Protein 3D Graph Structure Learning for Robust Structure-Based Protein Property Prediction


  • Yufei Huang Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Siyuan Li Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Lirong Wu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Jin Su Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Haitao Lin Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Odin Zhang Zhejiang University, Hangzhou
  • Zihan Liu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Zhangyang Gao Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Jiangbin Zheng Zhejiang University, Hangzhou AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University
  • Stan Z. Li AI Lab, Research Center for Industries of the Future, Westlake University



ML: Applications, APP: Natural Sciences


Protein structure-based property prediction has emerged as a promising approach for various biological tasks, such as protein function prediction and sub-cellular location estimation. The existing methods highly rely on experimental protein structure data and fail in scenarios where these data are unavailable. Predicted protein structures from AI tools (e.g., AlphaFold2) were utilized as alternatives. However, we observed that current practices, which simply employ accurately predicted structures during inference, suffer from notable degradation in prediction accuracy. While similar phenomena have been extensively studied in general fields (e.g., Computer Vision) as model robustness, their impact on protein property prediction remains unexplored. In this paper, we first investigate the reason behind the performance decrease when utilizing predicted structures, attributing it to the structure embedding bias from the perspective of structure representation learning. To study this problem, we identify a Protein 3D Graph Structure Learning Problem for Robust Protein Property Prediction (PGSL-RP3), collect benchmark datasets, and present a protein Structure embedding Alignment Optimization framework (SAO) to mitigate the problem of structure embedding bias between the predicted and experimental protein structures. Extensive experiments have shown that our framework is model-agnostic and effective in improving the property prediction of both predicted structures and experimental structures.



How to Cite

Huang, Y., Li, S., Wu, L., Su, J., Lin, H., Zhang, O., Liu, Z., Gao, Z., Zheng, J., & Li, S. Z. (2024). Protein 3D Graph Structure Learning for Robust Structure-Based Protein Property Prediction. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 38(11), 12662-12670.



AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II