Murray State's NPR Station | WKMS

Support WKMS

Share the power of the human voice.
Your gift ensures that fact-based journalism and meaningful music remain freely available to all in your community – regardless of who they are or how much they make. 85% of our funding comes from local sources. You can be a part of this important work and a champion for public media. Thanks for giving today! 
  •      Your one-time gift or monthly Sustainer gifts will reflect on your bank statement as: "MSUF Development" 
  •      Re: Thank you gifts- be sure to "open" and "add gift" for your requested item to be recorded!  
Sustainers: If you are a current Sustainer and need to update your information click here. Or call Membership Director, Jenni Todd, at 270-809-4748 during business hours.  


Donation Amount
Minimum payment $5.00.
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NPR+ digital bundle

Available for a $968/month donation.

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NPR+ digital bundle

Available for a $968/month donation.

We’re excited that WKMS can now offer the NPR+ podcast bundle as a special thank you gift for sustaining members who commit to donating more than $8/month or a one-time gift of $96/year.

What is NPR+?
NPR+ is a special collection of podcast benefits that includes bonus episodes, some sponsor-free listening, and early access and archive access for some of NPR’s most popular podcasts. This means you can listen to podcasts like Up First or Code Switch with no inserted sponsor breaks and you can even enjoy bonus episodes and behind the scenes content for shows like Planet Money, Fresh Air, and Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me.

How do I get NPR+?
It’s easy - just set up a recurring donation to WKMS at a minimum of $8/month or $96/year. Later, you’ll get an invite email to set up your account. This invite may take a few days, so we appreciate your patience!

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