
Tandem and Ovoid Brachytherapy
Tandem and ovoid brachytherapy, used to treat cancer of the cervix, is done less frequently as a high-dose rate treatment. It consists of the tandem, a small metal tube that is placed inside the patient’s uterus, and an ovoid, which is a similar metal tube with a circular shape used for treatment of the cervix. During treatment, the radioactive source passes through both the tandem and the ovoid at different times to ensure that the entire region is properly treated.
Vaginal Cylinder Brachytherapy
Vaginal cylinder brachytherapy treatments are most commonly performed on patients who have had a hysterectomy. In this scenario the applicator has a central metallic tube in which the radioactive source will travel. The cylinder is inserted into the vagina and will remain there for the duration of the treatment.
Typically, the total preparation and treatment time for the first day is a few hours, while the remaining days the process takes about one hour.
Interstitial Brachytherapy
This is a technique of Brachytherapy where the interstitial needles or flexible catheters are placed in proximity to the tumour or the area of interest intraoperatively. This is used most commonly for soft tissue sarcomas and head and neck cancers based on the site, stage and possibility of catheter placement. This technique ensures to give a very high dose of radiation over a small area. Template based Intertitial Brachytherapy is also possible in pelvic tumours ( Prostate and Vaginal tumours) , localised abdominal tumours etc. This has to be done by experts who have the training to do the procedure on a regular basis.