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Published April 23, 2024 | Version v1
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Random Beacons in Monte Carlo: Efficient Asynchronous Random Beacon without Threshold Cryptography

  • 1. ROR icon Purdue University West Lafayette
  • 2. Visa Research
  • 3. Supra Research
  • 4. ROR icon Duke University
  • 5. Chainlink Labs


HashRand: Asynchronous Random Beacon using Hash functions

On Zenodo: We organize this artifact into two parts: HashRand asynchronous protocol into and the Post-Quantum Asynchronous SMR protocol into

On Github: This Github repository and the file on Zenodo contains a Rust implementation of the following distributed protocols.

  1. HashRand beacon protocol
  2. Dfinity-DVRF protocol using blstrs library
  3. DAG-Rider with HashRand - an asynchronous State Machine Replication (SMR) protocol with Post-Quantum security.

The repository uses the libchatter networking library available here. This code has been written as a research prototype and has not been vetted for security. Therefore, this repository can contain serious security vulnerabilities. Please use at your own risk.

Please consider citing our paper if you use this artifact.

author = {Akhil Bandarupalli and Adithya Bhat and Saurabh Bagchi and Aniket Kate and Michael Reiter},
title = {HashRand: Efficient Asynchronous Random Beacon without Threshold Cryptographic Setup}, howpublished = {Cryptology ePrint Archive, Paper 2023/1755},
year = {2023},
note = {\url{}},
url = {}

Quick Start

We describe the steps to run this artifact.

Hardware and OS setup

  1. This artifact has been run and tested on x86_64 and x64 architectures. However, we are unaware of any issues that would prevent this artifact from running on x86 architectures.

  2. This artifact has been run and tested on Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS OS and Raspbian Linux version released on 2023-02-21, both of which follow the Debian distro. However, we are unaware of any issues that would prevent this artifact from running on Fedora distros like CentOS and Red Hat Linux.

Rust installation and Cargo setup

The repository uses the Cargo build tool. The compatibility between dependencies has been tested for Rust version 1.63.

1. Run the set of following commands to install the toolchain required to compile code written in Rust and create binary executable files.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y upgrade
$ sudo apt-get -y autoremove
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get -y install cmake
$ sudo apt-get -y install curl
# Install rust (non-interactive)
$ curl --proto "=https" --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- -y
$ source $HOME/.cargo/env
$ rustup install 1.63.0
$ rustup override set 1.63.0

2. Build the repository using the following command. The command should be run in the directory containing the Cargo.toml file.

$ cargo build --release
$ mkdir logs
If the build fails because of lack of lgmp files, install the libgmp3-dev dependency using the following command and try again.
$ sudo apt-get install libgmp3-dev


3. Next, generate configuration files for nodes in the system using the following command. Make sure to create the directory (in this example, testdata/cc_16/) before running this command.

$ ./target/release/genconfig --base_port 8500 --client_base_port 7000 --client_run_port 9000 --NumNodes 16 --blocksize 100 --delay 100 --target testdata/cc_16/ --local true


4. After generating the configuration files, run the script in the scripts folder with the following command line arguments. This command starts HashRand with 16 nodes.

$ ./scripts/ testdata/cc_16/syncer {protocol} {batchsize} {frequency}

Substitute {protocol} with term bea to start HashRand. The {batchsize} and {frequency} parameters correspond to the $\beta$ β and $\phi$ ϕ parameters in the protocol. For example, setting $\beta=20$ β=20 and $\phi=10$ ϕ=10 implies a batch of 20 beacons being produced every 10 rounds.


5. Substitute desired values of {batchsize},{frequency}. Example values include \beta=20,\phi=10β=20,ϕ=10.


6. The outputs are logged into the syncer.log file in logs directory. The protocol runs for 90 seconds. After termination, the program can give an error about missed message delivery because other processes might have already shut down. Check the syncer.log file anyway.

This execution measures the throughput of the protocol from 30 seconds to 90 seconds, and gives the total throughput per minute. After running the script, check the syncer.log file after 90 seconds to see the throughput.


Running Dfinity-DVRF

7. Running the Dfinity DVRF protocol requires additional configuration. Dfinity uses BLS threshold signatures to generate common coins necessary for beacon generation. This setup includes a master public key in the pub file, nn partial secret keys (one for each node) as sec0,...,sec3 files, and the nn partial public keys as pub0,...,pub3 files. We utilized the crypto_blstrs library in the apss repository to generate these keys. These files are placed in the testdata/cc_16 directory as tkeys-16.tar.gz for testing and evaluation purposes. The extracted files need to be placed in the testdata/cc_16 directory after extraction.

$ cd testdata/cc_16/

$ tar -xvzf tkeys-16.tar.gz

$ cp thresh_keys/* .

Further, we pregenerated these files for $n=16,40,64,136$, in the benchmark folder, in zip files tkeys-{n}.tar.gz. After generating these files, place them in the configuration directory (testdata/cc_16 in this example) and run the following command (We already performed this step and have these files ready in testdata/cc_16 folder).

# Kill previous processes running on these ports
$ sudo lsof -ti:7000-7015,8500-8515,9000-9015,5000 | xargs kill -9
$ ./scripts/ testdata/cc_16/syncer glow 20 10

Running in AWS

We utilize the code in the Narwhal repository to execute code in AWS. This repository uses fabric to spawn AWS instances, install Rust, and build the repository on individual machines. Please refer to the benchmark directory in this Github repository or the file in the Zenodo artifact for more instructions about reproducing the results in the paper.

System architecture

Each node runs as an independent process, which communicates with other nodes through sockets. Apart from the nn nodes running the protocol, the system also spawns a process called syncer. The syncer is responsible for measuring latency of completion. It reliably measures the system's latency by issuing START and STOP commands to all nodes. The nodes begin executing the protocol only after the syncer verifies that all nodes are online, and issues the START command by sending a message to all nodes. Further, the nodes send a TERMINATED message to the syncer once they terminate the protocol. The syncer records both start and termination times of all processes, which allows it to accurately measure the latency of each protocol.


The artifact uses multiple Rust libraries for various functionalities. We give a list of all dependencies used by the artifact in the Cargo.lock file. Cargo automatically manages these dependencies and fetches the specified versions from the repository manager.

Code Organization

The artifact's file is organized into the following modules of code.

  1. The config directory contains code pertaining to configuring each node in the distributed system. Each node requires information about port to use, network addresses of other nodes, symmetric keys to establish pairwise authenticated channels between nodes, and protocol specific configuration parameters like values of \epsilon,\Delta,\rhoϵ,Δ,ρ. Code related to managing and parsing these parameters is in the config directory. This library has been borrowed from the libchatter ( repository.

  2. The crypto directory contains code that manages the pairwise authenticated channels between nodes. Mainly, nodes use Message Authentication Codes (MACs) for message authentication. This repo manages the required secret keys and mechanisms for generating MACs. This library has been borrowed from the libchatter ( repository.

  3. The crypto_blstrs directory contains code that enables nodes to toss common coins from BLS threshold signatures. This library has been borrowed from the apss ( repository.

  4. The types directory governs the message serialization and deserialization. Each message sent between nodes is serialized into bytecode to be sent over the network. Upon receiving a message, each node deserializes the received bytecode into the required message type after receiving. This library has been written on top of the library from libchatter ( repository.

  5. Networking: This repository uses the libnet-rs ( networking library. Similar libraries include networking library from the narwhal ( repository. The nodes use the tcp protocol to send messages to each other.

  6. The tools directory consists of code that generates configuration files for nodes. This library has been borrowed from the libchatter ( repository.

  7. The consensus directory contains the implementations of various protocols. Primarily, it contains implementations of Abraham et al.'s approximate agreement protocol in the hyb_appxcon subdirectory, delphi protocol in the delphi subdirectory, and FIN protocol in fin subdirectory. Each protocol contains a file, which contains a function named spawn from where the protocol's execution starts. This function is called by the node library in the node folder. This library contains a file, which spawns an instance of a node running the respective protocol by invoking the spawn function.

Post Quantum Asynchronous SMR

The file implements a post-quantum secure asynchronous SMR protocol on top of Tusk. This protocol uses lattice-based dilithium signatures in place of EdDSA signatures used by Tusk. This protocol also uses HashRand ( ) as a post-quantum secure random beacon protocol to achieve liveness in asynchrony. Please note that this repository is a research prototype that has not been rigorously tested for software bugs. Please use at your own risk.

This repository has been cloned from Narwhal.

This repo provides an implementation of PQ-Tusk. The codebase has been designed to be small, efficient, and easy to benchmark and modify. It has not been designed to run in production but uses real pq-cryptography (dilithium), networking (tokio), and storage (rocksdb).

Quick Start

The core protocols are written in Rust, but all benchmarking scripts are written in Python and run with Fabric. To deploy and benchmark a testbed of 4 nodes on your local machine, clone the repo and install the python dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd pqsmr-rs/benchmark $ pip install -r requirements.txt

You also need to install Clang (required by rocksdb) and tmux (which runs all nodes and clients in the background).

Configuring HashRand

HashRand requires configuration files of the form nodes-{i}.json and ip_file for configuring secure channels among nodes. A set of these configuration files are in the benchmark/hashrand-config directory for values $n=4,16,40,64$. Extract these files into the benchmark directory.

Finally, run a local benchmark using fabric:

$ fab local

This command may take a long time the first time you run it (compiling rust code in release mode may be slow) and you can customize a number of benchmark parameters in When the benchmark terminates, it displays a summary of the execution similarly to the one below.

----------------------------------------- SUMMARY: ----------------------------------------- + CONFIG: Faults: 0 node(s)
Committee size: 4 node(s)
Worker(s) per node: 1 worker(s)
Collocate primary and workers: True
Input rate: 50,000 tx/s
Transaction size: 512 B
Execution time: 19 s
Header size: 1,000 B
Max header delay: 100 ms
GC depth: 50 round(s)
Sync retry delay: 10,000 ms
Sync retry nodes: 3 node(s)
batch size: 500,000 B
Max batch delay: 100 ms
Consensus TPS: 46,478 tx/s
Consensus BPS: 23,796,531 B/s
Consensus latency: 464 ms
End-to-end TPS: 46,149 tx/s
End-to-end BPS: 23,628,541 B/s
End-to-end latency: 557 ms

Next Steps

The README file of the benchmark folder in the file explains how to benchmark the codebase and read benchmarks' results. It also provides a step-by-step tutorial to run benchmarks on Amazon Web Services (AWS) accross multiple data centers (WAN).

Running in AWS

We utilize the code in the Narwhal repository to execute code in AWS. This repository uses fabric to spawn AWS instances, install Rust, and build the repository on individual machines. Please refer to the benchmark directory in this Github repository or the file in the Zenodo artifact for more instructions about reproducing the results in the paper.


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