7 Weeks Deep Dive Into Your Energy & Your Soul To Reclaim Your Divinely Abundant Essence

As spiritual women and lightworkers seeking soul alignment we often hit a roadblock on our path when we can’t seem to manifest the abundance that we need and deserve with ease and integrity. The issue here is that while stuck in lack and scarcity it becomes really difficult for us to rise above our conditioned reality and do the sacred work that we came here to do!
If you are reading this you probably are a heart-centred woman who knew since your young age that you are here to change the world and to help create a system that values all beings. You have a dream to fully step into your sacred calling, serve the planet and the human collective with all your heart. You know that you are here to make an impact yet you are not showing up fully for your sacred mission because you do not have the support, love and comfort that you need and you are focusing most of your time and energy on making sure your necessary 3D needs are met.
But what if all that can change?
The reason why you are not living an abundant life yet is because of energetic blocks in your energy system preventing you from fully tapping into your Divinely Abundant nature and this why you are here now beloved.

Open your heart and step into unity with your soul…
Let us speak to you words that you already know… words that you’ve forgotten
It is time to remember now…
It is time to feel into the ever-expansive space within you…
It is time to remember now that in your heart lays the portal to your divinely abundant nature…
Come with us… Come remember beloved…

This program includes over 19 channeled Light Language Transmissions from the 7 Star Sisters to help you Clear all the Abundance Blocks in your system and Activate your Divine Abundance Codes in your DNA.
This work is also accompanied by Deep Energy Healing and Clearing Work facilitated by Dorra Azizi who is a Priestesses of the Divine Feminine with the powerful support of Archangel Michael. The program includes also 3 Alchemical Ceremonies with 3 Faces of the Goddess (the Great Mother, the Goddess of Love and the Weaver Dreamer) who are going to be our mentors and help you really reclaim our divinely abundant nature on a conscious level and alchemize + integrate your part of your shadow that are holding back.
I would be honored to take you on this transformational journey for 7 weeks to reclaim your Divinely Abundant essence with Light Language.

Divinely Abundant is a Mystical Journey that takes you directly to your heart and your energy helping you clear and dissolve all Abundance blocks in your energy field and in your chakra system and activating your Abundance codes through the Universal technology of Light Language that gives the ability to shift and shape your reality through tuning you to some very specific high frequencies

Your Guide On This Journey

Hi my name is Dorra Azizi, and I’m a Priestess, a Light Language Spiritual Healer and a Soul-Alignment and Sacred Calling Coach. It is my deepest honor to be your guide on this deep dive journey, to help reclaim your Divinely Abundant Essence.
My story with reclaiming my abundance and my power started when I decided I didn’t want to play by the rules of the old system anymore, and I set out to reclaim my freedom and unlock my abilities as a limitless being and powerful Creatrix.
It has been a wonderful journey full of tears, long nights, incense and crystals and lots of yummy aha moments and experiences. I has to face many of my fears and deconstruct and clear lots of my old stories, blocks, and limitation and it has been so rewarding on many levels. I was able to manifest many beautiful things and experiences that my soul was sooo deeply yearning for.
On this journey, I am a guide and a traveler and I am here to share with you my soul medicine, and help you remember your medicine, your sacred calling and your true essence so we may all together amplify the vibration of love in service of humanity, and co-create the heaven on earth that we are all dreaming into reality.
Your High-dimensional Divine Feminine Mentors on this journey
The 7 Star Sisters
The 7 Star Sisters are a collective of 7 Divine Priestesses of a high dimensional soul group that Dorra channels in Light Language. They are in service of the Divine Feminine, and they bring messages and frequencies of love and remembrance of your naturally joyful and abundant Essence. They also are in communication with us to help us awaken our divine gifts, qualities, and purpose.

The 7 Star Sisters
The 7 Star Sisters are a collective of 7 Divine Priestesses of a high dimensional soul group that Dorra channels in Light Language. They are in service of the Divine Feminine, and they bring messages and frequencies of love and remembrance of your naturally joyful and abundant Essence. They also are in communication with us to help us awaken our divine gifts, qualities, and purpose.

The Great Mother Archetype through the face of Mother Gaia
The Goddess Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess. She is an Ancient Greek Goddess who helps us remember that we are always held, protected and loved by Her. She holds us lovingly in Her arms. As Her daughters as we can surrender all our fears to Her and feel nourished by Her unconditional love.
The Goddess of Love through the face of Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene is an incredible priestess of Isis and the lineage of the Rose she is also the twin flame of Jesus and his partner in bringing and sharing the teachings of the Christ Consciousness. She dedicated her life to raising the frequency of the planet and she helps us remember to open our hearts and to love and forgive ourselves unconditionally so we may remember our Divine nature and connect to the unconditional love of the Universe.

The Goddess of Love through the face of Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene is an incredible priestess of Isis and the lineage of the Rose she is also the twin flame of Jesus and his partner in bringing and sharing the teachings of the Christ Consciousness. She dedicated her life to raising the frequency of the planet and she helps us remember to open our hearts and to love and forgive ourselves unconditionally so we may remember our Divine nature and connect to the unconditional love of the Universe.

The Weaver Dreamer through the face of the Goddess Sophia
Sophia is the Gnostic goddess of divine wisdom. Sophia can be referred to as the Cosmic Mother, the Creatrix who From the void of Her womb created the entire world. She helps us remember that She (Source Energy) lives within each one of us and that in each moment we are dreaming, weaving and birthing new worlds and new realities.

This Journey will allow you to
✨ Live your life with more flow and ease
💗 Dream bigger than you have ever imagined and watch your dreams come to life
✨ Have a deeper sense of belonging and purpose
💗 Remember and embody your essence as a divinely abundant and infinite being
✨ Manifest the life you DESERVE and have always dreamed of having
💗 Attract more money, incredible experiences, amazing relationships – attract more abundance into every level of your life becoming an energetic match
✨ Free yourself from the shackles of lack and scarcity and start living with more freedom
💗 Open your heart and feel more joy, passion, and love for all beings and feel really ALIVE

You Will Receive
7 Weeks Online Journey focused on One Chakra per week
2 Video Modules per Week and 2 Light Language Transmissions per week
7 Light Language Transmissions to Clear your Abundance Blocks
7 Light Language Transmission to Activate your Divine Abundance Codes
3 Recorded Ceremonies with Mother Gaia, Mary Magdalene, and Sophia


Opening Ceremony with the Mother Gaia (The Great Mother Archetype): Surrendering your fears and finding abundance within
Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in your Root Chakra and Activating Your Divine Presence Codes

Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in your Sacral Chakra and Activating your Divine Creative Potential Codes

Clearing all Abundance Blocks based in your Solar Plexus and Activating your Divine Sovereignty Codes

Deepening Ceremony with Mary Magdalene (The Goddess of Love Archetype): Opening your heart to universal love (your calling, why, sharing, giving and receiving)
Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in the Heart Chakra and Activating the Pink Rose Heart as the portal of abundance, beauty, and unconditional love

Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in the Throat Chakra and Activating your Divine Truth Codes

Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in the Third Eye Chakra and Activating the Divine Vision Codes

Closing Ceremony with The Goddess Sophia (The Dreamer Weaver Archetype): Reconnecting to the universal field of consciousness and birthing your new reality
Clearing the Abundance Blocks based in the Crown Chakra and Activating your Divine Universal Connection Codes

Join the journey and reclaim your Divinely Abundant Essence
Access Divinely Abundant for ONLY $177USD!
(reg $288USD)
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the Abundance Blocks of each chakra that we'll be clearing?
These are some and not all of the Abundance Blocks in the 7 chakras. The light language transmission will target your specific blocks in each chakra. So even if you feel that some of your blocks haven’t been mentioned know that it will be cleared.
Root Chakra: Most types of fears, feeling unsafe, separation, alienation, not belonging
Sacral Chakra: Lack of creative force, motivation and passion
Solar Plexus: Unworthiness, not enoughness, too muchness, powerlessness, and shame
Heart Chakra: Withholding love and abundance, greed, fear of rejection, abandonment issues, emotional numbness, self-hatred, guilt, and betrayal
Throat Chakra: Lack of communication, lack of clear and truthful self-expression, lack of creativity, disconnection from your sacred mission, fear of being seen, fear of being heard, disconnection from your truth, difficulties asking for what you want and need
Third Eye: Anxiety, worry, lack of imagination, dramatization, inability to visualize a better future, inability to see opportunities for abundance, lack of vision for abundance, disconnection from your inner guidance, disconnection from spirit, unclear intuition and blocked intuition
Crown Chakra: Feelings of disconnection from Source and your higher self, uncertainty, lack of faith/belief in the Divine, inability to access and co-create with higher realms, and lack of connection and trust in the Universe
How much time do I need to invest in this program?
I would recommend assigning at least 15min per day to listen to the Light Language Transmissions and sit in meditation.
The program is not very time consuming and can easily fit into your morning practice.
The Ceremonies are about 1h – 1h:30 long each
But of course, it’s important to know that, like anything else, the more dedication, energy and focus you put into it the bigger your transformation is going to be!
You can follow your own rhythm with the program if you need to spend more time working with a specific chakra great go for it! The timeframe that I give you is only for reference. Following your intuition and taking care of your own system along the way is the most important thing.
What's Light Language and how does it work?
Light Language is the Universal Language of the Soul. It is received through the heart and it’s a powerful technology that has the ability to alter frequencies and states. It can enter your energy field, your chakras and your DNA to activate the dormant codes within you and to also clear and transmute what no longer serves you.
It is a gentle modality and it will work with your system and your readiness. Know that once you receive a light language code (transmission) it will remain in your system and may affect you at a later time once you more fully open yourself to receive it and allow it to shift your frequency and raise your vibration.
The bottom line you are ALWAYS in control nothing can act against your free will choice.