Dorset National Landscape Projects
The Dorset National Landscape Partnership has a small staff team who deliver a wide range of projects to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the National Landscape.

The Dorset National Landscape Partnership has a small staff team who deliver a wide range of projects to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the National Landscape.
The Dorset National Landscape Partnership has a small staff team who deliver a range of projects to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the National Landscape. We work with a wide range of organisations, communities, businesses and landowners across the area – the success of our work is dependent on the people who farm, live and work here. Find out more about our projects:
Art and engagement
Connecting with nature
Landscapes for all
Connecting with nature
A coordinated network of volunteer Nature Buddies who help people overcome barriers to enjoy nature.
Connecting with nature
Safeguarding wildlife
Wild Purbeck
Working with farmers
Outstanding landscapes
Connecting people to place
Restore and recreate
Supporting communities with their plans for planting and caring for trees in their patch
Restore and recreate
Live well and love nature
60th anniversary
Supporting local business
Celebrating, supporting and promoting the great tastes of Dorset.
60th anniversary
Celebrating 60 years
Enhancing landscapes
Enhancing the Dorset National Landscape through partnership work with utility providers.
Art and culture
Catchment approach
Delivering the Catchment Based Approach in the West Dorset Rivers and Coastal Streams area.
Restoration & maintenance
Supporting communities to restore Dorset’s iconic and much-loved signposts
Special landscapes, special skies