Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Hirotaka Goto 1 ; Asuka Ohta 1 ; Tomofumi Matsuzawa 1 ; Munehiro Takimoto 1 ; Yasushi Kambayashi 2 and Masayuki Takeda 1

Affiliations: 1 Tokyo University of Science, Japan ; 2 Nippon Institute of Technology, Japan

Keyword(s): Ant Colony Optimization, Route Guidance System, Swarm Intelligence, Disaster Simulation, Seismic Disaster.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Agents ; Artificial Intelligence ; Bioinformatics ; Biomedical Engineering ; Distributed Problem Solving ; Enterprise Information Systems ; Information Systems Analysis and Specification ; Methodologies and Technologies ; Operational Research ; Simulation

Abstract: This paper reports the results of applying our approach discovering safe evacuation routes to practical situations. Our approach is based on the ant colony optimization (ACO) and it is practical in the light of a real case with a tsunami. ACO have been often employed for finding evacuation routes in traditional approaches, which only take advantage of ants behavior more frequently following traces of other ants’ through pheromone communications. We assume that there are a lot of danger zones in the damaged area. For example Rikuzentakata is a city that extensively damaged in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. In such a case, the traditional approaches may present some unsafe routes through the danger zones. We have proposed an ACO based approach that calculates evacuation routes avoiding danger zones. In our approach, evacuees can deposit deodorant pheromone around danger zones, which makes normal pheromone ineffective, so that our approach gives routes not passing through the dan ger zones. We have implemented our approach as a simulator, conducting experiments in the same situation as the Rikuzentakata case. Through the results of the experiments, we show that our approach decreases the number of people suffering from collapsed and burning buildings. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Goto, H., Ohta, A., Matsuzawa, T., Takimoto, M., Kambayashi, Y. and Takeda, M. (2016). A Guidance System for Wide-area Complex Disaster Evacuation based on Ant Colony Optimization. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART; ISBN 978-989-758-172-4; ISSN 2184-433X, SciTePress, pages 262-268. DOI: 10.5220/0005819502620268

author={Hirotaka Goto and Asuka Ohta and Tomofumi Matsuzawa and Munehiro Takimoto and Yasushi Kambayashi and Masayuki Takeda},
title={A Guidance System for Wide-area Complex Disaster Evacuation based on Ant Colony Optimization},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART},


JO - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - Volume 1: ICAART
TI - A Guidance System for Wide-area Complex Disaster Evacuation based on Ant Colony Optimization
SN - 978-989-758-172-4
IS - 2184-433X
AU - Goto, H.
AU - Ohta, A.
AU - Matsuzawa, T.
AU - Takimoto, M.
AU - Kambayashi, Y.
AU - Takeda, M.
PY - 2016
SP - 262
EP - 268
DO - 10.5220/0005819502620268
PB - SciTePress