

Check out what “I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining” brought us:


  • Kenny’s herpes. Cartman: “Cold sores is what girls call it”.
  • The South Park internal organs.
  • “The brain has to work overtime acting nice and pretending to care about people on the tour.”
  • “Don’t forget to…

I was wondering if that was the actual narrator of “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”! So fantastic. My respect for both shows just jumped about twenty thousand notches.

Anyway, writing because there is so much about this episode which made me bust. Ziplining?

I used to work at a mountain resort (in the Appalachians mind you) and they had just installed a zipline before I left. It was definitely not nearly as “badass” as they made it sound. The tour guides (or “hosts” as they were called at my workplace) were dead-on. I could never bring myself to be that hilariously involved with the job, which is probably why I didn’t stick around.

And fuck, ham and turkey sandwiches?? ALWAYS HAM AND TURKEY SANDWICHES. And always in a slushy disgusting cooler which melted on the way up the mountain and made the bread soggy.

And the shuttle. And the guy who has to tell you his life story when you clearly don’t want to hear it.

Matt and Trey have obviously done this before. Poor saps.

And Kenny!

And Kenny!

On a whim I decided to do a bunch of “portraits” to practice up on my digital coloring and character design/face-shaping. Just two done for now- here’s Butters!

On a whim I decided to do a bunch of “portraits” to practice up on my digital coloring and character design/face-shaping. Just two done for now- here’s Butters!

Something I did really quick this afternoon.

Something I did really quick this afternoon.



“ ricksantorum-2012:
“ testallthings:
“ What bothers me about Rick Santorum more than his bigotry towards gays is his constant rhetorical crusade against single parents.
I’m a product of a single mother, and I think I’m doing quite...




What bothers me about Rick Santorum more than his bigotry towards gays is his constant rhetorical crusade against single parents.

I’m a product of a single mother, and I think I’m doing quite alright, thanks.

Yes, what single mothers can produce: a guy who got blowjobs and sexually molested and harassed women and some Kenyan who pretends to be a Christian and hates religion. Wow. How nice.

Ahh, sometimes I’m just

so inclined to say something

and I have to physically restrain myself from saying things I know are just useless

but oh how I want to enter a state of frenzied writ on the matter, oh how I do. 

Okay, so I’m not usually one to reblog ranty crap on tumblr because I feel like it is a phenomenal waste of my time, so maybe it is the third beer kicking in. That said:

I am not a Democrat or a Republican, so any party bickering and political slamming isn’t going to come from this corner of the web. All I care about is this strange as hell fascination as to whether single parents are “appropriate”.

Gather around, children, it’s storytime:

My mother was born in 1950 to my grandmother, who was married for a year prior to the birth. Her husband left when my mother was only a few months old with the intention of never taking responsibility for his daughter. In the 50’s this meant absolute devastation for my mother and grandmother; it was socially unacceptable to not only be a single mother, but to divorce. “Luckily” for her divorce was not an option since her husband had not only left town, but the country. Without his consent on the paperwork she was incapable of filing.

When approaching the government for financial aid she was told to sell all her belongings and directed to live with her “nearest living male relative”. She received no aid and went to live with her father, a retired railroad conductor, in an apartment where she and my mother had to sleep on the fire escape since there was not enough room on the floor for all three of them to lay down.

When my grandmother tried to find work she was laughed at left and right. She had no experience since this was, at the time, mostly men’s business, but she was determined. She eventually found work and somehow managed to raise my mother at the same time, and also found a larger apartment and invited her father to live with them.

Not only did she raise my mother, but she essentially raised me as well. Let me tell you, she is, despite the hell the world has given her, probably the most admirable person you will ever meet. Tough as nails, a wise-ass, terrible at poker-facing, and also the most loving character in my life. She is turning 98 the end of this month and I still have a lot to learn from her.

Single parents have a lot more put on their shoulders, sure, but this isn’t about how many people are raising a child. This is about what kind of people are raising a child. Instead of focusing on a number focus on the treatment. A loving parent isn’t going to suddenly stop being a loving parent because they lack a spouse.

Well, that’s all I’ve got to say.

(via theidlerwheel2012-blog)

Part of a larger picture I was planning (got a nice background out of it, too! But it just didn’t meld in the end 8(). Cartman breaks canon style dimensions. Maybe I’ll play with a few more characters this way…

Part of a larger picture I was planning (got a nice background out of it, too! But it just didn’t meld in the end 8(). Cartman breaks canon style dimensions. Maybe I’ll play with a few more characters this way…

Just a quickie.
Original style Kyle. Word-up to fellow gap-grills!

Just a quickie.
Original style Kyle. Word-up to fellow gap-grills!

Haha this one is so lazy (GRADIENTS, STOP USING THEM), but there is not enough Barbrady love so posting it anyway.

Haha this one is so lazy (GRADIENTS, STOP USING THEM), but there is not enough Barbrady love so posting it anyway.

Close-ups because this wound up being a bigger picture than originally planned.
I always wanted a pet triceratops as a kid… still waiting for the day when that’s possible!

D'aww 8(
(Lol at this/responses/shitstorm)
Stan is a great character.
Gotta’ say, most main characters are bland in the animation genre. Pick up pretty much any Disney animated film and you’ve got a lead who probably doesn’t have much else to define...

D'aww 8(
(Lol at this/responses/shitstorm)

Stan is a great character.
Gotta’ say, most main characters are bland in the animation genre. Pick up pretty much any Disney animated film and you’ve got a lead who probably doesn’t have much else to define himself outside of his heroic destiny. Not that I want to harp on Disney films (they have their niche and I’m a bit of a Disneyphile stylistically), but character development is not always their strong point due to time (1hr, 30min tops to flesh out everything) and content constraints. Note: I’m excluding Pixar from this as they are geniuses (so shhhh).

The great thing about a television series, especially one that’s been on so long, is that you’ve got such a range to work your characters into human beings. I give Stan credit for being one of a select few main characters I find myself identifying with on a number of levels and not someone I’m simply supposed to watch and cheer on. And if he happens to make me angry at some point, all the better. You’re not supposed to like every aspect of a person- there’s an infinite amount of personality variation which makes that impossible.

What we’ve got here is a case of good writing. Personal investment in storytelling can be difficult for an audience not willing to invest. That the writer decided to invest in a profound emotional shift shows care on his end, and as a member of said audience I’m incredibly happy to see he does.

Also, confession blogs are hilarious (I’ve only discovered them recently, being an old fart). That’s all I’m saying.


watching the new south park

IT’S VERY LIFE OF BRIAN UP IN HERE HMMMM your monty python is showing, guys.

So much! Loved the window scene. Butters is a little Graham Chapman to me now.
Come with me, friends!

Come with me, friends!



i just checked out the sonichu tag

everyone is talking about tonight’s new SP ep and wondering if they’re going to reference CWC


I thought of this as soon as I saw the preview! If they reference CWC I will DIE HAPPY absofreakinglutely happy.

(via youthculturekilledmydog-deactiv)