Published May 3, 2021 | Version v1.0.0
Software Open

Epidose: A privacy-preserving epidemic dosimeter based on contact tracing

  • 1. Athens University of Economics and Business
  • 2. Queen's University
  • 3. EPFL


This release provides an open source software and hardware reference implementation for an epidemic dosimeter. Just as a radiation dosimeter measures dose uptake of external ionizing radiation, the epidemic dosimeter tracks potential exposure to viruses or bacteria associated with an epidemic. The dosimeter measures a person's exposure to an epidemic, such as COVID-19, based on exposure to contacts that have been tested positive. The epidemic dosimeter is designed to be widely accessible and to safeguard privacy. Specifically, it is designed to run on the $10 open-hardware Raspberry Pi Zero-W computer, with a minimal user interface, comprising LED indicators regarding operation and exposure risk and a physical interlock switch to allow the release of contact data. The software is based on the DP3T contact tracing "unlinkable" design and corresponding reference implementation code, gratefully acknowledging the team's amazing work.

Epidose is partly funded through the EOSC Secretariat. has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Programme call H2020-INFRAEOSC-05-2018-2019, grant Agreement number 831644.



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Presentation: 10.5281/zenodo.4735073 (DOI)
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European Commission – 831644