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cuTauLeaping: A GPU-Powered Tau-Leaping Stochastic Simulator for Massive Parallel Analyses of Biological Systems

Figure 12

Bidimensional parameter sweep analysis of the Ras/cAMP/PKA model.

Results of a PSA-2D on the Ras/cAMP/PKA model by varying the amount of GTP in the interval molecules (ranging from a reduced nutrient availability to a normal growth condition), and the amount of Cdc25 in the interval molecules (ranging from the deletion to a 2-fold overexpression of this GEF proteins). The figure shows the amplitude of cAMP oscillations, evaluated as described in [44]; an amplitude value equal to zero corresponds to a non oscillating dynamics. (a) Plot of the results obtained by running parallel simulations with cuTauLeaping; (b) plot of the results obtained by running sequential simulations, performed on the CPU. The two batches of parallel and sequential simulations were executed with a comparable computational time.

Figure 12
