Electronic documentation of medication data is one of the biggest challenges associated with digital clinical documentation. Despite its importance, it has not been consistently implemented in German university hospitals. In this paper we describe the approach of the German Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) towards the modelling of a medication core dataset using FHIR® profiles and standard-compliant terminologies. The FHIR profiles for Medication and MedicationStatement were adapted to the core dataset of the MIl. The terminologies to be used were selected based on the criteria of the ISO-standard for the Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP). For a first use case with a minimal medication dataset, the entries in the medication chapter of the German Procedure Classification (OPS codes) were analyzed and mapped to IDMP-compliant medication terminology. OPS data are available at all German hospitals as they are mandatory for reimbursement purposes. Reimbursement-relevant encounter data containing OPS medication procedures were used to create a FHIR representation based on the FHIR profiles MedicationStatement and Medication. This minimal solution includes – besides the details on patient and start-/end-dates – the active ingredients identified by the IDMP-compliant codes and – if specified in the OPS code – the route of administration and the range of the amount of substance administered to the patient, using the appropriate unit of measurement code. With FHIR, the medication data can be represented in the data integration centers of the MII to provide a standardized format for data analysis across the MII sites.