Published February 27, 2018
| Version 1.0.1
nipy/nipype: 1.0.1
Gorgolewski, Krzysztof J.1
Esteban, Oscar1
Ziegler, Erik2
Ellis, David Gage3
Notter, Michael Philipp4
Markiewicz, Christopher J.5
Johnson, Hans6
- Burns, Christopher
Manhães-Savio, Alexandre7
Jarecka, Dorota8
Hamalainen, Carlo
- Yvernault, Benjamin
Salo, Taylor9
- Waskom, Michael1
- Goncalves, Mathias8
Clark, Daniel10
- Wong, Jason11
- Loney, Fred
- Modat, Marc
Dewey, Blake E12
Jordan, Kesshi13
- Madison, Cindee
- Clark, Michael G.14
Dayan, Michael15
Keshavan, Anisha16
Clark, Dav17
Visconti di Oleggio Castello, Matteo18
Gramfort, Alexandre19
- Pinsard, Basile
- Berleant, Shoshana
Nielson, Dylan M.20
Varoquaux, Gael21
Cipollini, Ben22
Markello, Ross23
Rokem, Ariel24
Wassermann , Demian25
- Moloney, Brendan
Halchenko, Yaroslav O.26
Hanke, Michael27
Horea, Christian28
- Bougacha, Salma29
Kaczmarzyk, Jakub8
Gilles de Hollander30
- Mordom, David
- Buchanan, Colin
- Tungaraza, Rosalia
Mancini, Matteo31
Pauli, Wolfgang M.32
Iqbal, Shariq33
- Sikka, Sharad34
- Schwartz, Yannick
Malone, Ian B.31
DuPre, Elizabeth23
- Dubois, Mathieu
- Frohlich, Caroline35
- Welch, David6
- Forbes, Jessica
- Watanabe, Aimi
- Cumba, Chad
Huntenburg, Julia M.36
Eshaghi, Arman31
Kastman, Erik37
Nichols, B. Nolan38
- Ginsburg, Daniel
Schaefer, Alexander39
Acland, Benjamin40
- Kent, James
Gillman, Ashley41
- Giavasis, Steven35
- Kleesiek, Jens42
- Erickson, Drew
- Küttner, René
- Liem, Franz
- Haselgrove, Christian
- Correa, Carlos
- Ghayoor, Ali
- Perez-Guevara, Martin
- Millman, Jarrod
- Haehn, Daniel
- Lai, Jeff
- Zhou, Dale
- Blair, Ross
Glatard, Tristan43
- Renfro, Mandy
- Liu, Siqi44
Kahn, Ari E.45
Triplett, William1
- Lampe, Leonie46
Stadler, Jörg47
Kong, Xiang-Zhen48
- Hallquist, Michael
- McDermottroe, Conor
- Salvatore, John
- Mertz, Fred
- Park, Anne
- Poldrack, Russell
Craddock, R. Cameron35
Chetverikov, Andrey49
- Inati, Souheil
- Hinds, Oliver
Molina-Romero, Miguel50
Cooper, Gavin51
- Perkins, L. Nathan52
- Tambini, Arielle
- Marina, Ana
- Mattfeld, Aaron
- Noel, Maxime
Lukas Snoek53
- Matsubara, K
- Cheung, Brian
Gerhard, Stephan54
- Rothmei, Simon
- Urchs, Sebastian
Pannetier, Nicolas55
Durnez, Joke56
Geisler, Daniel57
Floren, Andrew58
- Sharp, Paul59
- Ort, Eduard60
- Weinstein, Alejandro
Broderick, William33
- Saase, Victor
Andberg, Sami Kristian61
- Harms, Robbert
- Khanuja, Ranjeet
- Schlamp, Kai
- Arias, Jaime
Papadopoulos Orfanos, Dimitri62
- Tarbert, Claire
De La Vega, Alejandro63
- Nickson, Thomas
- Brett, Matthew
- Falkiewicz, Marcel
- Podranski, Kornelius
Pellman, John64
Linkersdörfer, Janosch65
- Varada, Jan
- Schwabacher, Isaac
- Flandin, Guillaume
Pérez-García, Fernando66
- Shachnev, Dmitry
McNamee, Daniel67
- Davison, Andrew
Ghosh, Satrajit68
- 1. Department of Psychology, Stanford University
- 2. Independent
- 3. The University of Iowa
- 4. The Laboratory for Investigative Neurophysiology (The LINE), Department of Radiology and Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Lausanne, Switzerland; Center for Biomedical Imaging (CIBM), Lausanne, Switzerland
- 5. Stanford University
- 6. University of Iowa
- 7. Klinikum rechts der Isar, TUM. ACPySS
- 8. MIT
- 9. Florida International University
- 10. Developer
- 11. Shattuck Lab, UCLA Brain Mapping Center
- 12. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
- 13. University of California, San Francisco
- 14. National Institutes of Health
- 15. Mayo Clinic, Neurology, Rochester, MN, USA
- 16. UC Berkeley - UCSF Graduate Program in Bioengineering
- 17. UC Berkeley
- 18. Dartmouth College
- 19. CNRS LTCI, Telecom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay
- 20. National Institute of Mental Health
- 21. INRIA
- 22. UC San Diego
- 23. Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
- 24. The University of Washington eScience Institute
- 25. Athena EPI, Inria Sophia-Antipolis
- 26. Dartmouth College: Hanover, NH, United States
- 27. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, Germany
- 28. Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and University of Zurich
- 29. Molecular Imaging Research Center, CEA, France
- 30. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
- 31. University College London
- 32. California Institute of Technology
- 33. Duke University
- 34. Nathan s Kline institute for psychiatric research
- 35. Child Mind Institute
- 36. Research Group Neuroanatomy and Connectivity, Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
- 37. Harvard University - Psychology
- 38. SRI International
- 39. National University Singapore
- 40. Washington University in St Louis
- 41. Australian eHealth Research Centre, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation; University of Queensland
- 42. UniversityHospital Heidelberg, Germany
- 43. 1 McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience (MCIN), Ludmer Centre for Neuroinformatics and Mental Health, Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), McGill University, Montréal, 3801 University Street, WB-208, H3A 2B4, Québec, Canada. 2 University of Lyon, CNRS, INSERM, CREATIS., Villeurbanne, 7, avenue Jean Capelle, 69621, France.
- 44. The University of Sydney
- 45. University of Pennsylvania
- 46. MPI CBS Leipzig, Germany
- 47. Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology
- 48. State Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning & IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China; Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands
- 49. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging
- 50. Technical University Munich
- 51. University of Newcastle, Australia
- 52. Boston University
- 53. University of Amsterdam
- 54. Institute of Neuroinformatics, ETH/University of Zurich
- 55. Medical Imaging & Biomarkers, Bioclinica, Newark, CA, USA.
- 56. Department of Psychology, Stanford University; Parietal, INRIA
- 57. Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
- 58. The University of Texas at Austin
- 59. University of illinois urbana champaign
- 60. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- 61. University of Helsinki
- 62. CEA
- 63. University of Texas at Austin
- 64. Child Mind Institute / Nathan Kline Institute
- 65. German Institute for International Educational Research
- 66. Stereotaxy Core, Brain & Spine Institute
- 67. University of Cambridge
- 68. MIT, HMS
1.0.1 (February 27, 2018)
Full changelog
- FIX: Small bug in freesurfer label2annot fill_thresh specs #2377
- FIX: Error creating gradients in DTIRecon #2460
- FIX: improve matlab_cmd #2452
- FIX: Extract unit information from image header in CompCor #2458
- FIX: Update pybids data directory, unbundle out-of-date numpydoc #2437
- FIX: Out_file bugs in Afni.Zcat and Afni.Merge interfaces #2424
- FIX: Re-enable spm.Realign to take lists of lists of files #2409
- FIX: Remove deprecated output from ICC interface #2422
- FIX: Argstr for mask in Afni.BlurToFWHM #2418
- FIX: Default value for sbatch_args (SLURMGraph) #2417
- FIX: Ortvec argstr for Afni.Deconvolve #2415
- FIX: Bug fixes for afni.model #2398
- DOC: Add brief neurodocker tutorial #2464
- DOC: Fix tutorials #2459
- ENH: antsRegistrationSyNQuick interface #2453
- ENH: Automate updates of CHANGES #2440
- ENH: Add SPM Fieldmap Tool wrapper #1905
- ENH: Additional option for DataGrabber #1915
- ENH: Add 3dTproject AFNI interface, Fix OneDToolPy, Add -noFDR flag to 3dDeconvolve #2426
- ENH: c3d/c4d interface #2430
- ENH: Allow input weight for AFNI's volreg. #2396
- ENH: Delay crashing if exception is raised in local hash check #2410
- CI: Add doctests to pytest script #2449
- CI: Ignore tests in calculating coverage #2443
- CI: Saturate Circle workflow #2386
- REF: Update and factor mount table parsing #2444
- REF: Make ignore_exception a class attribute #2414
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