
IJAT Vol.10 No.2 pp. 262-271
doi: 10.20965/ijat.2016.p0262


Orientation Smoothing for 5-Axis Machining Using Quasi-Redundant Degrees of Freedom

Florian Sellmann*, Titus Haas**,†, Hop Nguyen*, Sascha Weikert**, and Konrad Wegener*

*Institute for Machine Tools and Manufacturing
Tannenstrasse 3, 8092 Zürich, Switzerland

**inspire AG
Technoparkstrasse 1, 8005 Züurich, Switzerland

Corresponding author,

July 20, 2015
December 11, 2015
Online released:
March 4, 2016
March 5, 2016
set point generation, 5-axis machining, geometry optimisation, quadratic programming, machine tool
A new approach for set point generation in the field of 5-axis machining using quasi-redundant degrees of freedom is introduced in this study. In machine tools that possess both rotational and translational axes, no bijective correlation exists between the tool center point and the movement of the machine tool axes based on the manufacturing tolerances. Depending on the manufacturing process, as many as two additional degrees of freedom exist that allow the machine tool axes movement to be optimised within the given manufacturing tolerances with respect to the axes’ inertia. In this study to reduce the mechanical excitation of the machine tool, the jerk of the machine tool axes is minimised. To enhance robustness, the optimisation problem is formulated as a quadratic program with linear constraints. This problem can be solved by using an interior point method. An application example shows that when exploiting quasi-redundancy, the mechanical excitation of the machine tool can be reduced.
Cite this article as:
F. Sellmann, T. Haas, H. Nguyen, S. Weikert, and K. Wegener, “Orientation Smoothing for 5-Axis Machining Using Quasi-Redundant Degrees of Freedom,” Int. J. Automation Technol., Vol.10 No.2, pp. 262-271, 2016.
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