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Photoacoustic Tomography: Principles and Advances (Invited Review)
Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 147, 1-22, 2014
Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is an emerging imaging modality that shows great potential for preclinical research and clinical practice. As a hybrid technique, PAT is based on the acoustic detection of optical absorption from either endogenous chromophores, such as oxy-hemoglobin and deoxy-hemoglobin, or exogenous contrast agents, such as organic dyes and nanoparticles. Because ultrasound scatters much less than light in tissue, PAT generates high-resolution images in both the optical ballistic and diffusive regimes. Over the past decade, the photoacoustic technique has been evolving rapidly, leading to a variety of exciting discoveries and applications. This review covers the basic principles of PAT and its different implementations. Strengths of PAT are highlighted, along with the most recent imaging results.
Jun Xia, Junjie Yao, and Lihong V. Wang, "Photoacoustic Tomography: Principles and Advances (Invited Review)," Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 147, 1-22, 2014.

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3. Zhang, H. F., K. Maslov, G. Stoica, and L. V. Wang, "Functional photoacoustic microscopy for high-resolution and noninvasive in vivo imaging," Nat. Biotech., Vol. 24, 848-851, 2006.

4. Fang, H., K. Maslov, and L. V. Wang, "Photoacoustic Doppler effect from flowing small light-absorbing particles," Physical Review Letters, Vol. 99, 184501, Nov. 2, 2007.

5. Yao, J., K. I. Maslov, Y. Zhang, Y. Xia, and L. V. Wang, "Label-free oxygen-metabolic photoacoustic microscopy in vivo," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, 076003, Jul. 2011.

6. Yao, J., J. Xia, K. I. Maslov, M. Nasiriavanaki, V. Tsytsarev, A. V. Demchenko, and L. V. Wang, "Noninvasive photoacoustic computed tomography of mouse brain metabolism in vivo," Neuro. Image, Vol. 64, 257-266, 2013.

7. Chatni, M. R., J. Xia, R. Sohn, K. Maslov, Z. Guo, Y. Zhang, K. Wang, Y. Xia, M. Anastasio, J. Arbeit, and L. V. Wang, "Tumor glucose metabolism imaged in vivo in small animals with whole-body photoacoustic computed tomography," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 17, 076012, 2012.

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9. Lovell, J. F., C. S. Jin, E. Huynh, H. Jin, C. Kim, J. L. Rubinstein, W. C. W. Chan, W. Cao, L. V. Wang, and G. Zheng, "Porphysome nanovesicles generated by porphyrin bilayers for use as multimodal biophotonic contrast agents," Nat. Mater., Vol. 10, 324-332, 2011.

10. Wilson, K., K. Homan, and S. Emelianov, "Biomedical photoacoustics beyond thermal expansion using triggered nanodroplet vaporization for contrast-enhanced imaging," Nat. Commun., Vol. 3, 10, Jan. 2012.

11. Razansky, D., M. Distel, C. Vinegoni, R. Ma, N. Perrimon, R. W. Koster, and V. Ntziachristos, "Multispectral opto-acoustic tomography of deep-seated fluorescent proteins in vivo," Nat. Photon., Vol. 3, 412-417, 2009.

12. Filonov, G. S., A. Krumholz, J. Xia, J. Yao, L. V. Wang, and V. V. Verkhusha, "Deep-tissue photoacoustic tomography of a genetically encoded near-infrared fuorescent probe," Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Vol. 51, 1448-1451, 2012.

13. Oladipupo, S., S. Hu, J. Kovalski, J. J. Yao, A. Santeford, R. E. Sohn, R. Shohet, K. Maslov, L. H. V. Wang, and J. M. Arbeit, "VEGF is essential for hypoxia-inducible factor-mediated neovascularization but dispensable for endothelial sprouting," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 108, 13264-13269, Aug. 9, 2011.

14. Oladipupo, S. S., S. Hu, A. C. Santeford, J. J. Yao, J. R. Kovalski, R. V. Shohet, K. Maslov, L. V. Wang, and J. M. Arbeit, "Conditional HIF-1 induction produces multistage neovascularization with stage-specific sensitivity to VEGFR inhibitors and myeloid cell independence," Blood, Vol. 117, 4142-4153, Apr. 14, 2011.

15. Bitton, R., R. Zemp, J. Yen, L. V. Wang, and K. K. Shung, "A 3-D high-frequency array based 16 channel photoacoustic microscopy system for in vivo micro-vascular imaging," IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, Vol. 28, 1190-1197, Aug. 2009.

16. Xia, J. and L. Wang, "Small-animal whole-body photoacoustic tomography: A review," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 61, No. 5, 1380-1389, 2013.

17. Staley, J., P. Grogan, A. K. Samadi, H. Cui, M. S. Cohen, and X. Yang, "Growth of melanoma brain tumors monitored by photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 15, 040510, Jul.-Aug. 2010.

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19. Cui, H. Z. and X. M. Yang, "In vivo imaging and treatment of solid tumor using integrated photoacoustic imaging and high intensity focused ultrasound system," Medical Physics, Vol. 37, 4777-4781, Sep. 2010.

20. De la Zerda, A., Z. A. Liu, S. Bodapati, R. Teed, S. Vaithilingam, B. T. Khuri-Yakub, X. Y. Chen, H. J. Dai, and S. S. Gambhir, "Ultrahigh sensitivity carbon nanotube agents for photoacoustic molecular imaging in living mice," Nano Letters, Vol. 10, 2168-2172, Jun. 2010.

21. Li, L., H. F. Zhang, R. J. Zemp, K. Maslov, and L.Wang, "Simultaneous imaging of a lacZ-marked tumor and microvasculature morphology in vivo by dual-wavelength photoacoustic microscopy," J. Innov. Opt. Health Sci., Vol. 1, 207-215, Oct. 1, 2008.

22. Li, M. L., J. C. Wang, J. A. Schwartz, K. L. Gill-Sharp, G. Stoica, and L. H. V. Wang, "In-vivo photoacoustic microscopy of nanoshell extravasation from solid tumor vasculature," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 14, 010507, Jan.-Feb. 2009.

23. Li, M., J.-T. Oh, X. Xie, G. Ku, W. Wang, C. Li, G. Lungu, G. Stoica, and L. V. Wang, "Simultaneous molecular and hypoxia imaging of brain tumors in vivo using spectroscopic photoacoustic tomography," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 96, 481-489, 2008.

24. Olafsson, R., D. R. Bauer, L. G. Montilla, and R. S. Witte, "Real-time, contrast enhanced photoacoustic imaging of cancer in a mouse window chamber," Optics Express, Vol. 18, 18625-18632, Aug. 30, 2010.

25. Hu, S., K. Maslov, V. Tsytsarev, and L. V. Wang, "Functional transcranial brain imaging by optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 14, 040503, Jul.-Aug. 2009.

26. Wang, X. D., G. Ku, M. A. Wegiel, D. J. Bornhop, G. Stoica, and L. H. V. Wang, "Noninvasive photoacoustic angiography of animal brains in vivo with near-infrared light and an optical contrast agent," Optics Letters, Vol. 29, 730-732, Apr. 1, 2004.

27. Liao, L. D., M. L. Li, H. Y. Lai, Y. Y. I. Shih, Y. C. Lo, S. N. Tsang, P. C. P. Chao, C. T. Lin, F. S. Jaw, and Y. Y. Chen, "Imaging brain hemodynamic changes during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional photoacoustic microscopy," NeuroImage, Vol. 52, 562-570, Aug. 15, 2010.

28. Tsytsarev, V., S. Hu, J. Yao, K. Maslov, D. L. Barbour, and L. V. Wang, "Photoacoustic microscopy of microvascular responses to cortical electrical stimulation," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 16, 076002, Jul. 2011.

29. Nasiriavanaki, M., J. Xia, H. Wan, A. Q. Bauer, J. P. Culver, and L. V. Wang, "High-resolution photoacoustic tomography of resting-state functional connectivity in the mouse brain," Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 111, 21-26, Jan. 7, 2014.

30. Subach, F. V., L. J. Zhang, T. W. J. Gadella, N. G. Gurskaya, K. A. Lukyanov, and V. V. Verkhusha, "Red fluorescent protein with reversibly photoswitchable absorbance for photochromic FRET," Chemistry & Biology, Vol. 17, 745-755, Jul. 30, 2010.

31. Jiao, S. L., M. S. Jiang, J. M. Hu, A. Fawzi, Q. F. Zhou, K. K. Shung, C. A. Puliafito, and H. F. Zhang, "Photoacoustic ophthalmoscopy for in vivo retinal imaging," Optics Express, Vol. 18, 3967-3972, Feb. 15, 2010.

32. Xie, Z. X., S. L. Jiao, H. F. Zhang, and C. A. Puliafito, "Laser-scanning optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy," Optics Letters, Vol. 34, 1771-1773, Jun. 15, 2009.

33. Silverman, R. H., F. Kong, Y. C. Chen, H. O. Lloyd, H. H. Kim, J. M. Cannata, K. K. Shung, and D. J. Coleman, "High-resolution photoacoustic imaging of ocular tissues," Ultrasound Med. Biol., Vol. 36, 733-742, May 2010.

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35. Zhang, H. F., K. Maslov, M. L. Li, G. Stoica, and L. H. V. Wang, "In vivo volumetric imaging of subcutaneous microvasculature by photoacoustic microscopy," Optics Express, Vol. 14, 9317-9323, Oct. 2, 2006.

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38. Song, L. A., K. Maslov, K. K. Shung, and L. H. V. Wang, "Ultrasound-array-based real-time photoacoustic microscopy of human pulsatile dynamics in vivo," Journal of Biomedical Optics, Vol. 15, 021303, Mar.-Apr. 2010.

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40. Rowland, K. J., J. J. Yao, L. D. Wang, C. R. Erwin, K. I. Maslov, L. H. V. Wang, and B. W.Warner, "Immediate alterations in intestinal oxygen saturation and blood fow after massive small bowel resection as measured by photoacoustic microscopy," Journal of Pediatric Surgery,, Vol. 47, 1143-1149, Jun. 2012.

41. Yao, J., K. I. Maslov, E. R. Puckett, K. J. Rowland, B. W. Warner, and L. V. Wang, "Double-illumination photoacoustic microscopy," Optics Letters, Vol. 37, 659-661, 2012.

42. Yang, J.-M., R. Chen, C. Favazza, J. Yao, Q. Zhou, K. K. Shung, and L. V. Wang, "A 2.5-mm outer diameter photoacoustic endoscopic mini-probe based on a highly sensitive PMN-PT ultrasonic transducer," Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2012, 82233M-82233M-6, San Francisco, California, USA, 2012.

43. Yang, J.-M., C. Favazza, R. Chen, J. Yao, X. Cai, K. Maslov, Q. Zhou, K. K. Shung, and L. V. Wang, "Toward dual-wavelength functional photoacoustic endoscopy: Laser and peripheral optical systems development," Photons Plus Ultrasound: Imaging and Sensing 2012, 822316-822316-7, San Francisco, California, USA, 2012.

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