Daniel Staegemann
Matthias Volk
Priyanka Byahatti
Nikhilkumar Italiya
Suhas Shantharam
Apoorva Byaladakere Chandrashekar
Klaus Turowski
Magdeburg Research and Competence Cluster VLBA, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
Big Data, Test Driven Development, TDD, Microservice, Software Engineering, Quality Assurance.
As a consequence of the ongoing digitalization in today’s society, the amount of data that is being produced is rapidly increasing. Moreover, not only the volume of the data is growing, but there are also more complex types of data and, depending on the use case, it is also necessary to integrate heterogenous data into one analysis. Since traditional ways of dealing with data are oftentimes overstrained by those new challenges, novel approaches and technologies have been developed. In its entirety, this phenomenon is summarized under the term big data. However, quality assurance in the big data realm is still not mature and this even more applies to the actual testing. Therefore, it is necessary to explore new approaches. One rather recent proposition was the application of the test driven development methodology to the big data domain. To further evaluate its feasibility and go beyond a purely theoretical point of view, the publication at hand discusses the test driven implementatio
n of a movie recommendation system as an exemplary case. In doing so, it facilitates the general understanding of the topic, helps in judging the approach’s feasibility and provides some practical insights concerning its actual application.