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Knowledge discovery from database: MRI radiomic features to assess recurrence risk in high-grade meningiomas
BMC Medical Imaging volume 25, Article number: 14 (2025)
We used knowledge discovery from radiomics of T2-weighted imaging (T2WI) and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging (T1C) for assessing relapse risk in patients with high-grade meningiomas (HGMs).
279 features were extracted from each ROI including 9 histogram features, 220 Gy-level co-occurrence matrix features, 20 Gy-level run-length matrix features, 5 auto-regressive model features, 20 wavelets transform features and 5 absolute gradient statistics features. The datasets were randomly divided into two groups, the training set (~ 70%) and the test set (~ 30%). Combinations of data preprocessing methods, including normalization (Min-Max, Z-score, Mean), dimensionality reduction (Pearson Correlation Coefficients (PCC)), feature selector (max-Number, cluster) and ten-fold cross-validation were analyzed for their prediction performance. Kaplan–Meier curve, Cox proportional hazards regression model were used and concordance index (C-index), integrated Brier score (IBS) were selected. Model performance was assessed using the C-index.
WHO grade, age, gender, histogram (Mean, Perc.90%, Perc.99%), Gray-level co-occurrence matrix (S(3, -3)DifVarnc, S(5, 5)Correlat, S(1, 0)SumEntrp, S(2, -2)InvDfMom), Teta1, WavEnLL_s-2 and GrVariance were identified as the significant recurrence factors. The pipeline using Mean_PCC_Cluster_10 of T1C yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.170, 0.188, 0.208 and C-index of 0.709, 0.705, 0.602 in the train, test and validation sets, respectively. The pipeline using MinMax_PCC_Cluster_19 of T2WI yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.189, 0.175, 0.185 and C-index of 0.783, 0.66, 0.649 in the train, test and validation sets. The pipeline using MinMax_PCC_Cluster_13 of T2WI + T1C yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.152, 0.164, 0.191 and C-index of 0.701, 0.656, 0.593 in the train, test and validation sets, respectively.
Knowledge discovery from MRI radiomic features can slightly help predict recurrence risk in HGMs. T2WI or T1C yielded better efficiency than T2WI + T1C. The parameters with the best power were Mean, Perc.99%, WavEnLL_s-2, Teta1 and GrVariance.
Meningiomas are the most common intracranial tumor originating from the arachnoid cap cells, which account for 39% of central nervous system neoplasms [1]. Around 5% of all newly diagnosed meningiomas are high-grade meningiomas (HGMs, WHO grade II and III) [2], accompanied with aggressive clinical features and frequent tumor recurrence compared to their benign low-grade meningiomas (LGMs, WHO grade I). The 5-year recurrence rate after total resection of grade I, II, III meningiomas are 7–23%, 50–55%, and 72–78% [3, 4]. Because of the huge difference between LGMs and HGMs, a preoperative model for assessing relapse risk in patients with HGMs should be constructed to help individualized treatment and improve the long-term survival rate.
Conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has limitations of its own when assessing recurrence risk in HGMs. It is possible to analyze pixel distributions, intensities and dependencies by mathematically defining features in radiomics, and it can provide information that is not visible with the naked eye [5]. Radiomics endeavors to uncover and quantify the concealed information embedded in biomedical images through the application of machine learning (ML) or deep learning methodologies. Analyzing and understanding such vast quantities of data can be effectively accomplished through Knowledge Discovery from Databases (KDD), which stands as an interdisciplinary field encompassing artificial intelligence, databases, statistics, and ML. ML is a branch of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from large complex datasets and perform tasks such as analysis, classification and prediction, which has potential to play a key role across a variety of medical imaging applications [6, 7]. To our knowledge, in some studies, they proposed a combination of radiomic analysis and ML or deep learning for classification MRI of most common brain tumours or LGMs and HGMs, predicting mitosis cycles in intracranial meningioma, assessing preoperative risk of subtotal resection in skull meningiomas, predicting of Ki-67 proliferation index or sinus invasion in meningiomas or recurrence in parasagittal and parafalcine meningiomas (WHO grade I) [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]. Ko et al. [18] reported MRI radiomics based on support vector machine to predict progression/recurrence in WHO grade I meningiomas and Kalasauskas et al. [19] reported value of radiomic and semantic MRI characteristics for the prediction of WHO grade II meningiomas relapse. Few articles have been reported on the use of radiomics to assess the relapse risk in patients with HGMs. To bridge this gap, this retrospective study was designed to assess the potential value of the KDD-based MRI radiomics for recurrence risk in HGMs.
Materials and methods
The surgical pathology database at our hospital was utilized from November 1, 2021, to November 1, 2023. Exclusion criteria were (1) patients treated before surgery, and (2) inadequate image quality. All methods were performed according to relevant guidelines. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Review Committee of Henan Provincial People’s Hospital and all the patients signed informed consent.
Image acquisition
Patients were examined using a 3.0T MRI scanner (Siemens Skyra) with the standard head coil. MRI scan protocols included the following: axial T2WI (TR = 5000 ms, TE = 117 ms, matrix = 256 × 256, intersection gap = 1 mm, thickness = 5 mm and field of view = 24 × 24 cm). Contrast-enhanced T1WI (T1C)(TR = 260.0 ms, TE = 2.46 ms, flow rate = 2.0 mL/s, dose = 0.2 ml/kg).
Textural feature extractions
Analyses were performed using MaZda v. 4.7 software (Institute of Electronics, Lodz Technical University, https://qmazda.p.lodz.pl/) [20,21,22,23]. In order to get reliable results on MRI texture classifications, the dynamics were limited to µ ± 3δ(µ: mean gray-level value, δ: standard deviation) [24]. The next step was to draw regions of interest (ROIs) on images of T2WI and T1C of the largest lay on 2D sequences. It took two doctors with more than ten years of experience to delineate the ROIs manually along the edges of the lesion, fill the lesion with red markers, and exclude necrotic and cystic tissue intending for the analysis of viable lesions, and the third senior radiologist made the final decision in case of any disputes. In the subsequent analyses, the averages of the measurements were used. The degree of agreement was categorized as follows: an interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value below 0.60 signified poor to moderate concordance; an ICC ranging from 0.61 to 0.80 indicated good agreement; whereas, an ICC spanning from 0.81 to 1.00 represented excellent agreement. A total of 279 feature values and corresponding histograms were extracted for each ROI. Based on feature classes, the number of radiomics features included (i) 9 histogram features on the basis of the pixel counts in images with specific gray-level values [25], (ii) 220 Gy-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) features in accordance with a statistical description of the pixel pair distribution [26], (iii) 20 Gy-level run-length matrix (GLRLM) features, achieved by searching the image for runs with the same gray-level value in pre-defined directions [27], (iv) 5 auto-regressive model (ARM) features, grounded in the weights attributed to four adjacent pixels and the variance derived from minimizing the prediction error, (v) 20 wavelets transform (WAV) features, rooted in the extraction of texture frequency components from the energy levels calculated within distinct channels [28] and (vi) 5 absolute gradient statistics (AGS) features, computed according to the analysis of the spatial variation of grey-level values across the entire image [25]. Multiple GLCMs were computed at various distances of 1, 2, 3, and 4 pixels, in the directions of 0°, 45°, 90° and 135° (with respect to the horizontal axis), as well as potentially along the z-axis for volumetric or multi-slice images. Multiple GLRLMs were computed at four distinct angles: horizontal (0°), vertical (90° ), diagonal 45, and diagonal 135. Clinical information included age, gender, WHO meningioma grading (grades II and III), relapse time, and the tumor area. Multiple meningiomas from the same patient were considered as a single case in ROI classification and impact feature extraction.
Feature selections
A computer-generated random dataset was used to allocate 70% of the dataset to the training set and the remaining (30%) of the dataset to the independent test set. FeAture Explorer software (FAE; V 0.5.5, https://github.com/salan668/FAE.) was developed using the Python programming language (https://python.org) and NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learning modules (https://scikit-learn.org). The survival analysis module of FAE software was modeled based on Lifelines and PyCox. Firstly, we normalized the dataset by MinMax Normalization, Z-score Normalization and Mean Normalization. Min-max normalization maps the original data range into a new range[0,1] in a linear fashion. Z-score Normalization subtracts the mean value and divides the standard deviation for each feature. Mean Normalization involves calculating the mean (average) value for each feature in a dataset and then subtracting that mean from each feature’s value to normalize the data, typically scaling it to a range such as [-0.5, 0.5]. Secondly, we used a Pearson Correlation Coefficient (PCC) to dimension reduction. PCC is used for each pair of features to reduce the row space dimensions of the feature matrix and the PCC is used to reflect the degree of linear correlation between two variables. Its value ranges from − 1 to 1, with a larger absolute value indicating a stronger correlation. A PCC value of 0.99, which is often adopted as a criterion in literature, indicates an extremely high degree of linear correlation between the two variables, and this correlation is statistically significant. But if the PCC is greater than 0.99, one of them is randomly deleted in order to reduce data redundancy and enhance model efficiency. Iterate through all features and calculate the Pearson correlation coefficient between each pair. Lastly, we set feature number range from 1 to 20, feature selection through clustering, and ten-fold cross-validation. When selecting the minimum and maximum number of features, FeAture Explorer software will iterate through all possible feature counts within this range to build models. From the perspective of data interpretability, it is advisable to keep the maximum number of features in the model relatively low (e.g., 20). If the number of features being iterated over exceeds the total number of features in the feature matrix, all features will be used for modeling. Cluster specifies what column has unique identifiers for clustering covariances. Using this forces the sandwich estimator (robust variance estimator) to be used. This module splits the training data into a training set and a validation set to find the optimal combination of the aforementioned strategies. In order to seek a stable combination of hyperparameters, a ten-fold cross-validation approach is chosen. Initially, the sampling is divided into 10 subsets, with each subset being held out in turn as the validation data for the model, while the remaining 9 subsets are used for training. This cross-validation process is repeated 10 times, with each subset serving as the validation data once. All the results are recorded and statistically analyzed against the corresponding labels to evaluate the performance of the model. The training set would be used to train the model, the validation set for hyperparameter tuning and model selection (choosing the model that performs best on the validation set), and finally, the test set to validate the model.
Statistical analysis
X-tile 3.6.1 software [29] (Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA) was used to determine the optimal cut-off values. The optimal cut-off value is the best threshold used in fields like statistical analysis, medical diagnosis, and risk assessment to distinguish between different categories (such as “positive” and “negative”). This cut-off value is usually chosen at the point that maximizes the Youden Index. The maximum Youden Index point is calculated as the sum of sensitivity and specificity minus 1. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox’s proportional hazard model. We used Linear Regression. The Concordance Index (C-index), is a metric used to evaluate the predictive accuracy of a model. It is primarily employed to calculate the discrimination between the predicted values and the true values of the COX model in survival analysis. The C-index estimates the probability that the predicted outcomes are consistent with the actual observed outcomes, making it one of the commonly used indicators in assessing the predictive accuracy of prognostic models for tumor patients. The Integrated Brier Score (IBS) is a metric utilized to assess the accuracy of probabilistic prediction models. Probabilistic prediction models are typically employed to forecast the probability of an outcome. IBS, one of the frequently used metrics for evaluating probabilistic prediction models, measures the discrepancy between the predicted outcomes and the actual outcomes. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All confidence intervals (CIs) were showed at the 95% confidence level.
Of the 261 consecutive patients with a pathologic diagnosis of grade II or III meningiomas over a 2-year period from November 2021 until November 2023, 6 were excluded for poor MRI image quality (motion artifacts), 5 for lacking T1C and 250 patients were finally selected for the study. There were 164 patients with grade II and 86 patients with grade III. There were 118 males and 132 females in the entire dataset. The mean age of the patients was 52.72 years with a range of 15 to 79 years and the standard deviation was 14.34. We allocated 70% of the datasets to the training set (175 patients with 115 grade II and 60 grade III) and 30% of datasets to the independent test set (75 patients with 49 grade II and 26 grade III) (Table 1).
The interobserver agreements were good. There were 69,750 results generated from 279 feature values and 250 patients, which were too numerous to be displayed in full. In the article, we presented the results of WHO and gender using MinMax, Z-score and Mean normalization. After applying MinMax normalization, the results for WHO grade and gender were as follows: WHO grade II = 0, WHO grade III = 1; for gender, female = 0, and male = 1. After applying Z-score normalization, the results for WHO grade and gender were as follows: WHO grade II = -0.5883, WHO grade III = 1.69967; for gender, female = -0.8328, and male = 1.20077. After applying Mean normalization, the results for WHO grade and gender were as follows: WHO grade II = -0.2571, WHO grade III = 0.74286; for gender, female = -0.4095, and male = 1.59048.
The pipeline using MinMax_PCC_Cluster_19 of T2WI yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.189, 0.175, 0.185 and C-index of 0.783, 0.66, 0.649 in the train, test and validation sets, respectively (Fig. 1a). WHO grade, Mean and WavEnLL_s-2 were identified as the significant recurrence factors (p = 0.01, 0.03, 0.03) (Table 2). χ2 of WHO grade was 13.969 (P = 0.006). The optimal cut-off value for Mean and WavEnLL_s-2 were 83.50 (χ2 = 10.247, P = 0.034) and 7984 (χ2 = 9.734, P = 0.042) (Fig. 2a-b).
Determination of the optimal cut-off values of Mean, WavEnLL_s-2 and Teta1 and survival analyses. X-tile plots of training sets are shown in the left panels, with plots of test sets shown in the smaller inset. The optimal cut-off values highlighted by the black circles in left panels are shown in histograms of the entire cohort (middle panels), and Kaplan-Meier plots are displayed in right panels. P values were determined by using the cut-off values defined in training sets and applying them to test sets
The pipeline using Mean_PCC_Cluster_10 of T1C yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.170, 0.188, 0.208 and C-index of 0.709, 0.705, 0.602 in the train, test and validation sets (Fig. 1b). Age and Teta1 were identified as the significant recurrence factors (p = 0.01, 0.03) (Supplementary Material 1). The optimal cut-off value for age and Teta1 were 66 (χ2 = 4.055, P = 0.447) and 0.90 (χ2 = 10.839, P = 0.026) (Fig. 2c).
The pipeline using MinMax_PCC_Cluster_13 of T2WI + T1C yielded the highest efficiency with an IBS of 0.152, 0.164, 0.191 and C-index of 0.701, 0.656, 0.593 in the train, test and validation sets, respectively (Fig. 1c). Age, gender, Perc.90%, Perc.99%, S(3, -3)DifVarnc, S(5, 5)Correlat, S(1, 0)SumEntrp, S(2, -2)InvDfMom and GrVariance were identified as the significant recurrence factors (p < 0.05) (Supplementary Material 2). χ2 of gender was 0.030 (P = 1.000). The optimal cut-off value for age, Perc.90%, Perc.99%, S(3, -3)DifVarnc, S(5, 5)Correlat, S(1, 0)SumEntrp, S(2, -2)InvDfMom and GrVariance were 56 (χ2 = 9.723, P = 0.042), 190 (χ2 = 9.219, P = 0.053), 198 (χ2 = 9.713, P = 0.042), 7.70 (χ2 = 5.805, P = 0.229), 0.30 (χ2 = 5.629, P = 0.248), 1.10 (χ2 = 3.369, P = 0.575), 0.40 (χ2 = 7.574, P = 0.107) and 0.50 (χ2 = 10.764, P = 0.026) (Fig. 3).
The necessity for new analytical methods beyond traditional statistical approaches, driven by big data, led to the emergence of the interdisciplinary field of knowledge discovery and data mining, which aims to uncover new knowledge from data mines. In this study, we have attempted to explore the usability of KDD-based MRI radiomic features to assess relapse risk in patients with high-grade meningiomas. Statistical analysis of the radiomics was carried out to determine the most feasible features that involve WHO grade, age, Mean, Perc.99%, WavEnLL_s-2, Teta1 and GrVariance.
A comprehensive meta-analysis encompassing thirteen observational studies and 1243 patients revealed that the WHO grading of meningiomas stands as the most potent risk factor predictive of recurrence [30]. WHO grade II meningiomas, as well as a composite group encompassing both WHO grades II and III, exhibited a significantly elevated risk of recurrence compared to benign lesions. However, when comparing grade II and III lesions specifically, the odds of recurrence were found to be similar. While Han et al. [31] previously reported that the WHO grade did not achieve statistical significance in terms of recurrence, our findings contradict this, revealing that the recurrence rate does indeed increase with higher tumor grade. This observation aligns with those made in previous studies [32], indicating a clear correlation between tumor grade and the likelihood of recurrence. The majority of WHO grade II meningiomas underwent Simpson grade II and III resection procedures, with a minority undergoing grade I resection, resulting in a recurrence rate of 28.6%. In contrast, the majority of WHO grade III meningiomas were treated with Simpson grade II and III resections, and a few were subjected to grade IV resection, yielding a higher recurrence rate of 37.5%. It is generally acknowledged that the completeness of the original surgical removal plays a pivotal role in the prevention of postoperative recurrence of meningiomas [33]. However, certain types of meningiomas, particularly those that invade major venous sinuses, pose a challenge to complete resection, necessitating subtotal removal as a viable option [34]. Unfortunately, this approach is associated with a significantly higher rate of tumor recurrence [35], potentially stemming from the adoption of a less aggressive treatment strategy.
In the field of radiomics, data analysis incorporates the application of first-, second-, and sophisticated higher-level statistical metrics [36]. Firstly, when it comes to first-order statistics, they are characterized as the distribution of isolated voxel intensities without considering their spatial positioning or interactions. Commonly, they are histogram-derived metrics that characterize the statistical properties of pixel values contained within the defined ROIs, including the Mean and Perc.99%. The first-order ARM assumes that pixel intensity could be predicted as the weighted sum of four neighboring pixel intensities that are left, top, top-left and top-right adjacent [37]. Teta1 was found to be one of the most promising parameters. Subsequently, second-order statistics encapsulate the texture characteristics, precisely detailing the statistical dependencies and correlations among voxels exhibiting similar or varying contrast values, such as the GrVariance. Lastly, higher-order statistics apply filter grids to images for extracting patterns, both repetitive and non-repetitive, such as wavelets, which are indicative of texture frequency components gleaned from the energy measurements within various channels. In this study, Mean, Perc.99%, Teta1, GrVariance and WavEnLL_s-2 values were found to be the most promising parameters for assessing relapse risk in patients with HGMs. The characteristics of HGMs are losing normal tissue or cell structure and focal necrosis, and these features lead to greater heterogeneity. Although the MRI signals of HGMs and LGMs are generally the same, the signals of HGMs are more variable [38].In the current study, the occurrence of tumors with flow voids was higher in grade III tumors than tumors with II grade. Most of the atypical meningiomas (WHO grade II) showed moderate enhancement, and anaplastic tumors (WHO grade III) were given priority when there was obvious and moderate heterogeneous enhancement [39]. HGMs are characterized by genomic instability [40, 41], which may be the basis of meningioma cell proliferation and tumor recurrence.
Our study has limitations. First, analyses should be performed in future studies after obtaining a larger sample size with automated or semi-automatic segmentation to determine the boundary. Second, as only T1C and T2WI maps were chosen, ADC and functional sequences will be expected to get a robust model.
In this study, we investigated the feasibility of KDD-based radiomic models from T2WI and TIC maps values to slightly predict recurrence risk in HGMs. This prediction model has some potential to guide clinical prognosis prediction and decision-making for therapy in the future.
Data availability
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.
- KDD:
Knowledge Discovery from Databases
- T2WI:
T2-weighted imaging
- T1C:
Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging
- HGMs:
High-grade meningiomas
- PCC:
Pearson correlation coefficient
- C-index:
Concordance index
- IBS:
Integrated brier score
- LGMs:
Low-grade meningiomas
- MRI:
Magnetic resonance imaging
Gray-level co-occurrence matrix
Gray-level run-length matrix
- ARM:
Auto-regressive model
- WAV:
Wavelets transform
- AGS:
Absolute gradient statistics
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All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by Chen Chen, Lifang Hao, Bin Bai and Guijun Zhang. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Chen Chen and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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Chen, C., Hao, L., Bai, B. et al. Knowledge discovery from database: MRI radiomic features to assess recurrence risk in high-grade meningiomas. BMC Med Imaging 25, 14 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-024-01483-2
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12880-024-01483-2