In wireless Ad Hoc network’s many applications, learning accurately the position of the node is one of its important conditions. Node walks randomly in wireless Ad Hoc network, thus it causes the position of the nodes are stochastic; Therefore, the node localization technology is one of the difficult and important technologies in the research of the wireless Ad Hoc network. In this paper, we propose that the wireless Ad Hoc network node knows its position (three-dimensional coordinates, through the node equipped with a GPS or other positioning devices), based on the OLSR routing protocol in wireless networks, we try to let the node to achieve the precise positions of its surrounding nodes or the entire wireless Ad Hoc network nodes, in addition, the OLSR routing protocol which has localization function is analyzed.
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Anbao, W., Bin, Z. Realize Node Localization Based on OLSR Protocol in Ad Hoc Networks. Int J Netw Distrib Comput 1, 61–71 (2013). https://doi.org/10.2991/ijndc.2013.1.1.8
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.2991/ijndc.2013.1.1.8