per cent) are much more likely to classify themselves as “regular users” than men (35 per cent)[17]; and

  2. 2.

    regular use peaks at 22‐25 years (44 per cent) then declines to a minimum of 28.7 per cent (46‐55)[18].

The extent of the age effect on intensity of print collection use is starkly portrayed in Figure 12. This is hardly unexpected, since the information needs of undergraduates and professors emeriti are hardly likely to be co‐extensive! The more interesting issue is the striking switchover in behaviour in middle age and whether this will persist as we move through time, or simply disappear as a generation of digital immigrants passes by?

Book discovery preferences

The question of precisely how readers identify the books they want to read or consult is seriously under‐researched in the literature, amazingly so given its significance for publishers and librarians (let alone readers). Here, we asked respondents to rate their perceived level of dependence on a range of formal and informal mechanisms for (print) book discovery. A four point scale was used (1 = “very dependent”; 2 = “quite dependent”; 3 = “not very dependent”; 4 = “not at all dependent”).

Book discovery behaviour is complex, and we can only scratch the surface in this paper.

At first glance, the findings presented in Figure 13 might suggest that individuals employ a wide range of strategies to identify the books they need for work or study. It is certainly the case that most of us do most of the things on this list at some point in our work or leisure time. However, a closer examination of the data suggests that there is real underlying structure to these preferences. Demographic factors, notably broad subject, age, and gender all play a significant role in determining which strategies tend to be emphasised.

Figure 14 is an automatic classification[19] that reveals something of how book discovery behaviour is structured at UCL. This hierarchical classification was achieved by means of some fairly heavy number crunching: briefly, the profile of answers to this multi‐part question for each and every respondent was compared with all other respondents to see if there is any discernible pattern.

Three clusters of factors are apparent. The first cluster brings together visiting other (i.e. non‐UCL) libraries and catalogues, publishers' catalogues (and web sites), and book reviews. These are all formal or semi‐formal systems of literature control that lie outside the ambit of UCL Library Services and are suggestive of specialist research requirements. The second cluster brings together searching Amazon or Google Book Search, searching Google or other popular web sites, and visiting bookshops. This grouping suggests a fundamental mode of behaviour that is highly independent of library systems and provision. The third cluster comprises activities (following up reading lists, personal recommendation from friends and colleagues, consulting UCL Library Services in person or consulting the catalogue) that are institutionally focused. While not suggesting that any of these strategies is “more important” than another, an interesting line of enquiry would be to see whether these archetypes have any explanatory power and if they do indeed map onto different kinds of information requirement.

That book discovery behaviour is a complex and highly structured set of activities, is further illustrated by Figures 15‐18. These all illustrate very significant demographic differences that clearly have implications for service delivery.

Space here does not permit a fuller exploration of the issues around book discovery: we will simply note that they are complex and beg further examination. The key message is that service planning and delivery might well benefit from a better understanding of how people find books and that publishers and librarians might do well to segment their offerings in a much more sophisticated way: “one‐size‐fits‐all” solutions would not seem to be a good idea at all looking at the evidence here.

Satisfaction with current provision of printed library books

At some point, every library user experiences difficulty in obtaining copies of conventional printed books and so the purpose of the next question is to determine the wider institutional context within which to understand the take‐up or neglect of e‐books (see Figure 19).

Overall, satisfaction levels among the UCL community regarding library provision are very high: 41 per cent of those expressing an opinion find provision to be “excellent” or “good”, only 8 per cent “poor” or “very poor”. But it is also clear that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are highly granular, with significant differences by gender[20] (men are generally less satisfied), age[21] (satisfaction increases with age), broad subject[22] (there is greater dissatisfaction in engineering and the sciences), and status[23] (part‐timers are less satisfied). The next two Figures (20‐21) illustrate just some of the complex interactions between these demographics again to make the point that we should not treat headline findings as necessarily being generally applicable across the board.

These figures highlight particular local hotspots of low satisfaction: for example, men in engineering and in the mathematical and physical sciences (Figure 20, upper left) and part‐time males (Figure 21, upper left) that we might otherwise overlook.

Awareness of e‐book library provision

The next question explored levels of awareness of the (then current) e‐book provision made by UCL Library Services (Figure 22).

Students, especially at Masters’ (41 per cent) or undergraduate (34 per cent) level are much more aware of e‐library book provision than are academic (24 per cent) and research staff (21 per cent). Amongst the faculties (faculty and students), engineering sciences (41 per cent) and social and historical sciences (38 per cent) are the most e‐book aware, life sciences (22 per cent) and mathematical and physical sciences (20 per cent) the least. Surprisingly perhaps there are no significant differences between full‐ and part‐time members of the UCL community.

Library e‐book awareness channels

For those faculty and students that were aware of library provision, a subsidiary question revolved around the channels by which they had found out about those e‐books in the first place (Figure 23).

The main channels forming initial awareness of UCL Library Service e‐books were the web site and library catalogue. This is especially so for men: staff briefings and course tutors were more effective awareness‐raising channels for women. Course tutors play a vital role: 68 per cent of undergraduates said that they found out about UCL provision this way.

Library e‐book marketing preferences

Regardless of whether they had any e‐book experience, or whether or not they knew about local UCL library provision, all respondents were asked at this point what they felt would be the single most effective way to get the message out about e‐library books (Figure 24).

Overall, the most effective marketing channels for e‐books in this context are likely to be information on the library web site and e‐mail user guides, but more precise targeting for different groups may well pay dividends. Within this broad picture, the survey findings suggest that staff would very much welcome a user guide posted on the library web site, that undergraduates would benefit enormously from making sure that e‐books are included and signposted on reading lists, and that graduate students are able to access a printed information guide in the library.


This survey reveals a substantial level of interest in and use of e‐books in at least one major research‐orientated academic institution in the UK. Demand is currently being satisfied by a mixed market of suppliers, with libraries playing a key, but by no means an exclusive role, in satisfying the needs of e‐readers.

Diversity is a common theme in this survey, as in so much of CIBER's recent work (Nicholas et al., 2007) and attitudes towards e‐books, print titles, and libraries vary, sometimes considerably so, by age, academic status, and (especially) by subject. Self‐reporting on many of the issues we investigated appears to be significantly gendered, even when confounding variables like subject and academic status are taken into consideration. Men, so they tell us, are really keen on e‐books and much less dependent upon formal library systems and services: they prefer to be self‐sufficient and to go their own way. A key research question for us (and for the publishing and library communities at large) is whether information behaviour, in real life, really is as gendered as our respondents tell us. If so, and if self‐reported attitudes and perceptions really do translate into actions, then the information professions will have a lot to think about.

One of the most interesting lines of future inquiry opened up by this survey is the notion that book discovery behaviour is highly patterned and that readers may use different underlying strategies at different times to meet different kinds of information need. This could have major implications for publishers and booksellers as well as libraries.

This study confirms some of the findings of the previous studies. Like Chu's (2003) and Levine‐Clark's (2006) findings, it shows that availability and ease of use are favourite features of e‐books. The study also highlights once again the increasing interest in use of e‐books.

Figure 1  Current use of e‐books (n=1,818)

Figure 1

Current use of e‐books (n=1,818)

Figure 2  Current use of e‐books by age group (users as a percentage of each age group, n=1,655)

Figure 2

Current use of e‐books by age group (users as a percentage of each age group, n=1,655)

Figure 3  Current use of e‐books: interaction of broad subject and gender (marginal means)

Figure 3

Current use of e‐books: interaction of broad subject and gender (marginal means)

Figure 4  Sourcing e‐books (n=761)

Figure 4

Sourcing e‐books (n=761)

Figure 5  Sourcing e‐books: gender differences (percentages within gender, n=761)

Figure 5

Sourcing e‐books: gender differences (percentages within gender, n=761)

Figure 6  Reading format preferences (n=761)

Figure 6

Reading format preferences (n=761)

Figure 7  Reading format preferences (percentages within each age category)

Figure 7

Reading format preferences (percentages within each age category)

Figure 8  Purpose of reading (n=760)

Figure 8

Purpose of reading (n=760)

Figure 9  Types of e‐books used (percentages of respondents, n=759)

Figure 9

Types of e‐books used (percentages of respondents, n=759)

Figure 10  Advantages and disadvantages of e‐books (percentage point differences, e‐books and print, n=760)

Figure 10

Advantages and disadvantages of e‐books (percentage point differences, e‐books and print, n=760)

Figure 11  Current use of library print collections (percentages, n=1,673)

Figure 11

Current use of library print collections (percentages, n=1,673)

Figure 12  Current use of library print collections by age (percentages, n=1,673)

Figure 12

Current use of library print collections by age (percentages, n=1,673)

Figure 13  Book discovery preferences (mean values, n=1,671)

Figure 13

Book discovery preferences (mean values, n=1,671)

Figure 14  Automatic classification of book discovery mechanisms

Figure 14

Automatic classification of book discovery mechanisms

Figure 15  Dependence on Google or other search engines by broad subject (mean values)

Figure 15

Dependence on Google or other search engines by broad subject (mean values)

Figure 16  Dependence on UCL catalogue by broad subject (mean values)

Figure 16

Dependence on UCL catalogue by broad subject (mean values)

Figure 17  Dependence on UCL catalogue by age (mean values)

Figure 17

Dependence on UCL catalogue by age (mean values)

Figure 18  Dependence on publishers/catalogues and websites by age (mean values)

Figure 18

Dependence on publishers/catalogues and websites by age (mean values)

Figure 19  Satisfaction with current provision of printed library books (percentages, n=1,646)

Figure 19

Satisfaction with current provision of printed library books (percentages, n=1,646)

Figure 20  Satisfaction with current provision: gender/subject interactions (mean values)

Figure 20

Satisfaction with current provision: gender/subject interactions (mean values)

Figure 21  Satisfaction with current provision: gender/status interactions (mean values)

Figure 21

Satisfaction with current provision: gender/status interactions (mean values)

Figure 22  Awareness of UCL e‐book provision (n=1,158)

Figure 22

Awareness of UCL e‐book provision (n=1,158)

Figure 23  Library e‐book awareness channels (percentages, n=521)

Figure 23

Library e‐book awareness channels (percentages, n=521)

Figure 24  Library e‐book marketing preferences (percentages n=1,662)

Figure 24

Library e‐book marketing preferences (percentages n=1,662)

Table I  Representativeness of sample by gender (column percentages)

Table I

Representativeness of sample by gender (column percentages)

Table II  Representativeness of sample by academic status (column percentages)

Table II

Representativeness of sample by academic status (column percentages)

Table III  Representativeness of sample by faculty (column percentages)

Table III

Representativeness of sample by faculty (column percentages)

Table IV  Predictors of existing e‐book use: a binary logistic regression

Table IV

Predictors of existing e‐book use: a binary logistic regression

Table V  Purpose and sources of e‐book readings (row percentages)

Table V

Purpose and sources of e‐book readings (row percentages)

Table VI  Types of e‐books used by gender (column percentages)

Table VI

Types of e‐books used by gender (column percentages)

Table VII  Types of e‐books used by academic status (column percentages)

Table VII

Types of e‐books used by academic status (column percentages)

Table VIII  Types of e‐books used by source (column percentages)

Table VIII

Types of e‐books used by source (column percentages)


Pearson Σ2=11.92, df=3, distribution significant at the 1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=26.54, df=3, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=8.29, df=3, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=8.75, df=3, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=25.51, df=3, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=13.89, df=5, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=92.10, df=1, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=15.03, df=2, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=23.62, df=8, distribution significant at the 1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=9.03, df=4, distribution significant at the 1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=37.75, df=14, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=136.46, df=6, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=24.70, df=6, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=45.30, df=14, distribution significant at the 0.1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=22.10, df=14, distribution significant at the 1 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=11.66, df=4, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=12.70, df=4, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Pearson Σ2=65.10, df=25, distribution significant at the 1 per cent level.

This dendogram was generated using Ward's method and a squared Euclidean distance as a dissimilarity measure.

ANOVA F=5.92, df=1, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

ANOVA F=2,64, df=6, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

ANOVA F=2.19, df=8, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

ANOVA F=3.25, df=2, distribution significant at the 5 per cent level.

Corresponding author

Ian Rowlands can be contacted at: [email protected]


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