Building Better E-Health Through a Personal Health Informatics Pedagogy

Building Better E-Health Through a Personal Health Informatics Pedagogy

E. Vance Wilson
Copyright: © 2006 |Volume: 1 |Issue: 3 |Pages: 8
ISSN: 1555-3396|EISSN: 1555-340X|ISSN: 1555-3396|EISBN13: 9781615203000|EISSN: 1555-340X|DOI: 10.4018/jhisi.2006070105
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Wilson, E. Vance. "Building Better E-Health Through a Personal Health Informatics Pedagogy." IJHISI vol.1, no.3 2006: pp.69-76.


Wilson, E. V. (2006). Building Better E-Health Through a Personal Health Informatics Pedagogy. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI), 1(3), 69-76.


Wilson, E. Vance. "Building Better E-Health Through a Personal Health Informatics Pedagogy," International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI) 1, no.3: 69-76.

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E-health use is increasing worldwide, but no current e-health paradigm fulfills the complete range of user needs for online health services. This dilemma clouds a number of issues surrounding e-health, as promoters of e-commerce, personal health records, and consumer health informatics paradigms attempt to create encompassing e-health within the constraints of each unique perspective. In the long term, the most important of these issues may be the need to develop an e-health pedagogy that offers conceptual grounding and course curricula in order to effectively represent all facets of e-health. To address that issue, this article introduces a personal health informatics (PHI) paradigm that incorporates the best features of preceding paradigms by integrating informatics, personal, and healthcare perspectives. Drawing from PHI, a pedagogical framework is proposed to guide instruction in the design and development of encompassing e health.

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