Neural Gaussian Similarity Modeling for Differential Graph Structure Learning


  • Xiaolong Fan Xidian University
  • Maoguo Gong Xidian University
  • Yue Wu Xidian University
  • Zedong Tang Xidian University
  • Jieyi Liu Xidian University



ML: Graph-based Machine Learning, DMKM: Graph Mining, Social Network Analysis & Community, ML: Deep Learning Algorithms


Graph Structure Learning (GSL) has demonstrated considerable potential in the analysis of graph-unknown non-Euclidean data across a wide range of domains. However, constructing an end-to-end graph structure learning model poses a challenge due to the impediment of gradient flow caused by the nearest neighbor sampling strategy. In this paper, we construct a differential graph structure learning model by replacing the non-differentiable nearest neighbor sampling with a differentiable sampling using the reparameterization trick. Under this framework, we argue that the act of sampling nearest neighbors may not invariably be essential, particularly in instances where node features exhibit a significant degree of similarity. To alleviate this issue, the bell-shaped Gaussian Similarity (GauSim) modeling is proposed to sample non-nearest neighbors. To adaptively model the similarity, we further propose Neural Gaussian Similarity (NeuralGauSim) with learnable parameters featuring flexible sampling behaviors. In addition, we develop a scalable method by transferring the large-scale graph to the transition graph to significantly reduce the complexity. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.




How to Cite

Fan, X., Gong, M., Wu, Y., Tang, Z., & Liu, J. (2024). Neural Gaussian Similarity Modeling for Differential Graph Structure Learning. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(11), 11919-11926.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II