Nobuhiko Mukai
Yuhei Okamoto
Kazuhiro Aoyama
Youngha Chang
Tokyo City University, Japan
Computer Graphics, Physics based Simulation, Particle Method, Medical Application, Aorta.
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Computer Simulation Techniques
Fluid Dynamics
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Virtual Reality and Graphical Simulations
We have performed the blood flow and the pressure change simulation in the aorta with the model generated
from CT (Computerized Tomography) data. There have been some previous researches related to the aortic
valve and the blood flow in the aorta. Some works simulated the aortic valve behavior with artificial models,
and others investigated the blood flow in the aorta with models generated from MRI (Magnetic Resonance
Imaging) data. In this paper, we demonstrate the simulation of the blood flow and the pressure change in the
aorta with a model generated from CT data, which model includes not only the aorta but also the left ventricle.
In the simulation, blood flows into the left ventricle through the mitral valve, the pressure increases according
to the blood flow that moves into the left ventricle through the mitral valve, and the aortic valve opens by the
pressure increase in the left ventricle. Finally, we have confirmed that the pressure change in the left ventricle
corresponds t
o a literature value.