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Coronavirus: The Value of Door Drops During Lockdown

Coronavirus: The Value of Door Drops During Lockdown

the value of doordrops

In response to queries about the delivery of advertising mail during the Coronavirus crisis, the DMA has produced the below statement.

During these uncertain times, businesses, charities, local authorities and the UK Government need to be able to communicate with all members of the public. Door drops and direct mail remain reliable and safe mediums for organisations to display important messages,…

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Be Brave With Your Marketing - Don’t Switch Your Lights Off

Be Brave With Your Marketing – Don’t Switch Your Lights Off

During a recession, some businesses cut their advertising budgets to save money. Although this can give short term relief, it will likely pave the way to long term loss of revenue and maybe even closure.

What if a shop owner, fearing a recession and loss of trade, turned off the lights in their window display to save money on electricity? They would see some savings on their power bill, but their…

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High-performance Marketing For Automotive Service Businesses

High-performance Marketing For Automotive Service Businesses

Marketing For Automobile Service Businesses

Recent figures released by the automobile industry report a downturn in the number of new cars being bought in the United Kingdom. This is bad news if you are a dealer selling new cars, but reasonably good news if you are running a car repair and servicing business.

There may be many reasons for the drop in new car sales, and I am sure one of them is the cost of even a reasonably priced family…

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Radio Advertising Vs. Leaflet Distribution

Radio Advertising Vs. Leaflet Distribution

Radio Advertising Vs Leaflet Distribution

Marketing takes up the biggest portion of spending for most businesses, which also makes it crucial that marketing strategies are made to get results.

If your marketing techniques don’t strike the right chords you don’t just waste money and time – you lose out to growing competitors.

In modern times, there are many marketing channels to choose from and in this article, we discuss Radio…

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Advertising Your Business Over the Christmas Period

Advertising Your Business Over the Christmas Period

Advertising Your Business Over the Christmas Period

Advertising your products and services is important throughout the year, but at Christmas when consumers wallets are opening a little further it can be even more beneficial.

Not every method of advertising is effective around the time the big man does the rounds – and some methods can reap bigger rewards.

So, what are the best ways to advertise over Christmas? Well, print-based advertising is…

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7 Reasons Why Print Rules

7 Reasons Why Print Rules

For many years now we have been told that digital marketing will be the future and print will have to take second or even third place as a marketing tool. However, there are signs that consumers are beginning to experience digital fatigue. You only have to check your inbox to see how many marketing e-mails you receive. I imagine there are more than just a few.

This digital fatigue of consumers…

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8 Key Performance Indicators That Measure Marketing Success

8 Key Performance Indicators That Measure Marketing Success

depositphotos 195649754 stock photo businessman working with smart phone

The most important thing about advertising strategy is the ability to measure its success.

This can be done by identifying the Key performance indicators (KPI), by doing this you will be able to see if your advertising has been successful.

What Are Key Performance Indicators?

KPI’s will help your marketing plan achieve the goals you have set and to do this you need to monitor the KPI’ and, if…

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How Collecting Data Can Increase Your Advertising ROI

How Collecting Data Can Increase Your Advertising ROI

collecting data

Collecting data is essential if you are running a business and very important if you are looking to increase your advertising ROI with a leaflet distribution campaign as part of your marketing strategy.

What is data?

In some people’s minds, the word “Data” means a mass of material that can only be interpreted by a scientist or a data analyst, but in most cases, this is not so.

The dictionary…

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8 Steps For Creating a Small Business Marketing Budget

8 Steps For Creating a Small Business Marketing Budget

Any business, large, medium or small, needs a marketing budget; without one a company will soon find itself reacting to marketing opportunities by ill thought out and overpriced advertising campaigns.

It is essential that a business invests in a marketing budget, however, like any investment, there will always be an element of risk, so this post gives you 8 steps for creating a small business…

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Using Offers to Attract New Restaurant Customers

Using Offers to Attract New Restaurant Customers

Using Offers to Attract New Restaurant Customers

If you’re looking to attract new customers to your restaurant or takeaway business then using offers to attract new customers works well.

Restaurant or takeaway owners often use special offers to attract customers. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know what kind of offer will work; finding the right balance is the key to encourage people to use the coupon.

Studies have revealed that 70%…

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