Acta Informatica Pragensia 2012, 1(1), 69-75 | DOI: 10.18267/j.aip.82081
Ulo� sv�j v�e�! N�kolik pozn�mek k historii ICT
V roce 2005 tvrdila Universita George Washingtona: za 5 let po��ta�ov� p�ekladatel� nahrad� u�itele ciz�ch jazyk� a tlumo�n�ky. V roce 2012 - u� dva roky to tvrzen� m� platit! - zadal jsem do po��ta�e zn�mou anglickou v�tu "Save our souls" a po��ta� to p�elo�il p�esn� tak, jak �tete v nadpisu. To m� vede k �vah�m, jak je to v�bec s t�m pokrokem v ICT. P��sp�vek popisuje r�zn� p��klady, kter� neuv��iteln� rozmanit� a ni�emu nepodobn� v�voj ICT aspo� trochu charakterizuj�.
Keywords: ICT, historie, �vaha
Save your passions! A few notes on the history of ICT
In 2005, George Washington University, claimed: After 5 years computer translators will replace foreign language teachers and interpreters. In 2012 - two years that claim should pay! - I entered into the computer known English sentence "Save our souls" and the computer translated it exactly as you read the title [in Czech]. This leads me to think, how is it with progress of ICT. This paper describes various examples that incredibly characterized progress of ICT.
Keywords: ICT, History, Reflection
Received: December 10, 2012; Revised: December 26, 2012; Accepted: December 26, 2012; Published: December 29, 2012 Show citation
- B�BR, R. Zamy�len� Richarda B�bra aneb lidskou pam� zru��me, po��ta�e j� maj� dost. 19. 2. 2010. V�zkum metod a postup� pro sezn�men� ve�ejnosti s prac� v�zkumn�ho pracovn�ka prost�ednictv�m informa�n�ch technologi�. [cit. 2012-10-23] Dostupn� z
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