Abstract—A novel adaptive image hiding algorithm was presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm is developed based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and wavelet packets transform (WPT). Firstly, bit plane decomposition (BPD) and WPT are separately implemented on the secret image and the carrier image. Secondly, the bit planes with important information are hidden into the singular value matrix with the low frequency coefficient matrix. Subsequently, the bit planes with secondary information are also hidden into the remainder sub-band matrixes with higher energy-entropy. Finally, the hiding location is adaptively determined by the carrier image. The experimental results show that, the proposed image hiding algorithm has a strong anti-attack ability, robustness, and good invisibility. Index Terms—Image hiding; singular value decomposition; wavelet packets transform; bit plane decomposition. Cite: Yueli Cui, Zhigang Chen, Qiang Zhou, and Shiqing Zhang, "A Novel Adaptive Image Hiding Algorithm," Journal of Communications, vol. 10, no. 5, pp.360-365, 2015. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.10.5.360-365