Published March 31, 2021 | Version v1
Software Open

Code, benchmarks and experiment data for the ICAPS 2021 paper "Exploiting Cyclic Dependencies in Landmark Heuristics"

  • 1. University of Basel


This is a collection of code, data, and benchmarks for reproducing all experiments reported in the paper. contains the implementation, which is based on Fast Downward 20.06.

After building the code with "./" you can run our configurations with the following command:

./ ../benchmarks/logistics00/probLOGISTICS-4-0.pddl --search "astar(cycle(lm=<lm_gen>(reasonable_orders=true, conjunctive_landmarks=false), lpsolver=CPLEX, use_integer_operator_counts=<ip>, cycle_generator=<cy_gen>, strong=<str>))"

- "lm_gen" is one of the Fast Downward landmark factories (see,
- "ip" is either "true" or "false" (use IP or LP),
- "cy_gen" is one of "NONE" (baseline), "johnson", or "floyd_warshall" (to denote the cycle-generation strategy), and
- "str" is either "true" or "false" (use strong or basic cyclic landmark heuristic). contains experiment scripts compatible with Lab 6.2 for reproducing all experiments of the paper. contains the benchmarks used in the experiments. It consists of IPC benchmarks used in all optimal sequential tracks of IPCs up to 2018. contains the experimental data. All the "*-eval" directories contain raw data of the experiments that were performed for the paper. Each of these contain a subdirectory tree structure "runs-*" where each planner run has its own directory. For each run, there are symbolic links to the input PDDL files "domain.pddl" and "problem.pddl" (can be resolved bz putting the benchmarks directorz to the right place), the run log file "run.log" (stdout), possibly also a run error file "run.error" (stderr), the run script "run" used to start the experiment, and a "properties" file that contains data parsed from the log file(s). Directories with the "-eval" ending each contain a "properties" file which contains a JSON directory with combined data of all runs of the corresponding experiment as well as html and tex files which were used to generate the figures and tables in the paper.

Note on licence: we chose GPL v3.0 or later mainly because we consider our implementation based on Fast Downward the main contribution of this package, and Fast Downward comes with GPL v3.0.


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