lower bounds for fanout
Maosen Fang,
Stephen Fenner, Frederic Green, Steve Homer, and Yong Zhang
We consider the resource bounded quantum circuit model with circuits
restricted by the number of qubits they act upon and by their depth.
Focusing on natural universal sets of gates which are familiar from
classical circuit theory, several new lower bounds for constant depth
quantum circuits are proved. The main result is that parity (and hence
fanout) requires log depth quantum circuits, when the circuits are
composed of single qubit and arbitrary size Toffoli gates, and when they
use only constantly many ancill\ae. Under this constraint, this bound is
close to optimal. In the case of a non-constant number $a$ of ancill\ae\
and $n$ input qubits, we give a tradeoff between $a$ and the required
depth, that results in a non-constant lower bound for fanout when $a =
n^{1-o(1)}$. We also show that, regardless of the number of ancill\ae\,
arbitrary arity Toffoli gates cannot be simulated exactly by a constant
depth circuit family with gates of bounded arity.
Key words:
quantum computation, quantum complexity,
circuit complexity, fanout |